Sunday, April 9, 2017

Progress on Co-operative Socialism: Synopsis and Overview April 2017

My friend, Rajula Singh asks how I am.

I reply, on this atonishing dawn morning in Beckenham.

Terrible, really. I'm a Doctor. I'm good at healing patients. But none of the patients want too be healed. So, I'm miserable.

People are miserable when their needs are not met.

Con-versely, people are happy when their needs *are* met.

And they *can* be met . . . if people want to have their needs met.

But, it seems, they don't want their needs met.

So, I'm unhappy; miserable: since my need is to have my needs met.

Which is to have my love for all accepted. Which it's not. So I'm unhappy.

Ps Needs essay in the papers' section at

The key need to is equality (see and the plan for equality is called Co-operative Socialism (eg, with You Tube videos, at:

The next steps towards implementation, audit and celebration of a world of Co-operative Socialism is for individuals to ask if their MP supports the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

And, if yes, are they promoting it?

And, if no, they don't support it, why not?

A model Constituent's letter template for this is as above or in the essays at

As is a model Motion that Organisations could adopt.

Which, put simply says:

We adopt, and will promote, the plan for Co-operative Socialism, as an alternative to capitalism.

Which is what Labour Action for Peace, LAP (in 2013), The Bromley Co-operative Party (in 2014) and Occupy London (in 2015) have already done.

LAP is active in supporting and promoting the plannfor Co-operative Socialism by, for example, correlating the replies from MPs to the Constituents' letters described above. 

Progress is, however, slow. So! I'm miserable!


Meanwhile, in the world:

Or, better, perhaps:




So, not so much:

Which is lovely, but:

Which as an exercise in Co-operative Socialism:

All we/I! Need is love, equality, Co-operative Socialism!

(And, of course, my heart beloved . . . )

So, I wonder how many people will write *their* letter tom*their* MP (, today, this week, ever?

Terrible, really. I'm a Doctor. I'm good at healing patients. But none of the patients want too be healed. So, I'm miserable.

People are miserable when their needs are not met.

Con-versely, people are happy when their needs *are* met.

And they *can* be met . . . if people want to have their needs met.

But, it seems, they don't want their needs met.

So, I'm unhappy; miserable: since my need is to have my needs met.

Which is to have my love for all accepted. Which it's not. So I'm unhappy.

Ps Needs essay in the papers' section at

The key need to is equality (see and the plan for equality is called Co-operative Socialism (eg, with You Tube videos, at:

The next steps towards implementation, audit and celebration of a world of Co-operative Socialism is for individuals to ask if their MP supports the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

And, if yes, are they promoting it?

And, if no, they don't support it, why not?

A model Constituent's letter template for this is as above or in the essays at

As is a model Motion that Organisations could adopt.

Which, put simply says:

We adopt, and will promote, the plan for Co-operative Socialism, as an alternative to capitalism.

Which is what Labour Action for Peace, LAP (in 2013), The Bromley Co-operative Party (in 2014) and Occupy London (in 2015) have already done.

LAP is active in supporting and promoting the plannfor Co-operative Socialism by, for example, correlating the replies from MPs to the Constituents' letters described above. 

Progress is, however, slow. So! I'm miserable!


Meanwhile, in the world:

Or, better, perhaps:




So, not so much:

Which is lovely, but:

Which as an exercise in Co-operative Socialism:

All we/I! Need is love, equality, Co-operative Socialism!

(And, of course, my heart beloved . . .

But, . . . )

So, I wonder how many people will write *their* letter to *their* MP (, today, this week, ever?

Friday, April 7, 2017

Neo-Mathusianism: Euthanise The Poor . . . Or The 'Rich'?

In ecological impact terms, the group that should be euthanised first - if one were crazy enough to proceed with this neo-Malthusian nonsense  - is the most wealthy* . . . Not, of course, the Malthusian eugenisists' target group for annhilation . . .

*A conclusion drawn from putting together:

 a) the social epidemilogical evidence in, say, The Spirit Level (that the wealthy -really the ill-thy in 'the global North West' are the most 'economically' active (in reality, a-economically active with their levels of consumption), and,

b) the equation that links wealth creation with pollution:

Materials  + Energy  ->  Wealth  +  Pollution

(The arrow symbol is read in such chemical equations as ' Goes to give'.)

Two additional points (well, three):

1) In capitalism, money is used to buy the inputs, 'Materials  +  Energy'.

The wealth is converted into more money than the inputs cost (see the wealth creation diagram in the second or middle article in the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism - which isarchived in the papers' section at

2) Again from the social epidemiological evidence (I'll scan the relevant pages, I hope), the extra a-economic activity brings no additional human benefit (as measured, for example, in health, happiness or multi-faceted well-ness.

3) And it's not 'evil people deliberately (ie with deliberation) trashing the planet', it's an automatic outcome/consequence of the error of permitting usury ('money-making/accumulating-money' by one of the four mechanisms, Rent, Interest, Profit, Higher-then-average-pay-for-work).

I think that there's a good case for identifying usury as the 'forbidden fruit' that's mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

Which would make the tree, itself, the concept that gives rise to those four money-accumulating mechanisms as the concept of Theft from and of The Creation/ The Commonwealth ie the evil concept of 'Private Property':


The Theft of Land provides Profit

The Theft of the Law provides Interest

The Theft of Knowledge provides Profit

The Theft of Position provides Higher-than-average-pay-for-work

The latter of which is paid for by Taxing 'uz', the 88%, upon permission of the 2% (they who 'receive' Rent, Interest and Profits as 'Owners'/Theives of The Creation/Commonwealth) and enforced by the 10% (the 2%'s Praetorian Guard: of paid Bullies, Bribers and Brainwashers).

So, for sustainability, support, implement and audit Co-operative Socialism.

By Tuesday!


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Laws of Chemistry means That Capitalism is non-sustainable

Here is a marvellous chemistry video


But one: recall the wealth creation equation:

Materials  +  Energy  ->  Wealth  +  Pollution

So, here, a healthy body is a 'well body' . . . well, wealth, weal are all related words.

Now, taking the Second Law of Thermondynamics into account (which says that, in *any* and *every* change, more disorder than order is created (the level of disorder is measured by an increase in entropy), then the amount of disorder that's created as we create weath/wellness/weal is *greater* than the amount of order we create.

Now, that externalised disorder can only be dealth with by 'external' forces (ie by the 'rest of' the planet at the rates of reactions that occur at the temperature of the planet in particular places at particular times.

So, for example, photosynthesis is converted highly disordered (ie gasous) molecules of carbon dioxide and water into highly ordered (solid and dissolved) carbohydrate molecules as I peck this out here in the springtime in sunny Beckenham.


Carbon dioxide  +  Water  ->  Carbohydrates  +  Oxygen

That's why William if Normandy and his army invaded England in 1066: England's climate, geology and physical geography are good at accumulating carbohydrates as wood and grain (and, indirectly through grass, meat, wool, leather and other animal products: to say nothing of the-then, feudal, weapons of war, horses, knights, archers, arrows, pike-men, etc).

(And, for anyone following the entropy aspect, two gaseous molecules, CO2 and water are 'fixed' into the carbohydrate molecule as only one gasous molecule, di-atomic oxygen, O2, is released  - to nourish those animals: including worms, bees and us, etc.)

So, if we set up an anti-economic sysyem (called capitalism . . . Or war if you want an accurate term) then the heat and material pollution (which together make up the disorder called increased pollution) result in the disequilibrium called global warming, decadence, 'the break-down of society' and all the forms of no-well-ness, ill-ness that are recorded inThe Spirit Level (and worse such as the, may-be, grossly exagerated reports of Satanic child-abuse as logged earlier on 'my' Facebook page).

So, in synopsis, sustainability is the balance between photosynthetic fixation of CO2:

CO2  +  H2O  +  Energy (sunlight)  ->  Carbohydrates  +  O2

And animal metabolism (eg 'burning fat'):

Carbohydrates +  O2  ->  CO2  +  H2O  + Energy (which always 'slides downhill'to become heat)

That's why 'my' blog is addressed as