The night before last, it occured to me that the contest is between me and Dominic Cummings.
As a prelude, I don't fight. I practice the Theory of Noncontested Spaces. So if the Zionist/Capitalists want to fight, I'll walk away.
Now, the cipher, here, for Dominic Cummings has been our friend Simon Hill, for whom I'll create the tag #sillysimon. I forebear to tag him as #idiotsimon, just about, since I pray that he will learn that being a 'leftist' (albeit one that voted Lib-Dem at the last, December 2019, General Election) *and* supporting the Zionist/Capitalist/Nazi/Evil is inconsistent.
Time will tell.
In the case of Dominic Cummings, poor man and family, I have to use the tag #evildominic, with great sadness, as a means of linking posts together.
Like #sillysimon, we can reasonably expect that #evildominic is a supporter of the Zionist/Capitalist/Nazi/Evil.
Unlike #sillysimon, who has only supported the former Coalition Partners, the Lib-Dems, of the Conservative/Capitalist/Zionist/Nazi/Evil, #evildominic is a full-blown participant in the murder of hundreds and thousands of entirely innocent people: mostly low-income, poor and disabled, often elderly imprisoned people, through his work for Austerity/Capitalism/etc.
And its #evilsibling, this pandemic/plandemic/flu/virus event.
Now, for a moment, let's ignore the Face-gang in front of #evildominic, Boris Johnson, Priti Patel et al, and wonder about who is funding and supporting this Conservative/Capitalist/Zionist/Nazi/Evil attack on the population of this Country?
Of which the mandatory face mask diktat is but a prelude of worse (mandatory injections, mandatory sterilisations, mandatory voluntary euthanesia, and, even more evil impositions).
Clearly the Capitalists and their supporters in this Country, from The Monarchy, The Aristocracy, The Establishment, Its Praetorian Guard networks, likely many/some/a few/perhaps in The City of London, but certainly all members of the Capitalist Employers' Round Table at Chatham House, The Royal Institute for International Affairs and its World Economic Forum networks, the Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations in New York and its equivalents in Canada, China perhaps, Russia perhaps, The Gulf States, India and Australasia, Saudi Arabia, and, of course, The Zionist/Capitalust Apartheit State of Israel.
But what about the people of the British Isles, your neighbours and families, your 'communities', Trades Unions, Co-operatives, Churches and local Councils?
Who do they support?
Or #truesocialism?
Ie True Co-operative Socialism #cohyphenoperativesocialism.
Support for Zionism/Capitalism/Evil can be active (like bullying at the Supermarket) or passive (Passing By On The Other Side).
Support for True Co-operative Socialism, however, can only be active.
Since, as remarked by others,
'For Evil to triumph, all that need happen is for good people (the good in all people, that is, even in #sillysimon and, presently, #evildominic) do nothing.'