Monday, February 21, 2022

What Do We Want?

 What do we want?

To go back to the old normal of bosses and Satanic Ritual Abuse?

Both of which are consequences of capitalism.

Ie of hierarchy.

Thus I propose what the CCF and Tommy Douglas wanted: a Canadian Co-operative Commonwealth, there and a UK Co-operative Commonwealth here.

The CCPA plan for this is in their Reader on Co-operative Socialism.

Including Draft Parliamentary Motions.

It's available on line as a PDF in the papers' section at

Note that the email address there doesn't work anymore.


My dad was in the print (died at 57, 1978). My mum did everything worked class women did (cleaning, shop and office work). I got a BSc and PhD (both community-funded via the State), did world-recognised research and was then unemployed for twenty-two years. Now live alone in Social (ha!) Housing partly on 'Benefits'.

My education and life and work experience led me to put the plan for #truesocialism together.

Which is bullet proof.

Which is why I've been expelled right, left and centre and Decanted to Outer Mongolia (aka Littlehampton). Lovely as Littlehampton is.

It could be worse.


Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Entirely fascinating!

Capitalism Murders the Good Guys. But.

 Shocking. Luc Montagnier has died ‘suddenly’. 

He was the Nobel prize winner for discovery of HIV. 

HIV, that mysterious illness that is at this moment being aggressively marketed anew. 

What an extraordinary coincidence he won’t be around to have any say in what narrative unfolds.



The good news is that The Academy always has Colleges of fellow investigators.

Satan's Colleges are composed of back-stabbing compeitors.

God's Colleges are composed of people (as here) who co-operate For The Common Good.

The Good News is that God is stronger than Satan.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Canada now

 My fellow Canadians need to ensure thatthe Governor General (The Queen's representative in Canada**) issues a Royal Proclamation in respect of all this.

The Queen should insist that Military and Para-Military forces are *not* used in this peaceful protest.

** address Rideau Hall, Sussex Drive, opposite the Canadian Prime Minister's (empty) residence.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

This Will Succeed

 I just posted this (but not on Facebook since I'm banned there):

I have been thinking about the Truckers' Convoys and earlier marches to London as the Capital City.

They all failed: The Pilgrimage of Grace in the Middle Ages, The Jarrow March in the Twenieth Cenury.

Likewise the General Strikes of 1842 and 1923.

All these failed because we hadn't, then, got a plan and a clear demand, even though, to take the 1842 General Strike, it was well stated by William Benbow that social, political *and economic* equality (of equality of toil and equality of happinesswas) the demand.

We, now, can demand that healthy and beneficial outcome by:

A ) Demaning an immediate General Electionwith the two following proposals:

B ) That the Second House (The House of Lords in the UK and the Senates in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere by repopulated on a Randomocracy, Sortician, People's Jury basis: one representative per Parliamentary Constituency, retiring by Thirds each year), and,

C ) that the Sovereign body, The People's elected House of Commons debate, implement and Annually Audit the economic, social and personal plan for Co-operative Socialism, with all its rich, productive and creative diversity, and as already adopted by Occupy London, various Bromley social, co-operative and peace bodies and by its first adopter, Labour Action for Peace.

In so doing, a global Co-operative Commonweal, composed of autonomous Co-operative Commonwealths (both Local and National) will result:

For Peace and The Common Good!

We can now demand that equality

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Use of Children for Sex

 The term 'Paedophilia' is allowed.

Perhaps because it is the 'élites' word.

The proper term is, 'The Use of Children for Sex'.

Even the #woke term 'Sexual Abuse of Children' is a cop-out: it implies that Abuse is wrong but Use is OK.

Neither are.

End of.