Thursday, July 4, 2019

Is Co-operative Socialism Anarchism?

Is Co-operative Socialism Anarchism?

John Courtneidge 4 July 2019

It's different from anarchism in that it sees a rĂ´le for each nation State as a Co-operative Commonwealth, not as the abolition of the national State.

The difference as to the present States is that a Co-operative Commonwealth should operate as part of a noncoercive International Co-operative Alliance and according to globally-agreed Co-operative Values and Principles.

As it presently is, The International Co-operative Alliance (, convenes, about every thirty years, a Committee to review the 'ICA Statement on the Co-operative Identity'.

That last review was in 1995 and the newest added Principle, the Seventh states:

Principle Seven (something like)

'Co-operative carry out activities, approved by their memberships, for the sustainable well-being of their communities.'

The ICA site has a link to this Statement and I've put it, also, on the papers' page at

It occurs to me that XR could camp outside the ICA Headquarters and call for the ICA to get on board with this plan for Co-operative Socialism . . .

Sort of Occupy style.

Because if we don't, capitalism will.


Hope this helps

Co-operative Socialism and Land

Co-operative Socialism and Land

John Courtneiidge 4 July 2019

Regarding co-operative socialist economics and land:

Co-operative Socialism replaces land ownership with time limited agreements for 'Co-operative Careship'.

The closest to this in the UK is the concept of the 'Fully-repairing Lease'. Co-operative Careship goes further and adds remediation and social purpose to this.

I hope this helps!