What's Going On; A Synopsis Part
John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Monday 12th January 2021.
In about 2009, two authors, one in Ottawa, Canada and one, I imagine in New York, USA, were commissioned to write articles on the political, economic, Ecological and social options.
The author, or authors of the second, produced a 'Scenarios' playbook for The Rockefeller Foundation, published in 2010 and reviewed by Harry Vox in a TV interview in 2014, and now available on YouTube.
That Rockefeller Foundation's 'Scenarios' playbook forms the basis of the Neoconservatives are doing now, the toll-back of Democracy, and the imposition of The New World Order as 'The New Normal' by the World 'Economic' Forum and Klaus Schwab's plan, 'The Great Reset'.
The other author, in Ottawa, me, was commissioned to write five articles, by Ed Finn, as the Editor of a monthly magazine published by The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the CCPA), called 'The CCPA Monitor'.
Those articles were published in the Winter 2009-10 issues of 'The CCPA Monitor' and, then, in May 2010 as a 'CCPA Monitor Reader on Co-operative Socialism' (available in print from from the CCPA, www.policyaltetnatives.ca and as a PDF in the papers' section at www.interestfreemoney.org ).
About five years' later, at a Bank of England Forum, at The Guildhall, in The City of London, by which time I had been inducted as a Freeman of The City of London, I was interviewed, at length on camera, by Bloomberg News, about our plan for Co-operative Socialism.
Now, again by that time, it was obvious to me that the managers and, I suspect, the imagined beneficiaries of global Capitalism knew that 'The Game Was Up' and, I imagine, had read both the Rockefeller Foundation's 'Scenarios' playbook and the CCPA Reader and its plan for Co-operative Socialism.
The problem for them was that the plan for Co-operative Socialism was bullet-proof from criticism.
So, they, likely, decided to implement it.
But! to stay in control at the same time.
Hence what's going on now.
But! on their modified terms.
Hence the UBI not LIFE as their preferred guaranteed income scheme, debt cancellation not interest-free Money, banking and finance, etc.
And the Jab: Compulsory Medication.
Including Vaccination & Compliant Embedded ID Chips, Euthanasia and Forced Sterilisation etc.
And the 'etc' includes Gulags and Capitalist Punishment: The 2084 addenda and Dark Plan: #darkplan .
Of course, the #truesocialism alternative exists, in that living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.
But the outcome depends on 'The Defence of Democracy' as a new social movement.
Which is, presently, emergent.
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