A comrade asks: 'Who will fund the universal income your plan incorporates?'
I offer an answer:
We will!
From the wealth that we create through our work.
At present that wealth is stolen by the 2% (the Capitalists, Monarchy and Landowners) in the form of Money Rents, Interests and Profits to Shareholders/Business Owners.
That 2% then allow their Bullies (the 10%) to Tax us, the 88%, in order that they receive Higher Than Fair, Unequal Pay, Pensions and Perks.
In a world of Co-operative Socialism, none of those Thefts will occur, so that both guaranteed Living Incomes for Everyone, along with Community-provided, Free-at-the-point of Use Public Services, etc will be possible.
The aide-mémoire is No More TRIP-Up!
(Theft/Taxes, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-Shareholders, Unequal Pay/Pensions/Perks)