Sunday, November 1, 2015

Why the taxes on us, the 88%, are so high. And what the peaceful, sustainable alternative is.

Why the taxes on us, the 88%, are so high.

And what the peaceful, sustainable alternative is.

We, the 88% are taxed, at the instructions of the 2%, to provide the higher-than-average incomes paid to the 10% to oppress us, the 88% and protect the 2% (the uber-theives) and the 10% - their Praetorian Guard.
The solution is the plan for Co-operative Socialism - which does away with personal taxation, the creation of a sustainable, not-for-profit, co-operative economy - including a not-for-profit co-operative community money, banking and finance sector.

Please see the You Tube videos on Co-operative Socialism, , various writings at and the papers at (particularly the Parliamentary programme of model Motions in the CCPA Monitor 'Readings on Co-operative Socialism').
I hope this helps.

ps Some more on that (2 : 10 : 88) % population split:

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