Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Globalised Capitalism or The Kingdom of Heaven - by Tuesday! If it's not good for everyone, then it's not good for anyone.

Of course, we know this:

Hence the plan for peace = the Kingdom of Heaven = The plan for Co-operative Socialism.

By Tuesday!

ps Of course, as the film says, the Globalised Capitalist Government kills its opponents (eg Jesus) and, so, should there be more 'assassinations' (even 'death by heart attack' (like John Smith?) you'll all know the truth of the foregoing.

Am I fearful?

Of course.

But should we stop acting for the wellness of all?

Of course not.

Because it's the wellness *of all* that the plan for Co-operative Socialism is all about - the wellness of the '1%' (ie the 2%) and 'their' Praetorian Guard (the 10%) along with us, the 88%: the whole planet included.

If it's not good for everyone, then it's not good for anyone.

Hope this helps!


The Kingdom of Heaven - by Tuesday!

A collection of published papers:

Hope they help!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Co-operative Socialism and biology

At the site, the following question was posed:

The former Yugoslavia would be characterized as a:
A) cooperative socialist economy.
B) capitalist economy.
C) totalitarian economy.
D) market-socialist economy.;sent#new

I have offered an answer:

We have yet to see a truly Co-operative Socialist society (note the hyphen in 'co-operation' etc, so Cooperative Socialism is better written as Co-operative Socialism) among humans.

For example, the use of the term Co-operative Socialism by a previous government in Guyana was an an inappropriate use of the term and George Melnyk in 'The Search for Community' (Black Rose Books, Montreal ca 1980) points out that attempts at imposing co-operation by different political jurisdictions has always, for the most part, failed.

However, in a wider biological context, as Richard Dawkins points out (if I recall it right: in a new introduction to a Penguin paperback edition of Robert Axelrod's 'The Evolution of Cooperation'), co-operation is by far the most successful mode of living-and-reproduction in not-human animal species.

Readers might like to see a plan for Co-operative Socialism in the papers' section at - a plan that has already been adopted by Labour Action for Peace (in 2013) and by Occupy London (in October 2015).

Finally, Wikipedia has declined to open a page on Co-operative Socialism. Odd that.


I'd appreciate seeing your comments.


In and for co-operation - for the Common Good (it's an ICA Principle 7 thing!)


ps I found this since I have a 'Google Alert' for Co-operative Socialism.

Perhaps I should also have one for Cooperative Socialism . . .
