Thursday, March 10, 2022

For Happiness

 My mum wants everyone to be happy.

Likewise, Jeremy Bentham said that, in effect, we humans are 'Happiness-seeking Machines'.

I consider that we are happy when our needs are met.

Hence the 'Four Needs' essay in the papers' section at

Succinctly, now that 'The Spirit Level' book is the solid foundation upon which a happy world can be built, we can say that people will live long, happy, healthy and peaceful worlds when we create income equality.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

National Hypocrisy Day 19th March


For National Hypocrisy Day, 19th March, when, on 19th March 2020, announced that the new illness, recently named by the WHO as 'Covid-19' was nowhere nearly as deadly as first feared, the UK Prime Minister Boris Ali Kemal Johnson, announced the exact opposite.


Black is white, up is down, The Truth is That Truth does not Exist.

So, therefore, it does.

That war is peace and that peace is war, on war.

That the new Post-Modernism is Post-Post-Modernism: so Modern that it flees into the Past: a Truth that only exists. There is no present, nor any proveable future, so the Past is the only Truth worth considering.

And, thus, from The Government that taught us that Governments cannot be trusted, that Victorian Poverty was an era of Prosperity for All: Poverty being Prosperity, Inequality being Equality, Black, White, Up, Down.

Or, as our Post-Modernist lunatics would have it, sometimes Up is Down, Sometimes Up is Up, Sometimes Down is Contextual, Ever is Never.

So #woke