Sunday, May 30, 2021

What Went Wrong.

 In England, we used to have an Esucational System.

It had evolved to the point whereby, in the mid 1970's we had evolved an Educational System based, not on memorisation, but upon reasoning.

That, of course, has to be 'replaced'. 

As it was.

By SATS and the National Curriculum.

I know.

I was there.

And I invented it.

But as a local management system at Eltham Green School, as Head of Chemistry in the mid 1970's, before Thatcher.

The HMI took a copy of our local management system when they came on a School Inspection.

And, then, used it to destroy the educational system in England.

And impose the compliance system that has, now, been used to harm our children.

By demanding that they be Trained.

Not Educated.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The History of Occupy

 Yes: that why we need to do what Occupy failed to do at any of our camps: to say that Capitalism is the problem.

The Public School- and Grammar-school boys in the basement seats at Starbucks (!) rather than on the pavement carpets at our Tent City University (having co-opted the Occupy London Economics Working Group) would not make that step.

Subsequently (after the 2017 General Election, with Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader), the, by now much deserted Occupy London Economics Working Group called a series of (very poorly attended but honest as to process) General Assemblies:

   - at which the plan for Co-operative Socialism was adopted.

There is, therefore, an extant Occupy London webpage to that effect (Google "Co-operative Socialism" as punctuated).

I offer myself to speak on 29th May in Central London, and elsewhere at other times, on these terms.

Simply put:

  - For Freedom you need Equality, for Equality you need Democracy, for Democracy you need a plan.

Hence the plan for #truesocialism:

  - By implementing the plan for Co-operative Socialism: 

  - For Peace and The Common Good.

John Courtneidge


Saturday 22nd May 2021

Le bien Commune!

It is all planned


The first act of the Thatcher-led, Neoliberal Capitalist Government in the UK was, in October 1979, to abolish Exchange Controls.

I call this 'Baby Bang' as the prelude to the Big Bank of Bank Deregulation.

A year or so later.

Baby Bang meant that the UK was immediately denuded of 'Working Capital' in the form of liquid Business Credit (to buy raw materials, machinery, leases, etc).

That was followed, inevitably, by business bankruptcy and the export of physical capital (machinery) to south-east Asia and China.

The #woke #fakeleft #hobbyprotesters and their red-top #fakeleftmedia didn't speak of this (either out of stupidity, ignorance or co-option) *and still won't*.

It was all planned: see the Ridley Report and more at and at Wikipedia.

What was true then is true now: the #woke #fakeleft #hobbyprotesters and #fakeleftmedia won't mention the Rockerfeller Foundation's 'Senarios' document of 2010 and Harry Vox' 2014 TV interview (available on YouTube) where he whistle-blew that document.

So, we for Truth and Freedom must do so: highlight their plans.

And ours.

For #truesocialism

By implementing the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Labour Party: a solution.

 The Labour Party: a solution.

A Model Resolution for Branch Labour Parties, CLPs, Affiliated Trade Union Branches, Trades Councils etc:

   'The Labour Party Membership card states it to be 'A Party of Democratic Socialism'.

At present, it is neither.

Accordingly, this Unit of The Labour Party calls on other Units of The Labour Party to require the National Executive Committee to do the following and for the Parliamentary Labour Party and Welsh and Scottish Assembly Labour Parties, County Labour Parties, etc to act accordingly to:

A)  Reinstate all Members that have been expelled over the past five years' or so without proper democratic Hearings and Appeals with, if necessary, new democratic discipinary processes in which the complainants are named to the accused;

B)  Declare that, as a Party of, and for, Democratic Socialism that it will adopt the plan for Co-operative Socialism, as already adopted by Labour Action for Peace, Occupy London, Bromley Peace Council, Bromley Trade Union Pensioners'Action Association and Bromley Co-operative Party Branch, as a peaceful, democratic *replacement* of capitalism.

(The plan for Co-operative Socialism is available on the web: on YouTube as videos and a recoded radio interview calling for the 'Reform of The City of London'; at an Occupy London page; in the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism in the papers' section at; as an essay archive at; and at the evolving site

We so move.'

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, West Sussex

Saturday, 15th May 2021

Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Plan

 John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Monday 10th Mat 2021

The plan.

Elsewhere, it has been proposed that we start by getting thousands of local Councillors elected.

I disagreed, from experience.

Here's what I offered:

With respect, I disagree, having been a Town Councillor (in Hertford) and, by invitation, a candidate for Common Counil, twice in The City of London.

As Nye Bevan pointed out, Westminster is the place where real power lies: it is the place where the rules are made, which local Government operates.

Thus, if we are to *replace* capitalism, it has to be done at Westminster.

Hence the plan to a) implement the peaceful alternative, the plan for Co-operative Socialism, by b) setting up entirely autonomous, non-federated 'Guilds of Co-operators: for Peace and The Common Good' at a very local, less than Parliamentary Constituency level.

So that Parliamentary Candidates are identified and supported, to election, who pledge themselves to join with other MPs to implement the plan for true Co-operative Socialism.

And to not be divertec from that pressing need, for Peace and The Common Good.

Being aware that global Capitalism/Zionism/Satanism will do *everything* to ensure that this does not happen!