Sunday, December 29, 2019

Twelve Steps From Capitalism to Wellness

How's about this:

The following is a Draft reworking of the original twelve steps as might be applied to capitalism.


From Capitalism to Wellness

1)  We admit that we thought that we were powerless as regards capitalism—that our lives had become unmanageable, but that 'There Is No Alternative'.

2)  However, we have came to consider that a power greater than ourselves individually, but not collectively, could restore us to sanity.

3)  We have, therefore, made a decision to turn our attention and our lives over to the care of the created planet and all its inhabitants, rather than to expoit what-ever there is for Rent, Interest, Profit and as much lucre as we can get from paid work, aided, collectively, by what-ever force for goodness and wholeness we find, whether we name that as God, The Creator, The Divine Spark, or what-ever.

4)  We have made a searching and fearless moral inventory of capitalism. We have admitted to God, or only, to ourselves, and to our friends and comrades, as to the nature of capitalism's evil and consequential wrongs.

5)  We are entirely ready to have, with God's help, or otherwise, the opportunity to pledge ourselves to help remove all aspects of capitalism.

6)  And we joyfully take up that opportunity.

7)  We humbly, therefore, ask our friends, comrades and, if appropriate 'Him', to help us remove capitalism.

8)  We could attempt to make a list of all persons capitalism has harmed, but we recognise that capitalism harms everyone and everything: most particularly those who imagine that capitalism has any beneficial aspects.

9)  Accordingly we, without attempting the impossible task of making amends to generations of all living creatures,  past and present, that have been so harmed, we pledge ourselves to help create a better world for all.

10)  We, therefore, while Annually continuing to assess our progress, and also Annually celebrating our success, will assess our shorycomings and, when we were tardy in our efforts, or downright wrong, promptly attend to them.

11)  Thus, through through action, self- and collective, co-operative education, prayer and meditation as and when appropriately led, to improve our conscious contact with the plan for wellness known at present as 'the living plan for Co-operative Socialism', and when appropriate,  pray for help and knowledge of 'His' will for us and the power to carry that out.

12)  Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we will try to carry this message to all who are presently addicted to capitalism, or despair, 'That There Is No Alternative', and to practice the Co-operative Values and Principles, including the new concept of Co-operative Careship in all our affairs.


Original Twelve step wording, as relating to alcoholism,  is in Wikipedia.


For more on Co-operative Socialism, please see Youtube videos and radio interview and, underconstruction,

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