Saturday, November 28, 2020

Yesterday in Hyde Park a Reflection

 Yesterday in Hyde Park, a Reflection.

So, where were the Authoritatians and other Hobby Protestors yesterday?

Where were the Trades Unionists defending democracy?

The PLP, The Micky-Mouse and Minnie-Mouse Marxists and 'Radical' Feminists, The SWP/MI5, The SP, AWL ETC?

Class Traitors selling their Red Tops, their fellow Authoritarians, the EDL, BNP, Kippers, the NEC Members of The Zionist Shouty 'Labour' Party and Co-operative Party.

Where were The Churches and Quakers defending Freedom of Assembly?

Where were the Professors, Lecturers, School 'Teachers' and the rest of Capitalism's Praetorian Guard? Sat at home reading 'The Guardian of Capitalism', supping hot chocolate with their freshly-clicked croissants?

Fair Trade, from Waitrose, of course.

Where were the MPs?

Off away in their Second or Third homes, South of Kent?

Those great 'Defenders' of 'Democracy'.

But, of course, there were no platforms for them to show off their 'Credentials'.

Before going off to their hot chocolate and Stolen.

All Fair Trade, of course.

From Waitrose.

Or Aldi.

Such good prices!

Slumming it! Eh?

No, they will have seen the advert placed on 'Social' media on Friday evening (or did Sadiq Khan's Political Police only target me? Quite likely.).

And been 'scared' off.

Or given an easy out.

Where a fresh-faced Met 'Deputy Assistant Commissioner', not Cressida Dick herself, warned us *NOT*  to come to Hyde Park.

Because the Met, the TSG, Gold Command, Re Territorial s in Reserve, etc, would disperse the Freedom Marchers and True Defenders of Democracy, Free Speech, Freedom of Assembly and Peaceful Protest *before* they assembled, 'Because of COVID'.

But they wouldn't disperse the Christmas crowds in Leicester Square or The Haymarket, 'Because of COVID'.

No: the Defenders of Capitalism/Zionism/Fascism/Satanism and Paedophilia, Eugenics and Worse, would *NOT*  come out of Broadcasting House and ITV HQ, all a mere walk away from Hyde Park.


And, so, *NOT*  record the bully cowards, Sadiq Khan's Political Police (Quislings for Fascism) *deliberately targeting* the weakest members present: the elderly women, the elderly men, the disabled, the single mothers, all those aware of the next step after mandatory masks:

Mandatory Sterilisation.

Shame on those Fellow Travellers for Capitalism.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

An Open Letter to All Freedom Movements Worldwide

 An Open Letter to All my friends in The Freedom Movements, Worldwide

Please share and Give The Love

For the past twenty-five years, I've been part of all of the Freedom Movements here in the UK and in Canada.

Always as An Outsider, never as An Insider.

I don't know why.

Each time, the New Movement for Freedom has been undermined by a sinister effect.

Thus, we were always told to 'Not Be Political: After All, All Politicians are Corrupt'.

This co-option always seems to come from the same sources: the Supporters of Neoliberalism/Capitalism/Zionism and worse, along with their allies, the Wannabe New Bosses, the Marxists.

"Our only rôle", they said, "Is *only* to protest 'What is'."

Never to propose, 'What might be'.

Let alone, 'What must be'.

Now, we know that this present Covid-19 'circumstance' has, at the very least, been used for political purposes by those same Tyrannical 'Élites'.

For their benefits, alone.

At worse, they've been used, or even created, for astoundingly evil purposes: of Satanism, Eugenics, Paedophilia.

And worse: Cannibalism, perhaps, Genetically- modified Humans, mass sterilisation if our Child-bearing-age women and girls.

Who knows what The New World Order's end goal is? The 'Great Reset' is only a prelude.

So, I dissent.


I dissent from the Totalitarian Imposition that 'Your rôle is just to protest, crowd-fund, hold up 'our' Mass-produced placards, sing our mass-produced slogans ('We are the 99%', etc), sell 'their' MI5-Approved Red-top 'News'-oapers 'Of Resistance'.


I won't stop saying that there *is* an alternative.

And that alternative will produce a free, sustainable, creative polity: of 'We, The People, Caring, Co-operatively, for All'.

Not *For The All*.

But *As part of The All*.

That alternative is the plan for Co-operative Socialism. Call it by whatever name you prefer (though the bosses would prefer that: Divide, by name, And Rule').

And, organisationally, consider using The Sunflower Co-operative Model (as in the papers' section at by setting up *local*, *not-federated*, Community Co-operatives, or Guilds of Co-operators: For Peace and The Common Good.

As it said above, please:

Please, share and Give The Love.

For all, the best, equally,

John Courtneidge 😊

Thursday, November 19, 2020

a bio

 My range of activities is shown by the papers' section at and an archive of essays at videos and a radio interview on the plan for Co-operative Socialism are on YouTube: most easily found using the web search term, as punctuated "Co-operative Socialism"

I am a sixty-nine year old Grandfather and Quaker and have a PhD in Chemistry from University College London.

The intersection with sociocracy us to be found in my proposal for the repopulation if Second Chambers such as The House of Lords here in the UK and The Federal Senate in Ottawa: I am both a UK Subject by birth, a Canadian citizen by application and, in my heart an Acadian.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Then There Was Light

 First, there was Darkness and The Darkness comprehended it not.

Then, there was Light and The Darkness comprehended it not.

Then there was The Messenger, with The Message.

And The Darkness comprehended it not.

And attempted to kill The Messenger.

But it could not kill The Message.

Then the plan for #truesocialism emerged from The Messenger's Message From His Father.

Our Father.

And The Darkness still tried to kill The Messengers and their Message and plan.

The plan for true Co-operative Socialism.

Then The Light spread all over The World.

From The East.

Thanks be!