Sunday, April 25, 2021

St George's Day, Hyde Park, London, 24th April 2021.

 St George's Day, Hyde Park, London, 24th April 2021.

Shame on Sadiq Khan, Priti Patel, Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, the BO, 'Lord' Peter Mandleson, David Evans, Tory Bliar, Gordon-the-berk Brown, Margaret Hodge and Cressida Dick for putting these Police-men and -women in harms way.

No wonder that the Terrorists'Support Group (TSG) were speeding north up Park Lane's bus lane as we were leaving.

Well done our peaceful protesters protecting freedom-through-equality and, thus peace-through democracy.

Don't let the Satanists sterilise your girls and young women!

And where were the #fakeleft, the élite, capitalism-funded #hobbyprotesters XR, BLM, SWP, SP, ETC, ETC. #QUISLINGS all!

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