If not Capitalist Corporations - then What?
From a thread at Occupy Economics (6th July) on the non-legality of the (capitalist) for-profit corporation in the US - including a description of its replacement
This is all helpful, Robert (Robert Burns), and thank-you for it.
Part of the plan for Co-operative Socialism (see in the papers' section at www.interestfreemoney.org.uk) is the proposal that all corporate entities be converted into appropriate co-operatives: worker co-operatives in the creative/competitive-to-be-of-best-service/market sector and community co-operatives in the non-market sector.
(Noting that all these co-operatives have to annually, explicitly demonstrate their co-operative identities by showing themselves to be in compliance with the Co-operative values and Principle in the Statement on the Co-operative Identity from the International Co-operative Alliance - as updated by the Co-operative Movement form time-to-time: the Statement, being a living document - note the 'on' not 'of -' is effectively a democratic Wiki )
(Second note: It is my understanding that, in the Canadian Province of Quebec, these constitute l'economie social and l'economie solidaire sectors, respectively, of the sector that may be termed, l'economie cooperative: Quebec is this parasitised by a capitalist sector, but l'economie cooperative acts as a powerful equalising influence.
This last is the key objective of the plan for Co-operative Socialism - the creation of an economy that is peaceful and ecological - because it is generative of (greater) income equality: since the evidence (completely enunciated in the key book, The Spirit Level, and at explained at The Equality Trust web-site, www.equalitytrust.org.uk) is that (greater) income equality is generative of all goods - public and private - such as peace and sustainability.
The corporate transformation within the plan for Co-operative Socialism, thus, requires the application of the repeal of the social-acceptance/social-permission of the for-profit (capitalist, etc) corporate form - just as Robert Burns is saying should already be the ase in a fully-Constitutionally-compliant USA . . .
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