Thursday, January 16, 2014

Some web resources on Co-operative Socialism

Some recent resources on the emergent, non-hierarchical,
pre- and post-Marxist replacement for capitalism and totalitarianism: 'Co-operative Socialism' 

John Courtneidge January 2014

Offered in hope of additions!

Searching for the "Co-operative Commonweal" (nb Commonweal - 'the well-ness of all, in all', as compared with Commonwealth - 'the co-operatively-cared-for economic resources. created for all, by the creator': offered, here, as working definitions), gives:

 - a recent blog reference to Pat Conarty's December 2013 work on Co-operatives and Commons:

 - see

This relates well to a PowerPoint paper I gave at New Lanark in August 2008  for the UK Society for Co-operative Studies conference upon the 150th anniversary of the death of Robert Owen (see the book New Visions of Society: Robert Owen for the 21st-century',  edited by Richard Bickle and Molly Scott Cato, Scottish Left Review Press, 2008):

'Emotions, Personalities & Politics' PDF in:

Additionally, with much work in north America:  eg the work of Manfred Max Neef, Mike Nickerson ( 'Planning for Seven Generations: Guideposts for a Sustainable Future', 1995), Keith Helmuth  and other Canadian and US Quakers on 'Right Relationships': Building a Whole Earth Economy Keith Helmuth - see, for example:

 - The Presentation for the “Forum on Faith and a Sustainable Economy,” Commission on Justice and Peace, Canadian Council of Churches, May 12, 2009, Ottawa:‎

and the 2009 book, 'Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy (BK Currents)' by Peter Brown and Geoffrey Garver.
These are only part of a wave of new, emergent propositional politics for which the developed role of non-hierarchical co-operation and :  co-operatives are seen as key (given the 1995 development of the Statement on the Co-operative Identity issued by The International Co-operative Alliance:

The release of which reinforced the Campaign for Co-operative Socialism as a Fair World Project:

See, for example, the 1995 seven point plan (for Co-operative Socialism) in the Peace News Issue 2446
in 2002:

And The Network Project collection, 'The Kingdom of Heaven - by Tuesday!'.

Collectively, all these recent developments seem to be building towards an evolution of the Occupy social movement - to one for Co-operative Socialism as both a pre- and post-Marxist replacement for capitalism and totalitarianism, to a not-hierarchical democratic socialism that I term Co-operative Socialism:

The Global Co-operative Commonweal - by Tuesday! 

Clearly this is only a preliminary list - sadly not including materials in languages not in English and not with the benefit of scholarly support.

I hope that all this 'co-operative, social-production of well-ness' finds its way into legislation and social reality - somewhere a political movement, the political party, needs to do that - somewhere! Soon! I hope!

But, I hope these resources help!


For a Fair World - by Tuesday!

For all, in all,


John Courtneidge

ps Wikipedia has, so far, declined to open a new page on 'Co-operative Socialism'.  Perhaps that needs reviewing: by some, more appropriate than me, Wikipedia editors.
pps At my friend Grata's request I've uploaded (2nd/4th January 2014) two videos on Co-operative Socialism:

43 mins:

13 mins (with graphics):


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