On 19th March 2020, the UK Government posted on gov.uk that the new illness, named by the WHO, the month begore as 'Covid-19' (since it was first identified in 2019: ie it was not the Nineteenth in a series such as Covid-17, Covid-18, etc) was, on that day, being downgraded from the H'ighly Infectious' and Deadly, category in which, for example, Ebola, is placed, since the new illness was proving to *not* be as deadly as had been, at first feared.
Incidentally, the name 'Covid' part of the name was used by the WHO since it, the WHO, both conjectured that it was viral in origin and that the WHO was fearul that if it, at that time, it used the 'SARS' labelling, there would be mass panic in south-east Asia.
The WHO's Director General explained that naming strategy in a Press Conference in, either February or March 2020 and viewable during 2020 on YouTube.
In that same time-bracket of February-March 2020, he also gave another Press Conference in order to say, exactly, that, 'All deaths involving Covid-19 were of individuals who had co-morbidities (ie pre-existing illnesses) such that the risk of death was enhanced by the new illness, not the result of the new illness *alone*.
On 19th March 2020 the UK's Prime Minister, named Alexander Boris d'Pfeffile Johnson (son of the Eugenisist, Stsnley Johnson) announced in the UK's House of Commons *the exact opposite* of that Covid-19 danger downgrade.
And four days' later on 23rd March 2020 tabled in the UK House of Commons *not a Bill for due process of Parliamentary Debate*, but a Statutory Instrument of 356 pages.
And, thus was initiated the murder of the elderly, the trashing of the economy, the excess suicides and, now, the *highlyly profitable* injection of the adult and elderly population with an untested set of injectable concoctions *for which informed consent as to risks was impossible*, since these concoctions were, by definition, 'Experimental'.
Since two-thirds of the UK Electorate were Conservative Supporters, by vote at the preceeding UK Elections and that, also, the so-called UK National Political Parties (Labour, Co-operative, Lib-Dem, UKIP/Brexit, etc) all *without Debate* supported the UK Government's imposition of a 'Three Week Lockdown' with no 'mask' wearing suggested, but with anti-Social Distancing and Hand-contamination required/'suggested', it is no wonder whatso-ever, that the UK Population was coerced, eventually, into muzzle-wearing and muzzle-compliance by, for example, *banning all political activity* and, unprecedented in the whole of history *banning congregational Religious Worship*.
Not only did the Nationalist Parties in Scotland and Wales bow the knee to this *Evil Tyrrany* (built upon the Covid-Lie) but that this Evil Tyrrany has been spread - in Spades- to the white-faced parts of the Commonwealth of Nations (Australia, New Zealand, Canada: but not the black-and brown-skinned member countries, thanks-be!), but to the former British/Norman Empire colony of the USA.
The foregoing demands, therefore, processs for 'Covid Truth' and processes for the determination, adoption and implementation of social, political, economic, religious, educational, philosophical and spiritual alternatives to the mechanisms by which this Evil Tyrrany has been imposed.
We, The People, achieved the ending of Totalitarian Evil Tyrranies of both Monarchist, Feudal, Marxist, Fascist and National Socialist forms during the past five hundred years.
We must do the same now.
Collectively, Democratically, Co-operatively, Peacefully and as Democratic Co-operative Socialists.
By setting up local, independent and non-federated Guilds of Co-operators, identifying and causing to be elected Independent, Local Co-operative Socialist MPs and impkementing tbe Draft Process and Policy document prepared as a Vision Proposal by the Let The UK Live group at Parliament Square in August 2021
John Courtneidge
Littlehampton, 2nd September 2021