Monday, April 1, 2024

Co-operative Socialism Defined in Forty Words

Co-operative Socialism Defined in Forty Words:

A guaranteed Living Income for Everyone, a Socially-determined Upper Income level, and most human needs provided on a Community-provided, Free-at-the-point of use basis.

Global peace and Co-operative Care by all and their workplace Co-operatives. No poverty, no greed, no harm.

Work and Politics

 After about 13 years, both of my fitted bed sheerts have ripped. My flat flannelette top sheets likewise.

Human beings need lots of mainly two-dimensional material items: sheets, clothes, walls, roofs, writing, etc, paper. But Mother Natures mostly provides largely one-dimensional and three-dimensional materials (fibres, trees, etc for the former, rocks, including frozen water as examples of the latter.

Hence work by us, The Worked Class, the 88%. Parasiticed by the 2%, The Thieves of those Natural, God-containg, Resources, and their hired Assassins, the 10%.

The solution is our plan and process.

So, John, what's this Co-operative Socialism thing all about?

 So, John, what's this Co-operative Socialism thing all about?

I offered the following to our friend and comrade Harry: he had used the terms that I discuss below:

Here in the UK, supporters of a 'Mixed Economy' nowadays are Social Democrats: the right-wings of The (New Zionist) Labour Party and of The Co-operative Party, along with One-Nation Macmillanite Conservatives likewise. Fibs? One never knows from one side of lunch to the other. Nats? Always a mixture.

One hundred years' ago, The Social Democratic Federation of H M Hyndman were out-and-out Marxists so terms change/are changed over time.

Ps I'm not, nor ever was 'A Communist' and my form of #truesocialism is not that of the 'Nationalise Everything' #wokeMarxists like Morrison and Webb. Equally, I'm not an anarchist believing in the abolition of 'The State'.

Rather, my/our plan envisages each Nation State as being Internationalist (ie, Inter-Nationalist as in 'Between-Nations' not in the #InternationalMarxism 'sense') and each Nation State being the Servant/Facilitator of each Nation as a Co-operative Commonwealth (composed of local and national Co-operative Commonwealths). With every Co-operative Commonwealth creating, thereby, by their adherence to the Co-operative Definition, Values and Principles (see the ICA Statement as archived at www.interestfreemoney/papers), a global Co-operative Commonweal (ie the Wellness of all in The Wellness of All).

Hence Points 6 and 7 of our plan (as also on that web-page):

Co-operative Socialism Plan, Point 6: 'Grants not loans to other Countries, not interest-bearing loans to 'Third World Countries' in need: an end to money, banking and finance as globalised warfare.

Point 77: ' All our brothers our sisters, all our sisters our brothers: a Global, Peaceful, Harmonious Co-operative Commonweal'.

Ps I paraphrase, from memory, these two Plan Points. The actual texts as adopted by, say Labour Action for Peace, Occupy London, Bromley Peace Council, Bromley Trade Union Pensioners' Action Association, Bromley Co-operative Party, are at that web-page and in the free pdf CCPA Monitor Reader on Co-operative Socialism, there.

I hope that this helps!