Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Love and Truth

 They have to be losing: that which has a start always has an end, since only that which is eternal is eternal.

Truth exists, lies perish.

The important thing is that we are now fully conversant with what Truth is.

It is that which Love produces.

But evil, for the immediate present has the upper hand.


Hence the term 'Human Resources'.

The blessing, however, is that a) we know b) they know we know and c) we know what the answer is: see Tony (Gosling)'s interview, 'Reform The City of London' on YouTube.

Monday, June 28, 2021

As It Happened

 TruTV video


Thus it wasn't 'The British Empire' or, now, 'The American Empire', or the 'Chinese Empire', next.

It has been, since the invention of money and usury, or before that the invention of 'Private Property' in land, and war to 'secure' land, The Power Empire'.

Then it was the Ownersip of Land and Weapons (Tribalism/Feudalism).

Now it's the 'Ownership' (Theft) of the 'Money, Banking, Finance and Usury and Credit Issuance' system.

To take an example, I have been told that, during the First World War, that system, based in The City of London, refused to finance 'The British Empire's armies.

Accordingly, 'The British Empires's Treaury at Westminster decided to print (literally) its own money, the Bradbury Notes.

Once that war was over, all Bradbury Notes were, I am told, withdrawn from circulation and the *commercially* printed banknotes issued by the *commercially, privately owned* Bank of England, established as a commercial monopoly in 1694, once again as before that 'Great War'.

In 'peacetime': Capitalist Business as usual:

   Ie, Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Unequal-pay for work (the five TRIP-Up mechanisms).

It is noteworthy that the Balfour 'Declaration' letter was drafted, written and signed while that war was underway.

Pps the intimate connection between English, then British, 'Kings is itself fascinating: Henry VIII, for example, first made Usury legal, in 1545, with his Act 'In Retraint of Usury'.

Brown-noser 'historians', like 'Sir' David Starkey, never mention this.

Nor that the 'Glorious Revolution' by invasion, via Brixham in Devon in November 1688 that the Amsterdam/Antwep/Bruge/Rouen/etc Banking Conspiracy used (see to install /impose King William II And Mary onto the United Kingdom Throne of England and Scotland (strictly, Scotland and England, from the Stuarts onwards).

And hence the monopoly imposition of The Bank of England in London upon England and Wales (Scottish Banks still issue their own Banknotes . . .).

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Money Talks

It says,

I want, I want, I want.

People say,

We need, we need, we need.

Which voice shall be heard?

John Courtneidge


 28 June 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Plan for Freedom

 Spot on: that's why I propose to debate, adopt, promote, to implementation ans Annually Audit our plan for freedom.

The plan for Co-operative Socialism.

In five sessions, based on the No More TRIP-Up analysis:

1) Our Aims, Objectives and Philosopy, 'Co-operative Careship not 'Ownership'. An end to Theft and Tax (T),

2) Land Issues: no Rent (R), including our International Obligations, Responsibilites and Opportunities as an autonomous UK Co-operative Commonwealth to a global Co-operative Commonweal,

3) Money, Banking and Finance Issues: no more Usury, though Interest-charging (Hence I in No more TRIP-Up)

4) Workplace, Data, Information and Knowledge Issues: No Profits-to-Shareholders (P),

5) Income Issues: No more Income Inequity and a Socially-determined Income distribution (ie covering Unequal-pay and Inequitable Incomes: the Up in No More TRIP-Up.

Apologies for compressing twenty-seven years activism into one posting!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

UKSCS 2021 Conference Paper Abstract



'Co-operative Movement or Co-operative Sector?

     - Our Aims and Objectives as Co-operators,     
    - Contemporary Contradictions and Coherences
    - Through an historical appraisal.'


In my UKSCS 2020 Conference Paper, I highlighted the fact that the apparently first example of Economic Co-operation to supply human material needs (and, perhaps human social needs), occurred one hundred, or so, years before the better known examples at Rochdale, Ralaheine, New Lanark, Fenwick, etc, etc.

That earliest network, on the southern shore of the Thames Estuary, centred on the Royal Dockyard at Woolwich, might be seen as a proto-typical example of a 'Co-operative Sector' within a largely Monarchical/Feudalist/Capitalist Society and Associated Economy.

By contrast, by the late Nineteenth Century, the Co-operative Socialist Alternative to that Monarchist, etc, hegemony was seen, not as a sector within that hegemony, or a niche alternative to it, but as a replacement for it: a whole system replacement of that hegemon.

That alternative, which its proponents termed, variously, 'A Co-operative Commonweath' and/or 'The Co-operative Commonweal', has urgent implications for human society, today.

This paper points to the contemporary relationship between this 'Sector/Movement' distinction: especially in relation to Post-Covid 'Pandemic' life and to the present process of the 'ICA Statement' iteration.

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5NJ

16 June 2021

0795 099 6418


First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 Yes! The great cover-ups: no comprehensive autopsies of 'Covid-deaths' or of 'Vaccine/Toxic Injection' deaths. Ps it occurs to me that this latter term 'Vaccine/Toxic Injection' is accurate: the claim, by its proponents, is that the injected materials are toxic to the 'SARS-Cov-2 virus' (regardless of variant strain) has, of necessity, the associated toxicity-spectrum of all *consequential* 'adverse effects'. It is the opportunity for forensic post-mortem and post-injection studies to revel truth in these matters.

 First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2


The great cover-ups: no comprehensive autopsies of 'Covid-deaths' or of 'Vaccine/Toxic Injection' deaths.

Ps it occurs to me that this latter term 'Vaccine/Toxic Injection' is accurate: the claim, by its proponents, is that the injected materials are toxic to the 'SARS-Cov-2 virus' (regardless of variant strain) has, of necessity, the associated toxicity-spectrum of all *consequential* 'adverse effects'.


In response to a request for ckarification, I offered:

Thanks, Steve, for asking: I'm saying that, in respect of the double-v (virus and vaccine), data rather than rhetoric is the better guide.

And, that, along with whole-society data (epidemiology) on 'net deaths' etc, dispassionate single-event data provided by autopsies of both post-Covid death cases and post-injection cases are going to be illuminating.

That is why such vital (sic) autopsies have been blocked from, bothm being undertaken.

And publicised.

Hence my highlighting this scientific publication; which I consider to be of First-class importance.

Again, thanks for asking.

It is the opportunity for forensic post-mortem and post-injection studies to revel truth in these matters.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Peoples' Peaceful Rebellion: June 2021

 The Peoples' Peaceful Rebellion

No! to Their Neo-Capitalist New World Order!

No! to The Old World Order!


The rape, sexual abuse, sacrifice and organ harvesting of babiex and children was endemic,

Where the forced medical assault on babies, children and adults, including Genital Mutilstion of babies, the forced feminisation of boys was rife,

Where "Unemployment Is A Price Worth Paying"

Where money stress, debt, worry and domestic arguments and abuse were endemic,

Where divorce, disharmony among parents was encouraged, resulting in single-parenting of babies, infants, children, teenagers and young adults, all to their detriment

Where paid-work was, when permitted, was drudgery, danger, worry, boredom, and despair,

And where 'care' of the elderly, frail, injured, ill and discarded to homelessness was an opportunity for profit, capitalism and accumulation,

Where trashing the planet was fatuously described as 'Wealth Creation' and 'Jobs Creation'

Where God's Creation, the Commonweal, and Community-owned and Paid-for assets were stolen, sold and Profit-ised ('Privatised') to the Capitalist, Oligarchs Parasites,

Including Our Socialist NHS, Our Schools, Colleges, Universities, Adult, Continuing and Re-creational Education was replaced by Compliance-demanded, Hierarchical Training,

To the Coarsening and Corruption of all Human Relationships: Personal, Familial, Social and Community, Inter-generational, Inter-national and Global,

Where decadence, dissolution, despair, loneliness resulted in rape, pornograhy-as-endemic, drunkeness, drug-dealing,

And Covid-19.

Yes! to Our Democratic and Co-operative Socialist, global caring Commonweal!

For, and of, Peace, Order and The Common Good!


Fear of hunger, homelessness, boredom, assault, rape, sacrifice, loneliness, sexual-exploitation, rejection and Enforced Celibacy disappear,

Where human needs are provided to all, without application, charity or compulsory assessment on a Co-operative Socialist, Community-provided and Free-at-the-point-of-use basis,

And, where, Co-operative Careship replaces Ownership,

And Voluntary, Co-operative and Personal Contributions, replace Usury, Imposition, Exploitation and 'P,anet as Capitalism's Toilet.

The Peoples' New World Order!

For Peace, Community, Global Care.

And The Genuine Common Good!

By Tuesday!

Not 'On Tuesday!'


Drafted by John Courtneidge,

For The Common Good/Le Bien Commune!


West Sussex


BN17 5NJ

13 June 2021

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Eugenisists' Cull

 I looked at the world population demographics, including by religion.

The Eugenisists' objective, as I understand it, is a world-wide human, or humanoid, flesh-robot, population of about 500,000.

That means that every ethnic, cultural and religious group is to be culled: there is no ethnic, cultural or religious group that I can see that is as small as half a million.

This, say, puts the lie to any racist, culuralist, religionist claim that 'they' are to blame.

Apart from the Capitalists/Zionists/Satanist'  Eugenics Conspiracy.

Any comments?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Co-learning Curriculum

It occurs to me that we could do an Occupy, Fair World Project, Tent City University Education, Co-learning Question and Discussion Course, say at St Pauls on:

 'The Plan for Co-operative Socialism:

       - How we can live better: #truesocialism, Capitalism and its alternatives.'

Five sessions in a suggested order:

Saving our liberties in the face of the conspiracies, Economic Overview

Income Issues

Land Issues

Work, Workplace and Tax Issues

Money, Banking and Finance Issues

The Global Common Good

The Programme Order could be determined by secret ballot at the first get-together.

Suggested times: Two Series, Wednesday 4pm, Saturday 4pm. Duration: 1hour then ad lib.

Bring a hat, water, cardboard and pens, etc, snack. Don't over do it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Mile End Cave In or The Smithfield Demand?

 This month marks the 340th Anniversary of The Peasants' Revolt.

The significance for us is the first face-to-face meeting on dry land between the young King Richard and the protesters.

To his question, 'What do you want?'they, apparently, asked that land rents be pegged at 2d per acre. Not the two shillings (2s) to which they had risen.

He agreed.

However, a more clear-thinking group, including Wat Tyler, requested (demanded?) a second meeting at Smithfield.

There, the demand was to replace what this group saw as the problem: the Aristocracy.

(But not The Monarchy.)

At that point, as I understand, it, Robert Walworth, Head of The Guild of Fishmongers at Fishmongers' Hall stepped forward and stabbed Wat Tyler in the neck.

With the infamous 'Red Dagger'.

So that system-change revolt dissolved away.

My question to us, then, is:

   -  'Do we wish to see System Change? Ie, as with the Smithfield Demand; which in our time is the abolition and replacement of Capitalism.

Or do we want a System Adjustment:

   - Such as the introduction of a mealy-mouthed, Mean-tested, Universal *Basic* Income: the Mile End con.


 Thank-you for your comments, all, regarding UBI.

Yes, anyone promoting UBI is either a dupe of capitalism or a troll for capitalism.

Our guaranteed income scheme in the plan for Co-operative Socialism uses the adjective 'Living' for many reasons.

Along with top-quality Public Services (rather than mean-tested 'Universal Basic Services' (note that tell-tale 'Basic' word again) our plan for Co-operative Socialism abolishes Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholders and provides for as many human needs on the NHS/Public Library, Democratic Socialist model: Community-provided, Free-at-the-point-of-use.

I hope that this helps!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

What Co-operative Socialism Is.


'So, what *is* Co-operative Socialism?', asks our friend, Alex White.

I offer:

Well, I see Co-operative Socialism as #truesocialism, as the true replacement of Capitalism, and of all other forms of Totalitarianism.

Because it:

   -  Gives everyone a decent living income: not too little, not too much, and provides for most human needs on a Community-provided, Co-operative, Free-at-the-point-of-use basis.

   - Along with a Community-provided, 'Living Income for Everyone' for discretionary, 'Pocket Money for Everyone' purposes.

   - Thus 'Work' becomes a Voluntary Contribution, paid if wished, up to a fair, Socially- and Democratically-determined healthy level., or self-funded by that Living Income payment

   - Aided by a Not-for-profit, Interest-free, Co-operative, Money, Banking and Finance System and Educational System.

   - so, the abolition of Rent, Interest and Profits siphoned off to Capitalist Investors:

     For The Common Good!

   - That means our Country, as a Co-operative Socialist Commonwealth, makes a healthy, sustainable Contribution to the world peace of a global Co-operative Commonweal.

I hope this helps!

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, West Sussex, Sunday 6th June 2021
