Sunday, December 29, 2019

How The Lunatics Are Elected to Rule Us

Tom Peckham asked about levels of madness and sanitu.

I offered:

The four-type Personality Tests, such as the True Colors variant (their questionaitre is, I think, in my photos section) gives the proportion of rationality (their 'Green' score) in any individual, along with scores for the other three quadrants.

These four quadrants seem, according to anthropologist Helen Fisher's work, to relate to differing levels of four neurocstive substances, dopamine, serotonin, testosyerone and the (three) estrogens.

And, presumably, their brain receptor sites.

Michael Adams' Environics work suggest that the 'Personality Centre-of-Gravity' for cohorts is/can be altered over time (see his books, 'Fire and Ice' and 'Sex In The Snow').

Now, given that stress produces so-called stress hormones, and one of these, cortisol, is on the same biochemical pathways as the two steroidal neuroactive molecules (the sex hormones, testosterone and the estrogens), I've no doubt that levels of rationality (the Green qudrant Personality type: thst associated with testosterone) is/can be manipulated by various means.

Epidemiologically, as Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett and Michael Marmot have shown (eg that increased inequality leads to increased levels of mental ill-health and madness; and, presumably their correlate, lesser levels of rationality.

This, incidentally, is why our plan for greater equality, the plan for Co-operative Socialism, was, in part, designed.

Now, the CIA, Mossad, etc doubtless know this and, very likely use psychological manipulation of populations to further their funders' objectives: the continuation of capitalism and, particularly, Zionism.

As, quite likely used in the recent US, UK, Australian and Canadian elections that have caused blatant lunatics like the Ford brothers in Canada to be 'elected'.

Of course, the degradation of Universities into capitalist-funded Monoversities has ended appropriate scholarly, open-published work relevant to these speculations and preliminary evidences.

No-one should be surprised that I and the rest of, perhaps, the most rational scholarly group, the Physical Organic Chemists were made unemployed, and scattered to the winds of misfortune by capitalist governments such as those of Thatcher, Reagan, the Bushes, Mulrooney, Harper and so on.

You heard it, here first!

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