Sunday, September 24, 2017

Anti-semitism not!

The slur that The Labour Party is anti-semitic is, both, a nonsense and a Conservative plot.

In 53 years' involvement, on and off, as a Labour Party member, activist and electoral candidate I have *never* heard an anti-semitic comment from a Labour Party member.

The proposal that the Zionist imposition on Palestine was a socialist experiment is, again, a Conservative plot: the Irgun, for example, was a violent land-grab organisation, as part of that Zionist land-grab.

It is more likely that Zionists (and not all Jews are Zionists, nor are all Zionists, Jews) are Conservative Nationalists: effectively, in their actions, Conservative Land-theives (shades of the Conservative land-theives: the 'inheritors' of the Norman Conquest).

Indeed, my expectation is that some/many/most Conservatives are pro-Zionist anti-semites . . . (Toryism was never logical.)

Finally, the Zionists are anti-semitic: in that their demand that Zionism is a cipher (code) for the Jewish identity corrals, kr attempts to corral, all Jews into the Conservative, Zionist, pro-capitalist falsity.

It, for example, leaves discussion of two relevant questions, at least, away from the table: first, why have 'The Jews' been vilified so often and for so long in Pogroms? Are such event economic at base?

Secondly, is it authentic Judaism to claim that 'The Jews' are somehow 'different/better' than everyone else: as in 'We, The Chosen People', concept?

Finally, my dad was at Cable Street facing down the genuinely anti-Semitic fascists in the 1930's.  I, too hot-blooded, could never be part of such acts of socialist resistance. But I am fully in solidarity with my anti-Zionist Jewish friends.

And hope that the conversion of Palestine into a seculat Co-operative Commonwealth, along the lines of the plan for Co-operative Socialism, comes about soon.

By Tuesday!

In peace, for all,

Your Quaker, Democratic and Co-operative Socialist, pacifist F/friend

John Courtneidge

Co-operative Careship


Thanks, Gianne for pointing to this​​!

Oh, those sorry Marxists!

To take two points:

Marx didn't use the term 'Surplus Value': he wrote in German the term 'mehre vorth' (I may have that spelling wrong) which my German speaking friend translates as 'more worth' or 'added value': the term that I and the UK Taxman uses (in 'His' term, for Sales' Tax', 'Value-Added Tax', VAT).

Second this 'Free Gift of Nature' nonsense . . . Our Saskatoon Friend, Dave (I forget his family name) pointed to the concept that "rivers-have-rights'.  As such, the North Saskatchewan River has not consented (as a 'Free Gift of Nature'), nor would it ever likely do so, to be exploited and polluted as the capialists' Tar Sands holocaust!

Hence, by contrast, the Co-operative Socialist notion that 'the land , rivers, sea and air, should be considered to 'own' themselves - be persons in their own right - and that human inter-action with such 'God-given, God-containing, 'Gifts-of-nature'' should be on the basis of time-limited, non-heritable/non-transferable agreements for 'Co-operative Careship'.

Thanks, again, Gianne,


