Sunday, May 28, 2023

Overview: From Neoliberalism/Zionism to Martial Law via Neoconservatism/Zionism

 First, The State of Israel needs money. Capitalist accumulations provide that. No capitalism = no accumulations = no Israel.

Second: the trajectory of Ultra Conservatism is a pseudo-Police State which, in reality is coercion enforced by a Militarised Police Force (as in Israel, the US and here: with the Tactical Support Group, formerly the Special Patrol Group of Orgreave infamy.

I'm pretty sure that, for example, the Sussex Police Force is knitted into the Lord Leiutenant of Sussex and British Army Garrisons in the County of Sussex. Ditto in Lewisham and London generally. And, via Brigade 77 in The Cabinet Office at 10 Downing Street, directly to Mossad, I've been told.

And then to The Grey Pope, The Black Pope and the Thirtenn Roman Families and Capitalism's Attack Dogs, the Jesuits.

The White Pope is just there to Psyop The Masses.

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