Thanks, Gianne for pointing to this!
Oh, those sorry Marxists!
To take two points:
Marx didn't use the term 'Surplus Value': he wrote in German the term 'mehre vorth' (I may have that spelling wrong) which my German speaking friend translates as 'more worth' or 'added value': the term that I and the UK Taxman uses (in 'His' term, for Sales' Tax', 'Value-Added Tax', VAT).
Second this 'Free Gift of Nature' nonsense . . . Our Saskatoon Friend, Dave (I forget his family name) pointed to the concept that "rivers-have-rights'. As such, the North Saskatchewan River has not consented (as a 'Free Gift of Nature'), nor would it ever likely do so, to be exploited and polluted as the capialists' Tar Sands holocaust!
Hence, by contrast, the Co-operative Socialist notion that 'the land , rivers, sea and air, should be considered to 'own' themselves - be persons in their own right - and that human inter-action with such 'God-given, God-containing, 'Gifts-of-nature'' should be on the basis of time-limited, non-heritable/non-transferable agreements for 'Co-operative Careship'.
Thanks, again, Gianne,
Thanks, Gianne for pointing to this!
Oh, those sorry Marxists!
To take two points:
Marx didn't use the term 'Surplus Value': he wrote in German the term 'mehre vorth' (I may have that spelling wrong) which my German speaking friend translates as 'more worth' or 'added value': the term that I and the UK Taxman uses (in 'His' term, for Sales' Tax', 'Value-Added Tax', VAT).
Second this 'Free Gift of Nature' nonsense . . . Our Saskatoon Friend, Dave (I forget his family name) pointed to the concept that "rivers-have-rights'. As such, the North Saskatchewan River has not consented (as a 'Free Gift of Nature'), nor would it ever likely do so, to be exploited and polluted as the capialists' Tar Sands holocaust!
Hence, by contrast, the Co-operative Socialist notion that 'the land , rivers, sea and air, should be considered to 'own' themselves - be persons in their own right - and that human inter-action with such 'God-given, God-containing, 'Gifts-of-nature'' should be on the basis of time-limited, non-heritable/non-transferable agreements for 'Co-operative Careship'.
Thanks, again, Gianne,
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