Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What it's all about, Alfie

Within each one of us is the struggle between God (generosity) and The Devil (Satan: our fearfulness).

For 15,000 years, Satan has had the upper hand (because of the invention of 'Mine' due to the invention of Agriculture and, this Private Property).

Until now.

The Process to Achieve Co-operative Socialism

 The Process to Achieve Co-operative Socialism

1) The election of MPs who will initiate a House of Commons Debate:

   'That This House shall adopt, implement and Annually-Audit, Review, Celebrate and, as necessary, Adjust by Social-Agreement, the plan for Co-operative Socialism (as given for example in the CCPA Reader at'

2) Forthwith, by each Summer Recess, The House of Lords should make, Annually, a recommendation to the House of Commons as to two monetary-levels, a) the £-amount of the Living Income for Everyone (a 'LIFE' for all), and, b) the maximum £-amount and equivalents, above which no paid-work should be received.

Co-operative Socialism, #truesocialism, as briefly as I can!


Our plan for Co-operative Socialism, #truesocialism, as briefly as I can:

1) Convert all workplaces into appropriate Co-operatives (of which there are only four), 

2) Abolish Rent, Interest and Profits (and, so, a Money, Banking and Finance System that is interest-free and not-for-profit), 

3) A guaranteed, not-means-tested, Living Income for Everyone, a 'LIFE', and an Income Maximum, Socially-determined (so that no-one has too little and no-one has too much) with most human needs Community-provided and Free-at-the-point of use (ie, #truesocialism) Retaining money as a means to discretionary purchases for as long as Society considers necessary.

4) An end to Third-World Loans (ie an end to Global Warfare, Grants-as-requested instead).

Ie: All our sisters our brothers, and all our brothers our sisters: an end to Divide-And-Rule. A Global Co-operative Commonweal of Co-operative Care, composed of Democratic  Socialist Co-operative Commonwealths: 

   Peace, happiness, creativity, contribution, health, eco-love and lives lived well , for all, by all, to all, in All!

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Fair World Project: For The Common Good/Le Bien Commun

 Our Fair World Objective: To have each Sovereign House of Commons (or its equivalent) Adopt, Implement and Annually Audit, Celebrate and, as deemed Democratically needed, Adjust, as necessary, our Plan and Process called Co-operative Socialism.

Why? So that society determines, for the Health and Wellbeing of Everyone and Everything, the Fair Income Distribution. So, that, no-one receives too little and no-one takes too much: For The Common Good/Le bien Commune. The Fair World Project.