Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Emotions, Politics and Personalities

Ps, the Political Compass map is as below.

In a ppt called 'Emotions, Politics and Personalities' in the papers'section at I yry to relate each quadrant to an emotional state.

Please note, if reading that, two things:

A) I flip the horizontal axis so that the two Progressive quadrants (ie the two Left quadrants on the Political Compass map, red and green) are on the right-hand side of the page. That way, a reading across the page reads from Reactionary to Progressive;

B) I like the True Colors approach, which scores each of us as a blend of all four quadrants. This reflects our mixes if all emotions and may be related to the four brain/neuro-active molecules that Helen Fisher suggests may be rekated to 'each' Personality Type (see the Emotions, etc ppt referred to above);

Well, three things:

C) Finally, there's something that I've yet to get to the bottom of. And that's the observation that, a bit like a Rubrick's Cube twist, the two haves of these maps often seem to twist about the verical axis: so that, in the Political Compass map, as below, purple ends up next to red and blue next to green . . . Odd . . .something related to bipolar, scitsophrenia (sp?) Conditions, perhaps?

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