Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My Prayer Routine.

 I send love continuously to everyone all the time.

And, then, verbally as I switch out the light at sleeping time.

When, again verbally, I thank our Father in Heaven.

I never add asks or requests.

Because He Knows every trouble on, and in, our hearts.

He loves us.


The God of The New Testament

This is the distinguishing aspect of #trueChristianity as in the #NewTestament as contrasted to the Old Testament: and, as such lays the lie to the attempted co-option of #trueChistianity by the fake assertion of a 'Judeo-Christian' tradition.

The Old Testament version of God claims Him/Her/It to be capable of using violence to 'Smite mine enemies'.

The New Testament God that I know and which our friend and comrade, Jesus speaks is, not only, Omnipresent (present everywhere in space and time) but Omnipowerful (capable of anything).

But there is no evidence that 'Man's inhumanity to Man' is anything but the result of Human Actions, through the operation of Human Free Will.

Ps, the OT version is only *one* of the Jewish religious traditions. That was taught to me when I attended the funeral of my fellow Labour Action for Peace member and activist, Walter Wolfgang: the text and litergy at the Liberal Jewish Cemetary in north-west London spoke of a loving God.

Not a 'smiter of enemies': as a Christian, Quaker, Pacifist and Democratic Co-operative Socialist I have no enemies: those that try (so hard!) to be be so are deluded, deranged fools.

Poor they.

Friday, November 12, 2021

In brief: Capitalism can never be Sustainable

 A reader asks, 'What have Covid Protests to do with Climate Change and Soil Health?'

I offered:

Alexandra Craigie very many thanks for asking this key question.

In brief, the answer is: 100%.

The Covid scam is designed to re-issue Capitalism as 'The Great Reset': before the next financial crash (whose twenty year periodicity, put the next crash at 2027, or before).

We all know that Capitalism (and all other forms of usurious hierarchy) is unsustainable and injurious to Soil Heath: my fellow Quaker, John Bellers, made this point three hundred years' ago, by pointing out that a Capitalist Market in Land sweated the land in order to pay the three forms of Usurious/Capitalist Unearned Income: Rent, Interest and/or Profits.

Now, since the Chemical Equation for the production of Pollution (and Wealth) is as follows and, since Capitalism demands its usurious 'Return in The Shortest Possible Time', Capitalism *maximises* the generation of pollution in all three spheres (land, wather and air).

The equation referred to is:

Materials  +  Energy --->  Wealth + Pollution

(And, because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the amount of Pollution is *always* greater than the amount of wealth.)

The solution, then, is to remove the quite ficticious and entirely harmful time-driven aspects of capitalism. Not by a Marxist nonsense but by #truesocialism.

Hence the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

I hope that this helps.

And, again, thank-you for asking this key question!

Very best wishes,



She replied that it has Zero to do with Soil and Climate.

I, then, offered:

Alexandra Craigie it absolutely does: the Covid Scam is designed to ensure that Capitalism continues.

So our work to confront that scam is entirely consistent with Co-operative Careship of the Lithosphere: and, Aquasphere and Atmosphere

Thursday, November 11, 2021

12th November 2021 The Useless Eaters


So, here's the thing.

The Nazis that run the world (at present), aided by their #wokeMarxist Quislings, consider that us, the Pensioners, are 'The Useless Eaters'.

And must be culled.

Just as the #wokeMarxists did to our older sisters and brothers by a) actively denying them Hospital Care last April and b) murdering them with midazolam and morphine on the DNR ('Do Not Recussitate') 'Liverpool Death Pathway'.

Worse, the cyber squatting Pensioners' voice, the National Pensioners' Convention and its regional Vichy Police (such as the Greater London Pensioners''Convention': such a Stalinist #wokeMarxist Fascist Nomenclatura that its 'Executor/ive' Minutes show its refusal to *even name* ! Submitted Motions that show it to be what it is: the Bosses Patseys) have been *nowhere* to be seen in this Genocidal Culling of us, 'The Useless Eaters'.

So, are we, the core activists in the Freedom, Democracy and Equality Movement, the #antivaxxer #UselessEaters that the Nazi/Zionist/Capitalist/#EugenicsConspiracy claim (through their #TelllALieVision #GoebelssBBCimposion etc)?

In short: No!

We are the generation that is defending the Democracy, Equality and, thus, Freedom that our Grandparents secured through their deaths in The First World War, the Spanish 'Civil' War and its sequel, The Second World War.

That's why the Quisling Vichy RoboCop 'Police' (the Terrorists'Support Group) are sent out by the #wokeMarxists such as Priti Patel and Sadiq Khan to beat us with extendable steel truncheons and (soon) Tear Gas, Water Cannon and Pepper Spray.

The Nazis didn't win in the 1940's.

Nor will we let them do so in the decade of shame, the 2020's.

That's why we, The #truesocialst Pensioners are clearly *not* the Useless Eaters, but, rather, the defenders and developers of #truedemocracy, #trueequality and #truefreedom.

The #TreasonousWoke need to remember that penalty for Treason is still #DeathByHanging.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 So, for example, our movement is certainly a Freedom Movement.

But ithat also means that it's an Anti-tyranny Movement.

The Nazis know this messaging strategy: they refer to us as anti-vaxxers.

Which puts us on the back foot.

For those who are intrigued, my thinking is informed by the rugby (Union) that was our winter-time sports game at Cray Valley Technical High School for Boys; where my poor eyesight meant that I couldn't join in. Grrr!

The link that Facebook won't allow to be posted.



BOMBSHELL - BOMBSHELL - Confidential pfizer research document. Translated from Japanese to English. "Biodistribution" study of mRNA vaccines. PROVES the mRNA moves from the injection site to the blood, then circulates spike proteins throughout the body, attacking the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues, other organs. This is the study that will result in mRNA vaccines being pulled from the market! Absolute proof of system-wide dangers to the body: PDF document.


In response to which, a friend wrote:

This is well-known. The lipid nanoparticles transport the spike protein through blood and plasma throughout the body. Alarmingly, it collects in high concentrations in female ovaries. This must have been known or is known to government officials and still they push the vaccine. Are they deliberately trying to cull the world's population? I hope on everything that is holy that I am wrong. That would be pure evil.

To which another friend wrote:

A friend writes: I believe this has all been about depopulation from the beginning and whats even more scary is the fact that they are now targeting our children they are demons in human form to do what they are doing.

And another friend wrote:

Ties in with the Amazon series Utopia, make the next generation infertile!

Any links to that series, please.