John Bellers had it right - Jesus, too!
Dear friends
Don't get suckered in - as if I expected you would!
Re; Re: Fwd: [Occupy London rdwg] Chris Hedges takes up the torch
Don't get suckered in - as if I expected you would!
Re; Re: Fwd: [Occupy London rdwg] Chris Hedges takes up the torch
![]() |
John Bellers - Quaker tapestry panel |
So, as I said yesterday, it looks as though the bosses are engineering a 'revolution' that they, as usual, control.
Better, however, is the horizontalist, co-operative, equalitarian, truly socialist (ie before Marx) evolution to a true co-operative democracy - with the opportunity - or even, voluntarily-accepted responsibility to under take co-operative care-ship - as part of, not as 'stewards' of, the whole of the global creation/commonweal.
Remember, Stephen Harper, Mark Carney's buddy/servant/
Jeremy Paxman was right - if you abrogate your adult responsibility to take part, in what-ever way, in the grueling 'Long March Through The System', then you can't have a say when the devil - human selfishness - takes over.
BTW - this Marx thing's got to stop: John Bellers an early Friend wrote "The labours of the poor are the mines of the rich."
London has been a continuous site of actions to turn the world the right-way up - ie horizontally! Whether the London and Kentish and West-Country mobs talked of class (they probably did), they knew who their oppressors were and who they were employed by (just as Jesus' supporters did - see William Hertzog II's 'Parables as Subversive Speech: Jesus as Pedagogue of the Oppressed' - thanks bob p-w!
For all
ps Ask your-self why it is that these people get so much air time, while the horizontalist, genuinely co-operative socialist voice is never reported . . .
> * Russell Brand's fire crosses the Atlantic*
> As Russell Brand’s simultaneously visceral, emotional and intellectual
> case
> for revolutionary change goes viral, respected Pulitzer prize-winning US
> journalist Chris Hedges, arriving at the same conclusion, goes even
> further
> than the comedian.
> Exactly one year ago, Hedges, who wrote for the *New York Times* for 15
> years until 2005, described the US presidential
> election<
> as
> “a battle between the corporate state and us”. His conclusions and actions
> then echoed the eruption of Occupy:
> If we do not immediately engage in this battle we are finished, as climate
> scientists have made clear. I will defy corporate power in small and large
> ways. I will invest my energy now solely in acts of resistance, in civil
> disobedience and in defiance.
> And in registering a protest vote for the Green Party, he said he was
> stepping outside the system. Twelve months later, Hedges’ ideas have moved
> on apace. Amongst other things, he’s been studying the work of Aristotle,
> Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and
> anarchists, including Alexander Berkman.
> Hedges now sees things much more clearly. While Brand was laying into
> Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight <
> Hedges noted <http://
> Class struggle defines most of human history. Marx got this right. The
> sooner we realise that we are locked in deadly warfare with our ruling,
> corporate elite, the sooner we will realise that these elites must be
> overthrown.
> And this week, in *Our Invisible
> Revolution*<http://
> Hedges looks deeper at the revolutionary process itself. He believes that
> the ideas used to justify the “private and state institutions that serve
> our corporate masters” are losing their power over people. He adds:
> The battle of ideas is percolating below the surface. It is a battle the
> corporate state is steadily losing. An increasing number of Americans are
> getting it. They know that we have been stripped of political power. They
> recognise that we have been shorn of our most basic and cherished civil
> liberties, and live under the gaze of the most intrusive security and
> surveillance apparatus in human history. Half the country lives in
> poverty.
> Many of the rest of us, if the corporate state is not overthrown, will
> join
> them. These truths are no longer hidden.
> Hedges believes that once enough people “get it” – that free market
> capitalism does not serve their interests – then the process of change
> quickens and, as Berkman
> wrote<
> “evolution becomes revolution”.
> There is a nervous air among America’s ruling elites, Hedges believes,
> because more and more people have rejected the ideas of the status quo.
> “This is why voices of dissent – as well as spontaneous uprisings such as
> the Occupy movement – are ruthlessly crushed by the corporate state.”
> Like most people, however, Hedges comes to the realisation of the need for
> revolution unwillingly, reluctantly. He would prefer “the piecemeal and
> incremental reforms of a functioning democracy”, a system that allows its
> citizens to non-violently dismiss those in authority, “a system in which
> institutions are independent and not captive to corporate power”.
> An uprising that is devoid of ideas and vision is never a threat
> But, as after acknowledging that we don’t live under such a system, Hedges
> admits that “revolt is the only option left”.
> To avoid spontaneous movements like Occupy being ruthlessly crushed by the
> state, Hedges is clear that we need a direction, a strategy and
> alternative
> ideas for how society could look in the future.
> An uprising that is devoid of ideas and vision is never a threat to ruling
> elites. Social upheaval without clear definition and direction, without
> ideas behind it, descends into nihilism, random violence and chaos. It
> consumes itself.
> So the key to a successful revolt, for Hedges, is a clear vision of a new
> society and a strategy for how it can be achieved. To which we should add,
> democratic forms of networked political organisations that can help us
> focus on the main prize.
> Russell Brand and Chris Hedges are playing a tremendous role in bringing
> the case for system change out into the open. They have helped kick-start
> a
> social revolutionary process which millions will join.
> Gerry Gold
> 30 October 2013
> - Backlash against Brand shows he got it
> right<http://
> - See more at:
> http://
> **
> http://
> --
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