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A beautiful letter written by Zelda Williams...Re:
A beautiful letter written by Zelda Williams...
"My family has always been private about our time spent together. It was our way of keeping one thing that was ours, with a man we shared with an entire world. But now that’s gone, and I feel stripped bare. My last day with him was his birthday, and I will be forever grateful that my brothers and I got to spend that time alone with him, sharing gifts and laughter. He was always warm, even in his darkest moments. While I’ll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay, there’s minor comfort in knowing our grief and loss, in some small way, is shared with millions. It doesn’t help the pain, but at least it’s a burden countless others now know we carry, and so many have offered to help lighten the load. Thank you for that.
To those he touched who are sending kind words, know that one of his favorite things in the world was to make you all laugh. As for those who are sending negativity, know that some small, giggling part of him is sending a flock of pigeons to your house to poop on your car. Right after you’ve had it washed. After all, he loved to laugh too…
Dad was, is and always will be one of the kindest, most generous, gentlest souls I’ve ever known, and while there are few things I know for certain right now, one of them is that not just my world, but the entire world is forever a little darker, less colorful and less full of laughter in his absence. We’ll just have to work twice as hard to fill it back up again."
Minimising Harm
John Courtneidge13 August 2014
In the papers at www.interestfreemoney.org.uk there is a paper (As a PDF) that I prepared for a UK Society for Co-operative Studies event at New Lanark - to remember Robert Owen's contribution 150 years after his death.
It's called Emotions, Personalities, Politics.
In there I develop a diagram that originates in Kay Carmichael's 'A Ceremony of Innocence' (I think - it's about why we cry) and thence to David Donnison's 'Policies for Just Society'.
That diagram suggests that depression is one of the routes from anger - the other two being violence and constructive activity. - and I suggest that anger is, generically, caused by mistreatment (of one kind or another -a key one is explored in another essay 'Money Hurts').
Since capitalism is an act of mistreatment - one that produces innumerable other mistreatments - then the wonder is that so few of us succumb to the ultimate act of self-harm, suicide.
My heart goes out to all self-harm victims, families and communities.
The way to minimise harm is to maximise wellness - and that (pace The Spirit Level www.equalitytrust.org.uk) invollves the income equality plan (also in www.interestfreemoney.org.uk) that I term Co-operative Socialism.
I hope this helps!
For all, in all - the best! = equally!

*Where we've come from* The Campaign for Interest-Free Money was launched on 28t... See More
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