Thursday, January 4, 2018

In Brief

 I use the acronym TRIP-Up as an aide memoire for the five mechanisms that capitalism uses to kill us:

T = Theft

R = Rent

I = Interest

P = Profit

Up = Unequal-pay for paid work

Using the 2:10:88 alternative to the Occupy imposition/assertion, 'We are the 99%!':

The 2% (The Theives that have stolen the world's (God-given) economic resources) demand Rent, Interest and Profits from 'us', the 88%.

Hence the slogans: 'Capitalism js a RIP-off', 'Capitalism RIP' and 'Let's get RID of Capitalism' (where the D in RID stands for Dividends: Profits 'paid' to Shareholders).

Finally, the 2% allow their Praetorian Guard to Tax (another entry discussion point into the letter T) 'us', the 88%, so that they (the 10%, and their families) are 'paid'/take higher Unequal-pay, Perks (Perquisities: non-money extras: like Company Cars, free health care, etc) and Pensions.

Two ps's, perhaps:

1) 'We', the 88%, are forced to do the D-jobs:

 = Dirty, Dangerous, Degrading, Dispiriting, Drudgery, etc.

While the 10%, (The 2%'s Praetorian Guard = their 'Protectors'), do the P-jobs:

 = Propagandists, Popes, Prelates, Publishers, Pimps, Professors, Policemen, Prison Guards, etc:

All of whom wield John Kenneth Galbraith's three Power Mechanisms*:

 Condign Power, Compensatory Power, Conditioned Power.

Ie, the Stick, the Carrot and 'Your' telly. Or, Bullying, Bribery and Brainwashing.

* from his book 'The Anatomy of Power'.

2) The 'God-given Economic Resources' that, when stolen, provide the four RIPUp incomes are:

Rent: The Theft of Land provides Rent

     (eg the Theft of England in 1066 of of north America in the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries)

Interest: The Theft of The Law provides Interest

    (eg Henry VIII's 'legalisation', for the first time in England, of usury in 1545)

Profit: The Theft of Knowledge provides Profit

    ( Ie the history of for-profit trade, commerce and industry)

Unequal-pay for work: The Theft of Position provides Unequal-pay for work

    (ie the bosses(the 10%) 'deserve' more than the oiks ('us', the 88%)).

Hope this helps!

And thanks, Gianne, for prompting this reprise!



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