So, here's the thing.
The Nazis that run the world (at present), aided by their #wokeMarxist Quislings, consider that us, the Pensioners, are 'The Useless Eaters'.
And must be culled.
Just as the #wokeMarxists did to our older sisters and brothers by a) actively denying them Hospital Care last April and b) murdering them with midazolam and morphine on the DNR ('Do Not Recussitate') 'Liverpool Death Pathway'.
Worse, the cyber squatting Pensioners' voice, the National Pensioners' Convention and its regional Vichy Police (such as the Greater London Pensioners''Convention': such a Stalinist #wokeMarxist Fascist Nomenclatura that its 'Executor/ive' Minutes show its refusal to *even name* ! Submitted Motions that show it to be what it is: the Bosses Patseys) have been *nowhere* to be seen in this Genocidal Culling of us, 'The Useless Eaters'.
So, are we, the core activists in the Freedom, Democracy and Equality Movement, the #antivaxxer #UselessEaters that the Nazi/Zionist/Capitalist/#EugenicsConspiracy claim (through their #TelllALieVision #GoebelssBBCimposion etc)?
In short: No!
We are the generation that is defending the Democracy, Equality and, thus, Freedom that our Grandparents secured through their deaths in The First World War, the Spanish 'Civil' War and its sequel, The Second World War.
That's why the Quisling Vichy RoboCop 'Police' (the Terrorists'Support Group) are sent out by the #wokeMarxists such as Priti Patel and Sadiq Khan to beat us with extendable steel truncheons and (soon) Tear Gas, Water Cannon and Pepper Spray.
The Nazis didn't win in the 1940's.
Nor will we let them do so in the decade of shame, the 2020's.
That's why we, The #truesocialst Pensioners are clearly *not* the Useless Eaters, but, rather, the defenders and developers of #truedemocracy, #trueequality and #truefreedom.
The #TreasonousWoke need to remember that penalty for Treason is still #DeathByHanging.
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