The origin of TRIP-Up
John Courtneidge
2nd September 2014
My Friend, Jon, asked:
"Where does the TRIP-UP item come from ? "
Here's the history:
TRIP-Up is an extension of two terms that a fellow Friend and Socialist, Jeffrey Blay* told me on a trip to Milton Keynes, way back in the 90's
(*Our Friend is an even! older democratic socialist than me! - he was given a long-service award at the last London Labour biannual-AGM at Stratford Town Hall in ?2013?) :
So, the first:
'Let's get RID of capitalism'
(RID = Rent, Interest, Dividends - Dividends being Profits shared out to share-holders)
And, the second:
'Capitalism RIP'
RIP - Rest-in-Peace': Rent, Interest, Profits.
I added the 'T' (for Theft) since that's what the 'ownership' of economic resources is (even 'ownership' by state or municipal government) and the 'Up', since higher-than-average pay for work seems to correlate with jobs where 'a position of power' is 'owned'.
The evolution of 'that which has been stolen/is owned' is now:
Rent - from Land (and Frozen land - buildings, roads, ports, etc - to exact Rent);
Interest - The Law (to exact Interest - usury was outlawed until Henry VIII first legalised it - in England - in his Act of 1545 'In Restraint of Usury')
Profits fro the Theft of Knowledge/Data/Information (both frozen (embedded in tangible things like tools, machinery, etc) - and fluid/non-tangible/virtual (patents, know-how, etc ie, nowadays, 'intellectual property'),
This suggested that somethings was being owned to provide higher-than-average pay for work: and hence that theft of 'position' (as above).
Now, all this is at variance with our Theology (of The-Creator-present-within-the-Creation / immanence / panentheism) and with what Jesus taught (as render to us).
Hence Co-operative Socialism/The Fair World Project
There's more in the papers' section at - key title words are Jesus, Quaker and CCPA Readings.
Thanks for asking - I hope this helps!
For all = the best! = equally! = co-operatively!
ps Try as I have over twenty+ years I haven't found a book that says this TRIP-Up this in this way (I wish there was!) - lots do parts . . . except Jesus!
2nd September 2014
My Friend, Jon, asked:
"Where does the TRIP-UP item come from ? "
Here's the history:
TRIP-Up is an extension of two terms that a fellow Friend and Socialist, Jeffrey Blay* told me on a trip to Milton Keynes, way back in the 90's
(*Our Friend is an even! older democratic socialist than me! - he was given a long-service award at the last London Labour biannual-AGM at Stratford Town Hall in ?2013?) :
So, the first:
'Let's get RID of capitalism'
(RID = Rent, Interest, Dividends - Dividends being Profits shared out to share-holders)
And, the second:
'Capitalism RIP'
RIP - Rest-in-Peace': Rent, Interest, Profits.
I added the 'T' (for Theft) since that's what the 'ownership' of economic resources is (even 'ownership' by state or municipal government) and the 'Up', since higher-than-average pay for work seems to correlate with jobs where 'a position of power' is 'owned'.
The evolution of 'that which has been stolen/is owned' is now:
Rent - from Land (and Frozen land - buildings, roads, ports, etc - to exact Rent);
Interest - The Law (to exact Interest - usury was outlawed until Henry VIII first legalised it - in England - in his Act of 1545 'In Restraint of Usury')
Profits fro the Theft of Knowledge/Data/Information (both frozen (embedded in tangible things like tools, machinery, etc) - and fluid/non-tangible/virtual (patents, know-how, etc ie, nowadays, 'intellectual property'),
This suggested that somethings was being owned to provide higher-than-average pay for work: and hence that theft of 'position' (as above).
Now, all this is at variance with our Theology (of The-Creator-present-within-the-Creation / immanence / panentheism) and with what Jesus taught (as render to us).
Hence Co-operative Socialism/The Fair World Project
There's more in the papers' section at - key title words are Jesus, Quaker and CCPA Readings.
Thanks for asking - I hope this helps!
For all = the best! = equally! = co-operatively!
ps Try as I have over twenty+ years I haven't found a book that says this TRIP-Up this in this way (I wish there was!) - lots do parts . . . except Jesus!
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