Friday, December 9, 2022

Ireland, Land, Banking, 1945 and The Quislings for Capitalism

 A beautiful, clear exposition.

The solution, there and here, are the same: Nationalisation of both Land and of all parts of Banking (Central, Wholesale and Retail) as Not-for-profit, Interest-free Public Services, both.

These proposals were in the 1945 Labour Party Election Manifesto, 'Let Us Face The Future' all of which (save Bevan's -and Attlee's - Socialist NHS: Community-funded and Free-at-the-point-of-Use) were co-opted by the Quislings for Capitalism. I name Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Fabian Society and the LSE,  Herbert Morrison, Hugh Dalton as likely candidates for that label. But, like Brendan Bracken for Churchill, an other/some other behind-the-scenes manipulator(s) might be identified by scrupulous historians of the 1937-1945 period.

My prediction is that all of the WISE islands will become part of a Co-operative Commonwealth (Canada, Ghana, etc, India, etc and Australasia, etc, too).

Ps An interim comment: the book, 'Irelands Enduring Revolution' claims disproportionate smuggling into Ireland of rifles (and presumably ammunition etc) by British (English Empire) Secret Services. Whether true I don't know.

Monday, June 27, 2022

The Deserving Rich and Undeserving Rich: a Reflection

 The Deserving Rich and Undeserving Rich: a Reflection.

It has been a commonplace to refer to The Deserving Poor (Widows, Orphans, the Chronically-Disabled, all Tory Voters) and The Undersving Poor (Me and all The Deliberately Feckless Shirkers and Skivvers, The Deliberately Unemployed, Everyone on Benefits, The Work-shy Disabled, Them-not-Us).

That distinction, by reflection, prompts the question as to any distinction between 'The Deserving Rich' and 'The Undeserving Rich'.

The short answer is, 'There is none'.

That's because the category of 'Rich' (as used in morern, properly-described money terms: net-wealth, net-income) is harmful. First it creates illness and premature death for everyone (morbidity and mortality), including the presently levels of madness and the four pathologies: the 'Rich' suffering also.

Secondly, it grossly-misdirects human activity, by creating harmful work for about 10% of the population: The Bullies, Bribers and Brain-bashers: Capitalism's 'Praetorian Guard' whose higher-than-fair incomes, pensions and perks are paid-for by Taxing us, The Worked Class, the 88%.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

For Happiness

 My mum wants everyone to be happy.

Likewise, Jeremy Bentham said that, in effect, we humans are 'Happiness-seeking Machines'.

I consider that we are happy when our needs are met.

Hence the 'Four Needs' essay in the papers' section at

Succinctly, now that 'The Spirit Level' book is the solid foundation upon which a happy world can be built, we can say that people will live long, happy, healthy and peaceful worlds when we create income equality.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

National Hypocrisy Day 19th March


For National Hypocrisy Day, 19th March, when, on 19th March 2020, announced that the new illness, recently named by the WHO as 'Covid-19' was nowhere nearly as deadly as first feared, the UK Prime Minister Boris Ali Kemal Johnson, announced the exact opposite.


Black is white, up is down, The Truth is That Truth does not Exist.

So, therefore, it does.

That war is peace and that peace is war, on war.

That the new Post-Modernism is Post-Post-Modernism: so Modern that it flees into the Past: a Truth that only exists. There is no present, nor any proveable future, so the Past is the only Truth worth considering.

And, thus, from The Government that taught us that Governments cannot be trusted, that Victorian Poverty was an era of Prosperity for All: Poverty being Prosperity, Inequality being Equality, Black, White, Up, Down.

Or, as our Post-Modernist lunatics would have it, sometimes Up is Down, Sometimes Up is Up, Sometimes Down is Contextual, Ever is Never.

So #woke

Monday, February 21, 2022

What Do We Want?

 What do we want?

To go back to the old normal of bosses and Satanic Ritual Abuse?

Both of which are consequences of capitalism.

Ie of hierarchy.

Thus I propose what the CCF and Tommy Douglas wanted: a Canadian Co-operative Commonwealth, there and a UK Co-operative Commonwealth here.

The CCPA plan for this is in their Reader on Co-operative Socialism.

Including Draft Parliamentary Motions.

It's available on line as a PDF in the papers' section at

Note that the email address there doesn't work anymore.


My dad was in the print (died at 57, 1978). My mum did everything worked class women did (cleaning, shop and office work). I got a BSc and PhD (both community-funded via the State), did world-recognised research and was then unemployed for twenty-two years. Now live alone in Social (ha!) Housing partly on 'Benefits'.

My education and life and work experience led me to put the plan for #truesocialism together.

Which is bullet proof.

Which is why I've been expelled right, left and centre and Decanted to Outer Mongolia (aka Littlehampton). Lovely as Littlehampton is.

It could be worse.


Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Entirely fascinating!

Capitalism Murders the Good Guys. But.

 Shocking. Luc Montagnier has died ‘suddenly’. 

He was the Nobel prize winner for discovery of HIV. 

HIV, that mysterious illness that is at this moment being aggressively marketed anew. 

What an extraordinary coincidence he won’t be around to have any say in what narrative unfolds.



The good news is that The Academy always has Colleges of fellow investigators.

Satan's Colleges are composed of back-stabbing compeitors.

God's Colleges are composed of people (as here) who co-operate For The Common Good.

The Good News is that God is stronger than Satan.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Canada now

 My fellow Canadians need to ensure thatthe Governor General (The Queen's representative in Canada**) issues a Royal Proclamation in respect of all this.

The Queen should insist that Military and Para-Military forces are *not* used in this peaceful protest.

** address Rideau Hall, Sussex Drive, opposite the Canadian Prime Minister's (empty) residence.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

This Will Succeed

 I just posted this (but not on Facebook since I'm banned there):

I have been thinking about the Truckers' Convoys and earlier marches to London as the Capital City.

They all failed: The Pilgrimage of Grace in the Middle Ages, The Jarrow March in the Twenieth Cenury.

Likewise the General Strikes of 1842 and 1923.

All these failed because we hadn't, then, got a plan and a clear demand, even though, to take the 1842 General Strike, it was well stated by William Benbow that social, political *and economic* equality (of equality of toil and equality of happinesswas) the demand.

We, now, can demand that healthy and beneficial outcome by:

A ) Demaning an immediate General Electionwith the two following proposals:

B ) That the Second House (The House of Lords in the UK and the Senates in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere by repopulated on a Randomocracy, Sortician, People's Jury basis: one representative per Parliamentary Constituency, retiring by Thirds each year), and,

C ) that the Sovereign body, The People's elected House of Commons debate, implement and Annually Audit the economic, social and personal plan for Co-operative Socialism, with all its rich, productive and creative diversity, and as already adopted by Occupy London, various Bromley social, co-operative and peace bodies and by its first adopter, Labour Action for Peace.

In so doing, a global Co-operative Commonweal, composed of autonomous Co-operative Commonwealths (both Local and National) will result:

For Peace and The Common Good!

We can now demand that equality

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Use of Children for Sex

 The term 'Paedophilia' is allowed.

Perhaps because it is the 'élites' word.

The proper term is, 'The Use of Children for Sex'.

Even the #woke term 'Sexual Abuse of Children' is a cop-out: it implies that Abuse is wrong but Use is OK.

Neither are.

End of.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Reform The City of London says Occupy's John Courtneidge

Reform The City of London says Occupy's John Courtneidge

Today's report of City of London corruption makes the earlier Radio Interview all the more important.

The corruption report:

The Radio Interview:

Ps the interview starts after a short conversation about Franco and Spain.

Social Credit

 It's noteworthy that, before this Shit Show, 'Social Credit' referred to the followers of Major CH Douglas. Even to the extent that, in 'Texas in The North', Alberta, Canada, had a SocRed government led by 'Bible Bill' Aberhardt.

Their platform was, and is, based on Douglas' 'A + B' Theorem.

After some digging, it seems that the SocReds (who are also active in New Zealand and were/are right Royal Pain here in the UK: to the Political 'Right' of even the Thatcherite Tories) is that Rent and Interest are Evil but that Profits and Salries/Perks/Unequal Pay for work are pure Christianity (which they are not).

A typical SocRed-er would be typified as a dogmatic, evangelical ex-RAF supporter of Ian Smith's UDI Rhodesia.

Their particular bête noir is, with every justification, Fractional Reserve Banking, whereby 'The Banks' create (and control) the money supply as interst-bearing debt.

And, hence the 'Positive Money' crowd.

They hate the fact that 'The Banksters' create their stock-in-trade, interest-bearing 'loans'/debt out of nothing whereas they, the 'honest entrepreneur/business-men' have to go cap-in-hand to The Wholesalers in order to get 'Credit' for their stocks-in-trade.

Usually/often by pledging their family homes as collateral (which, periodically, The Banksters sieze as 'Credit becomes short') hence the 'Bank Victims' cries for 'justice'.

The Social Crediters in the UK have deep connections into, and on behalf of, they think, 'The Establishment'.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Covid etc up to date

Thursday, January 27, 2022

My Plea To My Fellow Canadians, as The Freedom Trucks roll to Ottawa

The #FacebookNazis have silenced me there for another 30 days, etc.

Here is my plea to my fellow Canadians:

Fellow Canadians, my name is Dr John Courtneidge. I am a British (English) born UK Subject and, by application in about 2006, a Canadian Citizen, naturalised in Scarborough, Ontario. By choice, and in solidarity with Acadian History and Heritage, I am an Acadian.

I am a Democratic and Co-operative Socialist - an old CCF-er if you will, and celebrate the contributions of former CCF-ers such as Tommy Douglas, JD Woodsworth and comrades.

Because I publish truth as best we know it, including voices dissident and discordant-to-capitalism, I cannot publish this Plea to my fellow Canadian on Facebook, due to its intolerance of truth and dissident voices: something that it shares with Marxists and Nazis.

My plea is this: at this time, we Canadians have a humbling opportunity and responsibility to help humanity move towards a world of peace: through equality and, thus, #truedemocracy.

That world of 'Peace, Order and Good Government', for and in The Common Good (Le bien commun) can be achieved by us, as Canadians and global peacemakers, by implementing the plan for true Co-operative Socialism.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the CCPA) commissioned me to write five articles on this plan, which they published in their monthly journal, 'The CPA Monitor' in the winter of 2009-10 when I was living in Ottawa and volunteering and, then, working for the National Anti-Poverty Organisation, NAPO,  now renamed 'Canada Without Poverty/Canda Sans La Pauvreté'.

A free PDF of those article, as a 'CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism' in the papers's section at (note that the e-address therein, john @courtneidge . . . is no long available)

Those five articles can be used, as we did at the Occupy London 'Tent City University'  outside St Pauls' Cathedral, London England in the winter of 2011-12 when I was back in the city of my birth, London, England due to long-term unemployment and consequential homelessness.

(I am presently stranded in Littlehampton, West Sussex, England due to Capitalism and Covid. Were that not the case, I would be in Ottawa, greeting this historic Convoy.)

My plea finishes with this:

Please, my fellow Canadians, join with us in Littlehampton and District and set up very local 'Guilds of Co-operators: For Peace and The Common Good' in order to co-operatively discuss this plan for Co-operative Socialism.

And to implement it from Coast-to-Coast-to-Coast in my beloved Canada, were that I could back 'Down Home'.

And, please write to me: I will write back!

A bientôt, salut!

Pour la paix et le bien commun,

John Courtneidge (Dr)

Co-operative Socialism: Tying-up a few loose ends


Co-operative socialism and land issues co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship 

these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place. 

The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease. 

in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship. 

For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense? 

We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything. 


if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if it is a co-operative. then selection implies 

removal from attachment as part of the whole. 

in co-operative care ship the idea is that the co-operators and it could be a single cooperator decide to adopt and implement the plan for Co-operative socialism including the Co-operative values and principles from the international co-operative Alliance as their principles and values by which they will care for the resource. 

this applies as much to physical land the air the seas and Waterways electromagnetic radiation and also to what I might call frozen land. In other words buildings tools equipment anything where land based resources have had value added to them in order to help human beings live full healthy and happy lives. Which leads us to the question of wealth creation and also workplace organisation that's the next topic. 


workplace issues in co-operative socialism 

in capitalism work is simply a demand upon the lives of people to provide for the capitalist maximum return in the shortest possible time. 

this creates immense inequality which means that everyone the manager's the capitalists the workers unemployed the retired children infants babies teenagers students everyone suffers 

So in co-operative socialism every workplace is reassigned to a cooperative structure one of four possibilities in the social economy. Wear a market using money still exists for as long as money is used by people. The two co-operative workplace forms are either monopolies. Which are organised as community cooperatives? And market based social economy Enterprises which are organised as individual worker cooperatives. 

the common Bond to all of this are the Co-operative values and principles that are contained in the Statement on the Co-operative identity from the international co-operative Alliance which co-operators worldwide refresh every 30 or so years as they are doing at the present time. 

so that a new statement on the Co-operative identity not statement of the Co-operative identity is published after agreement. 

One way in which workplace cooperatives can ensure that they remain true and faithful to the Co-operative values and principles is for them to carry out internally and annual co-operative audit so that play review The Years work. And decide that if there are values and principles which they didn't pay attention to during the last year. They will try and so in the year to come. 

So in parallel with those market-based cooperatives community cooperatives in the Monopoly sector worker cooperatives in the diversity of provision market sector there are two forms of operatives, which will serve well in the solidarity economy. 

again, where these Form and natural Monopoly then they need to be community cooperatives, which will require funding as long as mum still is used by Society so that they can function. 

In the diversity of provision aspect of the solidarity economy, then those cooperatives. Gain by worker cooperatives each one of which will require some form of subsidy by the community in order to carry out their work. 

for example 

the royal national lifeboat institution forms a natural Monopoly in a particular area And so could receive as it does at the moment community support in terms of finance and individual support in terms of activities as Lifesavers those Lifesavers will not need to be paid to do this work. They will probably volunteer as they do at the moment, but since they will be receiving a guaranteed not means-tested or not mean tested living income for everyone. They could decide that is their contribution to society and they don't need to add to that through paid work in the social economy sector. Which brings are to the questions of incomes and will deal with that in the next section? 


co-operative socialism and income issues 

at present within capitalism most people be 88% received their incomes in the form of payment for work. Or benefits social assistance from the community. 

the latter includes pensioners Who very often have a community or state provided pension along with a workplace pension? The income of which is due to the work of the current employees along with rent interest and profits which are included in the pension pot from Investments so-called bye. the trustees for the pension 

in co-operative socialism people's incomes 

are dramatically reduced because the majority of their needs are met on a socialist basis community provided and free at the point of use so for example. At present public libraries are community provided and therefore are free at the point of use. at least win the local authorities which fund their public libraries are fully committed to a life Learning Community 

since rent interest and profits along with taxation of income and taxation of purchases are abolished in the plan for Co-operative socialism. People's need for money is dramatically reduced. 

The spirit level book tells us that a much reduced income distribution is good for everyone in a society. People live longer healthier and happier lives their families drive their communities are welcoming and happy when the income distribution within them is dramatically reduced. Accordingly the plan for Co-operative socialism ensures that no one has too much and no one has to little. 

The basis for income for everyone is a guaranteed liveable income for everyone a life. Such that the community decides through a reformed second chamber nationally the House of Lords what money level of guaranteed living income is sensible for people to live a decent life. Some people will decide that that's all the income that they need they could therefore be full-time carers in homes carers in the community students retired people enjoying a well-earned rest and so on. 

Some people will decide that they need to be paid and in addition to receiving their living income or they might even decide to not take their living income from the community but simply decide to have a paintwork income. 

There needs therefore to be a social determination of what that maximum paperwork income is to be either as a multiplier of the level of the Living income for everyone. or as I 

money denominated maximum 

either way the second chamber a reformed House of Lords reformed on a random ocracy basis will annually decide a recommendation as to the money level of the Living income for everyone and that maximum working come and make an annual recommendation to the sovereign House the House of Commons both of which will be organised on a one member per parliamentary constituency in the House of Commons case and elected. 

In the second house a reformed House of Lords a person chosen by lot to effectively operate a people's jury in the second house and retiring after a third three-year course. 

it may be the case that Society decides that an all out and all in second chamber pop kitchen is a good idea or Retiring by 1/3 experience will tell us which is the better way. 

Finally since the majority of human needs and to an extent human once are provided free at the point of use by the community on a genuinely co-operative socialist basis in the end money and its equivalence will simply disappear. Society will decide that we are ready to live in a state of love and friendship and not use money as a present as a whip on people's back and some form of analysis as to whose contribution is which in that better state. We will even be closer to the King of Heaven the Jesus speaks of 


co-operative socialism money banking and finance issues 

since co-operative socialism abolishes rent interest and profits and decides a much reduced level of income inequality the question of the use of money. in a world of co-operative socialism becomes important 

the most obvious solution to the question of banking and finance for cooperatives. Is 4 banks to be effectively? the common purse filled up by the community as it's market-based social economy cooperatives generate. financial surplus 

Which capitalism would call its profits so that they financial service industry becomes a benefit to wealth creation? 

accordingly one model of a banking system would be a collection of solidarity cooperatives where the community decides through a mixture of grant and living incomes to everyone. 

For those cooperatives to operate on an interest-free and not-for-profit basis. 

Eventually of course since the use of money will disappear. These banking systems will become redundant. 

one possible 

future development for the banking system Would be as part of the international support which a nation-state gives to the generation of a global Co-operative commonweal. in such a state if a 

country which feels that it needs extra support from countries which are more favourably placed in it could make an appeal to the National banking systems for financial support on a grant not basis. 

That leads us to the whole question of international solidarity work which will be part of the next section. 


Tying up some loose ends. 

first of all let me reiterate that the objective of co-operative socialism is not what can I get the other what can I and what can we give? 

in terms of International Affairs this means that we all contribute as best we can 

2 a world of wellness happiness peace and sustainable prosperity for all 

this is the concept of a cooperative commonweal. 

secondly a present capitalism in its latest utterly degenerate form 

privatising knowledge data information but not in any sense privatising Wisdom because as far as capitalism is concerned, Wisdom and understanding. Our it's poison once we know the capitalism is simply trashing the planet and burning up. Everyone's lives and that includes the 10% that forms a praetorian guard. To protect the 2% the monarchy the aristocracy and the capitalists 

Then we know that we need a replacement for capitalism. 

Experience has told us that revolutionary events simply replace one set of buses with another set of bosses. 

We don't need any buses and in actual fact within co-operative socialism since there are no positions of power. Then wanna-be bosses cannot migrate to those positions of power to tell everyone else what to do. 

Because we will all know what our best contribution is. 

Knowledge therefore cannot be privatised. 

if a particular co-operative discovers a better way of doing something Or in vents something completely no. Then it is their contribution to everyone else's well-being and therefore their own well-being to share and give that information knowledge and data as quickly as possible. That's then becomes wisdom. 

co-operative socialism money banking and finance issues


co-operative socialism money banking and finance issues 

since co-operative socialism abolishes rent interest and profits and decides a much reduced level of income inequality the question of the use of money. in a world of co-operative socialism becomes important 

the most obvious solution to the question of banking and finance for cooperatives. Is 4 banks to be effectively? the common purse filled up by the community as it's market-based social economy cooperatives generate. financial surplus 

Which capitalism would call its profits so that they financial service industry becomes a benefit to wealth creation? 

accordingly one model of a banking system would be a collection of solidarity cooperatives where the community decides through a mixture of grant and living incomes to everyone. 

For those cooperatives to operate on an interest-free and not-for-profit basis. 

Eventually of course since the use of money will disappear. These banking systems will become redundant. 

one possible 

future development for the banking system Would be as part of the international support which a nation-state gives to the generation of a global Co-operative commonweal. in such a state if a 

country which feels that it needs extra support from countries which are more favourably placed in it could make an appeal to the National banking systems for financial support on a grant not basis. 

That leads us to the whole question of international solidarity work which will be part of the next section. 

Co-operative Socialism and income issues


Co-operative socialism and land issues co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship 

these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place. 

The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease. 

in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship. 

For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense? 

We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything. 


if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if it is a co-operative. then selection implies 

removal from attachment as part of the whole. 

in co-operative care ship the idea is that the co-operators and it could be a single cooperator decide to adopt and implement the plan for Co-operative socialism including the Co-operative values and principles from the international co-operative Alliance as their principles and values by which they will care for the resource. 

this applies as much to physical land the air the seas and Waterways electromagnetic radiation and also to what I might call frozen land. In other words buildings tools equipment anything where land based resources have had value added to them in order to help human beings live full healthy and happy lives. Which leads us to the question of wealth creation and also workplace organisation that's the next topic. 


workplace issues in co-operative socialism 

in capitalism work is simply a demand upon the lives of people to provide for the capitalist maximum return in the shortest possible time. 

this creates immense inequality which means that everyone the manager's the capitalists the workers unemployed the retired children infants babies teenagers students everyone suffers 

So in co-operative socialism every workplace is reassigned to a cooperative structure one of four possibilities in the social economy. Wear a market using money still exists for as long as money is used by people. The two co-operative workplace forms are either monopolies. Which are organised as community cooperatives? And market based social economy Enterprises which are organised as individual worker cooperatives. 

the common Bond to all of this are the Co-operative values and principles that are contained in the Statement on the Co-operative identity from the international co-operative Alliance which co-operators worldwide refresh every 30 or so years as they are doing at the present time. 



co-operative socialism and income issues 

at present within capitalism most people be 88% received their incomes in the form of payment for work. Or benefits social assistance from the community. 

the latter includes pensioners Who very often have a community or state provided pension along with a workplace pension? The income of which is due to the work of the current employees along with rent interest and profits which are included in the pension pot from Investments so-called bye. the trustees for the pension 

in co-operative socialism people's incomes 

are dramatically reduced because the majority of their needs are met on a socialist basis community provided and free at the point of use so for example. At present public libraries are community provided and therefore are free at the point of use. at least win the local authorities which fund their public libraries are fully committed to a life Learning Community 

since rent interest and profits along with taxation of income and taxation of purchases are abolished in the plan for Co-operative socialism. People's need for money is dramatically reduced. 

The spirit level book tells us that a much reduced income distribution is good for everyone in a society. People live longer healthier and happier lives their families drive their communities are welcoming and happy when the income distribution within them is dramatically reduced. Accordingly the plan for Co-operative socialism ensures that no one has too much and no one has to little. 

The basis for income for everyone is a guaranteed liveable income for everyone a life. Such that the community decides through a reformed second chamber nationally the House of Lords what money level of guaranteed living income is sensible for people to live a decent life. Some people will decide that that's all the income that they need they could therefore be full-time carers in homes carers in the community students retired people enjoying a well-earned rest and so on. 

Some people will decide that they need to be paid and in addition to receiving their living income or they might even decide to not take their living income from the community but simply decide to have a paintwork income. 

There needs therefore to be a social determination of what that maximum paperwork income is to be either as a multiplier of the level of the Living income for everyone. or as I 

money denominated maximum 

either way the second chamber a reformed House of Lords reformed on a random ocracy basis will annually decide a recommendation as to the money level of the Living income for everyone and that maximum working come and make an annual recommendation to the sovereign House the House of Commons both of which will be organised on a one member per parliamentary constituency in the House of Commons case and elected. 

In the second house a reformed House of Lords a person chosen by lot to effectively operate a people's jury in the second house and retiring after a third three-year course. 

it may be the case that Society decides that an all out and all in second chamber pop kitchen is a good idea or Retiring by 1/3 experience will tell us which is the better way. 

Finally since the majority of human needs and to an extent human once are provided free at the point of use by the community on a genuinely co-operative socialist basis in the end money and its equivalence will simply disappear. Society will decide that we are ready to live in a state of love and friendship and not use money as a present as a whip on people's back and some form of analysis as to whose contribution is which in that better state. We will even be closer to the King of Heaven the Jesus speaks of 

Co-operative socialism and land issues

Co-operative socialism and land issues 

co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship 

these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place. 

The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease. 

in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship. 

For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense? 

We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything. 


if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if it is a co-operative. then selection implies 

removal from attachment as part of the whole. 

in co-operative care ship the idea is that the co-operators and it could be a single cooperator decide to adopt and implement the plan for Co-operative socialism including the Co-operative values and principles from the international co-operative Alliance as their principles and values by which they will care for the resource. 

this applies as much to physical land the air the seas and Waterways electromagnetic radiation and also to what I might call frozen land. In other words buildings tools equipment anything where land based resources have had value added to them in order to help human beings live full healthy and happy lives. Which leads us to the question of wealth creation and also workplace organisation that's the next topic. 


workplace issues in co-operative socialism 

in capitalism work is simply a demand upon the lives of people to provide for the capitalist maximum return in the shortest possible time. 

this creates immense inequality which means that everyone the manager's the capitalists the workers unemployed the retired children infants babies teenagers students everyone suffers 

So in co-operative socialism every workplace is reassigned to a cooperative structure one of four possibilities in the social economy. Wear a market using money still exists for as long as money is used by people. The two co-operative workplace forms are either monopolies. Which are organised as community cooperatives? And market based social economy Enterprises which are organised as individual worker cooperatives. 

the common Bond to all of this are the Co-operative values and principles that are contained in the Statement on the Co-operative identity from the international co-operative Alliance which co-operators worldwide refresh every 30 or so years as they are doing at the present time. 

so that a new statement on the Co-operative identity not statement of the Co-operative identity is published after agreement. 

One way in which workplace cooperatives can ensure that they remain true and faithful to the Co-operative values and principles is for them to carry out internally and annual co-operative audit so that play review The Years work. And decide that if there are values and principles which they didn't pay attention to during the last year. They will try and so in the year to come. 

So in parallel with those market-based cooperatives community cooperatives in the Monopoly sector worker cooperatives in the diversity of provision market sector there are two forms of operatives, which will serve well in the solidarity economy. 

again, where these Form and natural Monopoly then they need to be community cooperatives, which will require funding as long as mum still is used by Society so that they can function. 

In the diversity of provision aspect of the solidarity economy, then those cooperatives. Gain by worker cooperatives each one of which will require some form of subsidy by the community in order to carry out their work. 

for example 

the royal national lifeboat institution forms a natural Monopoly in a particular area And so could receive as it does at the moment community support in terms of finance and individual support in terms of activities as Lifesavers those Lifesavers will not need to be paid to do this work. They will probably volunteer as they do at the moment, but since they will be receiving a guaranteed not means-tested or not mean tested living income for everyone. They could decide that is their contribution to society and they don't need to add to that through paid work in the social economy sector. Which brings are to the questions of incomes and will deal with that in the next section? 

workplace issues in co-operative socialism


Co-operative socialism and land issues co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship 

these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place. 

The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease. 

in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship. 

For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense? 

We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything. 


if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if 


workplace issues in co-operative socialism 

in capitalism work is simply a demand upon the lives of people to provide for the capitalist maximum return in the shortest possible time. 

this creates immense inequality which means that everyone the manager's the capitalists the workers unemployed the retired children infants babies teenagers students everyone suffers 

So in co-operative socialism every workplace is reassigned to a cooperative structure one of four possibilities in the social economy. Wear a market using money still exists for as long as money is used by people. The two co-operative workplace forms are either monopolies. Which are organised as community cooperatives? And market based social economy Enterprises which are organised as individual worker cooperatives. 

the common Bond to all of this are the Co-operative values and principles that are contained in the Statement on the Co-operative identity from the international co-operative Alliance which co-operators worldwide refresh every 30 or so years as they are doing at the present time. 

so that a new statement on the Co-operative identity not statement of the Co-operative identity is published after agreement. 

One way in which workplace cooperatives can ensure that they remain true and faithful to the Co-operative values and principles is for them to carry out internally and annual co-operative audit so that play review The Years work. And decide that if there are values and principles which they didn't pay attention to during the last year. They will try and so in the year to come. 

So in parallel with those market-based cooperatives community cooperatives in the Monopoly sector worker cooperatives in the diversity of provision market sector there are two forms of operatives, which will serve well in the solidarity economy. 

again, where these Form and natural Monopoly then they need to be community cooperatives, which will require funding as long as mum still is used by Society so that they can function. 

In the diversity of provision aspect of the solidarity economy, then those cooperatives. Gain by worker cooperatives each one of which will require some form of subsidy by the community in order to carry out their work. 

for example 

the royal national lifeboat institution forms a natural Monopoly in a particular area And so could receive as it does at the moment community support in terms of finance and individual support in terms of activities as Lifesavers those Lifesavers will not need to be paid to do this work. They will probably volunteer as they do at the moment, but since they will be receiving a guaranteed not means-tested or not mean tested living income for everyone. They could decide that is their contribution to society and they don't need to add to that through paid work in the social economy sector. Which brings are to the questions of incomes and will deal with that in the next section? 

Co-operative Socialism and Workplace Organisation


Co-operative socialism and land issues co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship 

these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place. 

The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease. 

in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship. 

For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense? 

We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything. 


if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if it is a co-operative. then selection implies 

removal from attachment as part of the whole. 

in co-operative care ship the idea is that the co-operators and it could be a single cooperator decide to adopt and implement the plan for Co-operative socialism including the Co-operative values and principles from the international co-operative Alliance as their principles and values by which they will care for the resource. 

this applies as much to physical land the air the seas and Waterways electromagnetic radiation and also to what I might call frozen land. In other words buildings tools equipment anything where land based resources have had value added to them in order to help human beings live full healthy and happy lives. Which leads us to the question of wealth creation and also workplace organisation that's the next topic. 


workplace issues in co-operative socialism 

in capitalism work is simply a demand upon the lives of people to provide for the capitalist maximum return in the shortest possible time. 

this creates immense inequality which means that everyone the manager's the capitalists the workers unemployed the retired children infants babies teenagers students everyone suffers 

So in co-operative socialism every workplace is reassigned to a cooperative structure one of four possibilities in the social economy. Wear a market using money still exists for as long as money is used by people. The two co-operative workplace forms are either monopolies. Which are organised as community cooperatives? And market based social economy Enterprises which are organised as individual worker cooperatives. 

the common Bond to all of this are the Co-operative values and principles that are contained in the Statement on the Co-operative identity from the international co-operative Alliance which co-operators worldwide refresh every 30 or so years as they are doing at the present time. 

so that a new statement on the Co-operative identity not statement of the Co-operative identity is published after agreement. 

One way in which workplace cooperatives can ensure that they remain true and faithful to the Co-operative values and principles is for them to carry out internally and annual co-operative audit so that play review The Years work. And decide that if there are values and principles which they didn't pay attention to during the last year. They will try and so in the year to come. 

So in parallel with those market-based cooperatives community cooperatives in the Monopoly sector worker cooperatives in the diversity of provision market sector there are two forms of operatives, which will serve well in the solidarity economy. 

again, where these Form and natural Monopoly then they need to be community cooperatives, which will require funding as long as mum still is used by Society so that they can function. 

In the diversity of provision aspect of the solidarity economy, then those cooperatives. Gain by worker cooperatives each one of which will require some form of subsidy by the community in order to carry out their work. 

for example 

the royal national lifeboat institution forms a natural Monopoly in a particular area And so could receive as it does at the moment community support in terms of finance and individual support in terms of activities as Lifesavers those Lifesavers will not need to be paid to do this work. They will probably volunteer as they do at the moment, but since they will be receiving a guaranteed not means-tested or not mean tested living income for everyone. They could decide that is their contribution to society and they don't need to add to that through paid work in the social economy sector. Which brings are to the questions of incomes and will deal with that in the next section? 

The Philosophy of Co-operative Socialism

 The plan for Co-operative Socialism is intended as a replacement for capitalism, not a set of adjustments to it. Our hope is that a new era of peace, love and sustainability may be brought about peacefully, nonviolently and democratically by implementing this plan, which is a replacement for the five <strong>'TRIP-Up'</strong> mechanisms that Capitalism, and other forms of tyranny, use, which are:

<strong>• T</strong> = Theft/Taxes

<strong>• R</strong> = Rent

<strong>•</strong> <strong>I</strong> = Interest

<strong>•</strong> <strong>P</strong> = Profits to shareholders

<strong>•</strong> <strong>Up</strong> = Unequal pay for work

In the long term, we envisage that<strong> 'Ownership'</strong> may be  replaced by agreements for 'Co-operative Careship'. <strong>Rent</strong>, Interest and Profits to shareholders are abolished. <strong>Workplaces</strong> are restructured as <strong>Co-operatives</strong>, some of which will be interest-free, not-for-profit Solidarity Co-ops: providing finance and business help to the wealth- and wellness-creating co-ops. All these with form a non-hierarchical set of local and National Co-operative Commonwealths: as an autonomous part of a Global <strong>Co-operative Commonweal. </strong>All for Peace and The Common Good.


About every five hundred years, the human experiment takes off in a new direction, or rather, it is forced to take off in a new direction. So, for example, in 1066 the Norman Empire's form of feudalism replaced the Tribalism of Wessex, Mercia, etc, here in England. Five hundred years, or so, before that, that form of Tribalism replaced the Roman Empire which, itself had, 500 years before replaced the older family-based Tribalism of Boudica and so on. So, after about 500 years from 1066, Norman feudalism was replaced by capitalism - when, in 1545, <strong>Henry VIII</strong> allowed usury to be legal for the first time in the English speaking world (Harry Page's book 'In Restraint of Usury' is cited in the book-list page at - here is a direct link to the booklist:<strong> </strong><a href=""></a>

<em>So, now, 500 years on from 1545 (near enough) it's time to replace capitalism</em> . . .  with something better . . . picking up from the <a href="">Campaign for Interest-Free Money</a> that we began on 28th January 1998.....  here is an updated version of a paper which first appeared on that website, introducing <a href="">The Way Forward: Co-operative Socialism</a><strong>.</strong>

An earlier paper published in "Readings from the CCPA Monitor" in 2010 is here: <a href=""></a>

A  description of the <strong>Plan for Co-operative Socialism</strong> is also on an Occupy London web-page: <a href=""></a>.

For now, the plan that you see is the one that has already been adopted by <a href="">Labour Action for Peace</a> (in 2013), by <a href="">Occupy London</a> (in 2014, as 'an alternative to capitalism') and by the Bromley Branch of The <a href="">Co-operative Party</a> (also in 2014).

<strong>Forward Planning</strong>

We are developing separate pages covering FIVE POLICY AREAS and action opportunities: • <strong><a href="">Why and How</a> • <a href="">Land Issues • </a><a href="">Workplace Issues</a> • <a href="">Money, Finance and Banking Issues</a> • <a href="">Income Issues</a></strong>.

The Plan for Co-operative Socialism will hopefully evolve as new generations see new opportunities.  Meanwhile, a preliminary current definition is as follows:

<em>"Co-operative Socialism is a set of policy proposals to help create the co-operative commonwealth, in other words, a world of human and ecological co-operative relationships, rather than capitalism's warfare of coercive human and ecological relationships."</em>

Co-operative Socialism and Land Issues


Co-operative socialism and land issues co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship.

Since demands for Rent are exploitative, Co-operative Socialism abolishes Rent, Interest, Profits and Unequal-pay for work.

these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place. 

The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease. 

in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship. 

For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense? 

We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything. 


if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if it is a co-operative. then selection implies 

removal from attachment as part of the whole. 

in co-operative care ship the idea is that the co-operators and it could be a single cooperator decide to adopt and implement the plan for Co-operative socialism including the Co-operative values and principles from the international co-operative Alliance as their principles and values by which they will care for the resource. 

this applies as much to physical land the air the seas and Waterways electromagnetic radiation and also to what I might call frozen land. In other words buildings tools equipment anything where land based resources have had value added to them in order to help human beings live full healthy and happy lives. Which leads us to the question of wealth creation and also workplace organisation that's the next topic. 

Radio Interview on Co-operative Socialism.

 Here's a recorded radio interview.

It starts after a very few earlier comments (about Spain and Franco):

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Jabbers! Sign away your houses and assets now!

 Hedley Rees Covax supply chain misfeasance expert report.pdf



Is this a smokescreen to assert that: the 'vaccines' generate no adverse effects *if handled properly*: such adverse effects, up to and including permanent paralysis and death, are therefore due to 'Operator Error': not Manfacturer Liability.


You have been warned: sign away your houses and assets now!

What's *Really* Going On

 The smokescreens of Covid, Vaccines, The Ukraine, Ghislane-gate, Party-gate, Cake-gate are all there to obscure the fact that #NaziCapitalismMarxism is finally replacing the nonsense on stilts called 'Rights' with its full-blown Global #MarxistFascism.

The UK 'Government' has just announced that it is 'modifying' the Human 'Rights' legislation with #NaziMarxistCapitalistTyranny:


It is the case that you have no 'Rights'. You have Permissions.

They are contingent.

The only 'Right' that matters to Capitalism is the one half down the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

It is very foolishly placed at thst point because when that Declaration is printed in a two-column format it appears at the top of the second column.

That 'Right' is the assertion that you (or rather they, the Monarchy, Aristocracy and Capitalists: the 2%) have a 'Right' to own 'Private Property', alomg with the (silent) consequential 'Right' to use it for *your own* benefit.

Ie, these Two Key 'Rights' of Theft ('Ownership') and Use-for-personal benefit (Usury: no 'quotes') are what the fake flim-flammery of 'Rights' is all above: just an assertional 'defence' of capitalism.

A 'defence' that flows back, at least, to Jeremy Bentham's 'In Defence of Usury' (copies of which consitute the British Library's 'only' holdings - public catalogue holdings that is - on 'usury'.

That pamphlet simply asserts that a sane man has every right to practice, and profit from usury (and, please don't allow any assertion that usury is 'excessive' profit-taking: The Usurer's Assertion).

This is why I offer Co-operative Careship as the proper relationship to economic resources (rather than Theft plus Usury: Capitalism) and consequential actions for Peace, Remediation and The Common Good (ie #truesocialism not the #SatanicNaziMarxist 'Communism' conspiracy that Klaus Schwab and his World Federalist Conspiracy is pishing through the World 'Economic' Forum (as the successor conspiracy to the World Trade Organisation).

And, hence, the true alternative to Capitalism's #FakeRightsPolitics - the pan for Co-operative Socialism.

By Tuesday!

(And The Kingdom by Easter Sunday!)

Monday, January 24, 2022

When innundated

 Very best wishes and thanks Mark and colleagues.

On many YouTube channels, the haters and trolls get short shrift: the idea of these well-funded cunts is to disprit people from doing good work (God's work).

Might I suggest that you craft a generic response?

Something like:

Thank-you for this.

I get too many enquiries challenging and/or asking questions regarding this.

To the outright nay-sayers, I immediately block you and wish you well.

Do the geninue enquirers, please don't respond. Set or join local groups and do your research and work where you are.

Very best wishes,

Friday, January 7, 2022

God and Satan

 [07/01, 20:44] John Courtneidge: Thank-you beloved brother! Abundant thanks, well packed down.

From the evidence of experience, I am a panentheist (God is present, eveywhere, all the time, in His Creation): I am not a pantheist (Everything id God: Everywhere, all the time. Since that would require Evil to be God, too: nonsense).

Now as to Satan/The Devil. Again from tne evidence of experience, I consider that Satan/The Devil exists only in one place: within every human being.

And that the outward appearance of Satan-within-each-of-us (I wonder if there is a 'kosher' term for that) is the selfishness that is driven by our fears.

Now, all animals seem to exhibit fear, so fear isn't alone Satan.

Though what and where Satan is in humans, uniquely I consider, I cannot, as yet, say.



[07/01, 20:50] John Courtneidge: From this:

The following:

   'In Judaism, Satan is a verb and generally refers to a difficulty or temptation to overcome instead of a literal being.'

[07/01, 21:03] John Courtneidge: Fascinating, also:

How To Get From Here To There

 [07/01, 18:24] John Courtneidge: I certainly agree that we need a 'rapid evolution'.

That said, every revolution has resulted in one set of bosses being replaced by another set of bosses.

Accordingly, the best that I can offer is a rapid evolution from 'what is' to The People's Parliament' as already outlined.

[07/01, 18:26] John Courtneidge: There is a useful concept in chemistry called 'A Phase Change'.

Though I doubt that it is well explained anywhere. Except in an 'A' Level Classroom when taught by a real Chemist in an experiential, Nuffield, heuristic fashion.

Just as we *used* to do.

Thursday, January 6, 2022


One might wonder why Charities like Age UK are not taking up this Genocide, Amnesty too.

But we know that they are all shills of/for the #SatanicZionismEuthenasiaConspiracy.

The only solution is to implement our plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Because that brings a) good health for all and b) the freedom of a guaranteed, not-mean/s tested Living Income gor Everyone.

Tinkering with #CapitalismMarxismAnarchy will murder more people.

All Nine

 Yes. And's not either or.

Local, National, Global.

All three forms of polics too: Protest, Practical Demonstration (that alternaives can work, such as #TrueCo-operatives, Community-Suported Agriculture, etc) and Propositional Politics (ie, if we did this then this benefical outcome will occur, such that we can monitor and celebrate its successes and design next steps).

The evidence is that we therefore need to bring all nine of these salients together: to replace Capitalism (Money demanding Rent, Interest and Profits, faster and faster and faster).

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Covid-19: A Christian Response

Covid-19: A Christian Response

John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, West Sussex. Wednesday 5th January 2022


My dearest friends, please consider the following:

The illness called 'Covid 19' was, either, created by God or by Satan.

If it was created by God then He sent it for our well-being because that is *aways* how he treats us, His Children.

If it was created by Satan, then Our Father's power is always greater than that of Satan and, so, if we are faithful to Him he will provide us with the means by which we can survive *anything* and *everything* that Satan throws at us.

This logic, I suggest, means that all Christisns should reject The Devil (Satan) and all his works: in particular the fear that causes people to panic.

And to, therefore, submit to swabs, jabs, lock-downs, shut-outs, Police Brutality, Imprisonment and so on.

Were I not on a thirty day ban from posting on 'my' Facebook page, I would have, by now, posted this text.

Thanks-be To God that the message above was sent to us: so that I could repond in this way.

I hope that this responsive logic will be shared far and wide.

And, even, be pasted onto by 'my' Facebook page by friends.

In closing, I watched a recent news item on You Tube concerning one Amish Church's response to the Covid-19 scare.

They did not bow the knee to that panic.

And, as a result had their best year, economically-speaking, for Christ, ever.

The link is:

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Crux of the matter


Desmond Tutu spent time in south-east London/ Metropolitan Kent (the centre of The Universe)   Ken Livingstone interview.

This is how corrupt this world is.... nothing new under the sun...

If you know any doctor personally please share this...

Woe! The Monversities and Death of Truth


Since I am a PhD chemist (UCL, 1981) and others here have equivalent levels of education (which is not to say that we are better than you, or anyone else) the standard of 'proof' is, yes, peer-reviewed Primary Articles and Seconary-literature reviews.

'Everybody knows' doesn't cut it.

Nor assertional, 'It is the (unevidenced) case that.'

As I alluded to above, a body, even, of scientists ('lovers of truth': philosophers) might get it entirely wrong. In which case they have, individually and, hopefully collectively, invert their paradigm. (The essay 'How Rigid Is Your Paradigm?' in the papers' section at might be helpful.)

The best example (and I'm not certain if Thomas Kuhn reviewed this in excellent book 'The Nature of Scientific Revolutions') is that of the Phlogiston Theory of Combustion which was *entirely* inverted by the Oxygen Theory of Combustion.

Incidentally, by the action of an anonymous recommendation I was deeply honoured in the 1980's-90's to have been a reviewer of Sunmitted Manuscripts for The Chemical Society (now The Royal Society of Chemistry).

At that time, Robert Maxwell had purchased two Primary Journal titles, 'Tetraheadron' and 'Tetraheadron Letters' and realised the profit potential of academic publishing.

That co-incided with the change in University Research funding: from Research Council disbursement of State-provided funds to Industrial Funding of 'Research. That had two consequences among a host of others.

First the Industrial Funding was done in order to provide Trained Monkeys for their R&D labs plus *Patents* rather than peer-reviewed academic literature publication.

This meant that The Universities became Capitalist Monversities and For-profit publication of utterly-worthless 'Medical Science', 'Materials Science', 'Computational Science (á la the murderer at the South-Kensington bastion of pride and bullying, the 'Imperial' College of Capitalism)' meant that the frenetic McDonalsisation of University 'Research' means that I would *no longer* recommend any young person go to a 'University' in the global north-west.


Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this exploration of the 'asympomatic speader' hypothesis.

Regardless of its outcome, the fact that the CDC funded the 'research' that is reported in the one 'scientific' Primary Journal paper so far cited makes my point: the capitalist monoversities cannot *in any sense* be trusted.

Life-long Scholarship, guaranteed Tenure, resulting in contrary voices and 'as led' independent, properly-funded investigations are now dead.

Furthermore, Collegiality has been destroyed: not only because of the 'payment by acceptable results' funding neck-lock but, because the Monoversity Undergraduate popultation has been inflated from 5% of the age cohort in my day (1969-1972, University of Bristol, Chemistry BSc II:1) to now (50% or so of the age cohort: in order to:

a. Disguise Youth Unemployment, and, 

b. To provide Tuition Fee Income to the Monoversities, so that,

c. The Graduating Classes take on pre-QE Annual Increase in the Interest-bearing Debt 'Money Supply', then,

d. The tenured staff become, in large part for the Undergraduates, distanced stage-performers. While Post-graduate ongoing students become the Undergraduates' tutorial teachers (this, admittedly, was already my experience at Bristol 1969-72).

Thus I have long-described this era, à la Hobsbawm, 'The Age of Stupidity'.


Monday, January 3, 2022

A Century of Co-operation. Or of Cooperation.

 Awhile ago, I reflected that the Twentieth Century was described using tele-prefixed, 'from here, to there' relationship, words: telegraph, telegram, telephone, television, teleporter . . .

And I speculated that the Twenty-first Century might be a Century of co-, com- and con-prefixed words, words signifying 'here *and* there' relationships.

These co-prefixed words, however fall into two categories: of equal relations and unequal relationships.

In the former is conversation, community, co-operation and so on.

The latter, unequal relationship words, however, always seem to be malign: coercion, compliance, cooperation as examples: the latter being a very important contrast to its better, hyphenated form, co-operation.
