Sunday, June 28, 2020

Creating Peace

A note on Misanthropy.

The data referenced in 'The Spirit Level' tells us that, as income inequality increases, so also does unhappiness increase.

At the same time, as income inequality increases, misanthrooy increases: misanthropy being the hatred of, distain for, fear of other people, regardless of gender (the two related words are, I think misogeny and misandry: hatred of all gendered women and hatred of all gendered men).

These are firms, I suggest, of psychological displacement: the unhappiness that income inequality creates (at a neurological, neurochemical basis, I also suggest) 'concretises' (turns from abstract feels and emotions, to practical, concrete objects and objectification) these neurochemical developments.

I recall, for example, a million kr so years ago, when I had a Summer-time job in a bottling line at Schweppes in Footscray, reaslising that I 'hated' the women workers opposite me: my hatred for the repetitive job, wrongly-projected onto them.

Likewise our responses to the lock-down and the lock-down on George Floyd's neck: taking the knee, as it were.

The solution, of course, is income equality, socially-determined.

As in the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

But you know that already . . .

Fourth First Day, June 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Big Picture

A note to our friend, and beloved Friend, Mededith.

Our fridnd Simon Hill lives, as I understand it, in Brighton, West Sussex. Know colloquially as London-By-The-Sea.

The Brighton fascists (the Zionists) have a history of targetting our Friends (Quakers) Meeting House, there, as part of their anti-Democratic Nazism (you will recall that the Nazis burnt down the Brlin Reichstag for the same purpose and that our (their) Canadian NeoConservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper achieved the same anti-demicratic end by Proroguing Parliament in Ottawa.

His NeoCon Zionist colleague, Alexander dePfeffile Boris Johnson used the same stunt here in the UK.

Particularly since the UK Working Class voted Brexit, in order to get us out of the anti-democratic, Zionist EU.

He had no option.

His $-backers would have demanded so.

Now, the Zionist Nazis cannot attack Friends House in London (for fear, at present, of upsetting their North Lindon Liberal-not Élite, so they repeatedly attack Brighton Meeting House. (The same force is at play in regard to our Meeting Houses in Toronto and Ottawa: such an attack, the Nazi Zionists kniw, would provoke a hornets'-nest of well-odganised pacifists and Christians.)

The late-notice 'unavailability' due to 'a threat of public disorder' was used, most-recently, by targetting our Brighton Meeting House, last summer, when booked to allow my fellow democratic socialist comrade, Chris Williamson, a public platform.

Now, as to the Christian aspect to this.

Jesus was inordinately brave: knowing full well that Simon Hill's forebears in Jeruusalem had plotted to have him murdered by (attempted) crucifixion.

Their plot failed.

Likewuse, Simon's Nazi Zionist friends, Sibohan McDonagh, Peter Mandleson, etc, tried to politically-assassinate our friend and fellow democratic socialist, Jeremy Corbyn.

They failed, too.

Now little me.


(Odd that the three of us have JC initials. Pure alphabetical coincidence.)

Now, the Teachings and Parables of Jesus call us, as Quakers and Christians to act for love in the world*.

* I ran a workshop at CYM in er, um south of Ottawa by collectively and sequentially, reading three Parables:

The Parable of The Talents (Matthew)

The Parable of The Goid Samaritan

The Parable of The Minas (Luke)

All helpful.

Poor #sillysimon

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Regarding Usury, Zionism and That Virus


And thank-you, Simon Hill, for your offer to help!

Clearly my hope and prayers that you would turn from being a vexation, #obsessed, whingeing Zionist, into a helpful friend, have bourne fruit.


So, in your rôle as an ardent Zionist and, presumably, equalky-ardent and practicing Religious Jew, you can help us all over the following matter.

You will be aware of the 'Deuteronomic Double Standard' in that an Observant Religious Jew may practice Usury (in other words, use money to get and accumulate money, through the charging of interest: any level of interest, however openly or sureptitiously disguised, Chevienses, etc).

But only against 'The Foreigner': like us, the non-Jew, The Goyim, us, The Goys. Isn't that your observant Jews' name for us, the underclass, the mensch?

But not against your fellow Jews, to whom, and this is my question that I hope you can answer for us, as below, that 'All Manner of Usury' is forbidden.

I've added photograhs of some books that, I'm sure, you must have already read.

So, isn't that the Double Standard that the earlier Rabbis, The Pharisees and Sadducees in your midst, declared as Holy.

Presumably at the encouragement of The Usurers who were, then as now, paying them to say so.

And the leaders of your leading families, the Mothers and Grandmothers, requested be done.

So, my contemporary question:

We know, from the Book of Nehimiah, that that that slippery character, The Devil, selfishness, wheedles away inside each Usurer and that the Usurers of Jerusalem, in Nehimiah's time, and doubtless also in Daniel's time, started to practice Usury Against Their Fellow Jews.

Is that what's going on now?

Are Observant Usurers lending money to their Fellow Observant Jews, interest-free?

So that those borrowers have a #CommercialAdvantage over their Goy Competitors?

Or are The Usurers being #ParasiticalUsurers upon their Fellow Jews as well as us, The #Untermensch?

Is that what led to the various expulsions of 'The Jews' in various places, at various times, and which finally-culminated in the inclusion of 'The Jews' into the Nazi Death Camps.

After the Socialists, Communists, Trade Unionists had been dealt with, but before the Homosexuals, Gypsies, Roma, and the 'Mentally Defective', 'Useless Eaters'* had been 'dealt with'.

*(From Wiktonary: Calque of German 'unnütze Esser:

  useless eater (plural useless eaters)

  (politics) In the ideology of Nazi Germany, a person with a serious medical problem or disability, seen as requiring help from society but giving nothing back.')

So, that brings me our current times.

Is it Usury that is at the root of the present #HolocaustOfThePoorAndFrail ?

I understand that the present global plandemic was the result of the January 2019 US Congress Bill, itself, initiated by the Rickerfeller Foundations' 2010 'Scenarios' Document, that #TheEugenisists wanted all along?

Now, as best we know it (and here again, your research could help) the US Rockerfeller owners of their banking (ususry) empire are not from within the global Jewish Community.

But they are, doubtless, Zionists.

So, there we have it.

We know that very few people self-describing as Jews are Zionists and, indeed a similarly-few are #ZionistUsurers.

Indeed, most #ZionistUsurers are not self-describing Jews: Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton seem to not be, while Peter Mandelson, and his mortgage-provider Geoffrey Robinson, and his political funder Lord Levy, doubtless are.

Donald Trump may not be.

So, again Simon Hill, thank-you for being such a #HelpfulFriend !

Oh, those books, attached.


And for


And videos on Co-operative Socialism on YouTube.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Fake Zionism, Capitalism and 'Racism'

The PBS Blair videos, below are part of Perception Management (ie as in Adam Curtis' documentaries 'Hypernormalisation', available on YouTube).

I suggest that the perception that Physical-Space Zionism (Fake Zionism) is justified is the, initial, objective.

And, thus, first, that the continuation of The Zionist State of Israel is desirable, and, second, that the continuation of capitalism is desirable, *is the underlying objective*.

In other words, the population of *all* the people self-describing as Jews *are being used* by the Capitalists, via this Fake Zionism, in order to bolster the continuation of capitalism.

That's the true objective.

The question, then, is why the Fake Zionism (that led to the imposition of The State of Israel upon a pre-existing jurisdiction, Palestine: let's call that 'The Zionist Invasion of Palestine') occured (was occured) in the first place?

Was it to create a Fake Zionist Tax Haven for Capitalist Deposits?

For which I have no evidence.

But there must have been a reason why a Fake Zionist State was envisaged.

The Socialist/Communist/Marxist Bund opposed its creation.

That must be a clue.