Sunday, April 26, 2020

This is important

Regardless as to whether the release of the Vovid-29 virus was a deliberate Military act, by whom we leave to the historians, or an accidental release, ditto, or a natural evolution, ditto, the race is now on to define the 'new normal' afterwards.

For the Thieves - the Capitalists - and their Praetorian Guard, prominent among whom are the Zionist Rabbis and their supporters, the 'new normal' will be the Conservative form of Capitalism: the conjunction of Theft, Usury and a Monopoly of Violence.

Fascism and Nazism, in other words.

Forget the neoliberals and their defeated Ex-Praetorian Guard phalanxes.

As much as they might moan and whinge, their 'deregulated', anarcho-Capitalism has reached the end of the road.

Just as Keynes said it would: see his quote in the papers' section at

Which brings us to the question of Usury.

The Land-Thieves hate the Bankers: hence the three-Century struggle between the Tories and The Whigs, which, up until now, The Whigs (The Liberals-not) have won.

This is because, by his Act of 1545, Henry VIII legalised Usury in England for the first time: despite the spin in that Act's name, 'In Restraint of Usury'. (Sir Harry Paige's small book of that title tells the story: from the perspective of the former Director if the Chartered Institute for Public Finances and Accounts and his prior- position as the Treasurer for the City of Manchester).

This released the up-until-then-illegal usurers in The City of London (who, due the expulsion of 'The Jews' two-hundred years' previously: who had operated under various Kings'/mafia-boss protection had operated according to the Rabbinical Double Standard as described as 'The Deuteronomic Double Standard') to evolve into 'The Silken Independents', then The Whigs, then The Liberals-not and, then the Thatcher/Fib/ SDP/ Blair/Mandleson/ Robinson/Levy/Hodge/McDonagh/McNichol neoliberals.

Their day is over: just as Keynes predicted.

So, the next phase will, either, be NeoConservative Fascism/Nazism/Zionism, or true Socialism.

That's why the Capitalists, using their shock troops, the Zionists, *had* to get rid of John and Jeremy.

And me, also.

The Capitalists know that we three hold the prospect of true democratic and Co-operative Socialism in our hands, ready for public examination and support.

So, over to you.

Please let your family, friends and communities know of the study materials in the Canadisn Centre for Policy Alternatives 'Reader on Co-operative Socialism', also in the papers'section at

And, also perhaps, my very home-made videos and excellent radio interview (by my fellow Quaker Tony Gosling) all on YouTube.

Everyone's children, grandkids, nieces and nephews' lives depend on it.

That's what CV-19 us all about.

Friday, April 17, 2020

what its all about, Alfie

An open letter to The City of London, the People of London and my fellow co-operators, comrades, friends and the wider world.

Easter 2020

At the encouragement of my friend, Tony Gosling and other friends who have encouraged me to write this: in honour of many friends, not leazt our belovec Ed Finn.

So, finally, we come to the fifth of the five mechamisms that capitalism uses to trash the planet and immiserate all of us: the capitalists and their Praetorian Guard, also, despite their beliefs, otherwise.

I speak, therefore of the 'Up' part of the five-machanism TRIP-Up aide-mêmoire: Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Up: Unequal Pay for work.

Now, the three 'Unearnt Incomes', o Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholdsrs, flow from naked, unashamed Theft of the God-given Economic Resources necessary for human life, the Theft of The Land, of The Law and the Theft of Knowledge, Data, Wisdom, Understaning generally.

But what is stolen to provide Unequal Pay for work?

Upon reflection, what seems to be stolen is 'Position'.

The uber-Thieves, the 2% of the population who steal, remorselessly, Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholders are the worlds uber-parasites, poor they, the Capitalist families.

They do no work to get trese three 'Unearnt Incomes', which accumulate through the Thievery of past generations of Theives.

Rather, they allow about 10% of families to 'protect' themselves and, they foolishly believe, their families, by setting up, in the old Roman Empire way, a 'Praetorian Guard'.

To pay that Guard, they do not shell out any of their accumulating Thievery, of Rent, Interest and Prifits-to-shareholders: their business is not giving money away.

Rather, capitalism is the process - the grand Thievery, the Grand Larceny - of using money to get and accumulate more money.

And, thus, they imagine, poor fools they, of power . . . and security . . .

Just as the early fools, the Feudal Lords, Emperors, Kings, Queens and Other Mafia Rulers, used land, to accumulate, they thought, more land, via horses, oats and grass, lancers and fighters, generally.

Poor fools they.

So, nowadays, the 2% allow the 10% to tax us to provide the greater-than-average, Unequal Pay for Work, and Pay as Pensions, Perks and other Thievery, to oppress us, the Worked Class, the 88%.

Interestingly, those Praetorian Guard positions have job names that start with the letter P.

Not, probably so-designed, but, again helpful to remember.

Whike we, the despised 88%, do the d-jobs.

Thus: Police, Professors, Publicists, Poiticians (now, most), Poppes, Publicans, Prelates, Pimps of all sorts, the list goes on: all the jobs that are paid, over the odds, to use the three Power Mechanisms (of Bullying, Bribery and Brain-bashing: Condign Power, Compensatory Power and Conditioned Power, respectively: The Gun, The Carrot and Your, or rather, Their Telly, respectively), to immiserate us, the 88% on behalf them, the 2%, to the shame and misery of us all, the 100%.

So, our despised d-jobs, the dirty, degrading, dis-spiriting, dangerous jobs of daily dirt, danger and drugery are our, less-than-decently-paid lot.

Woe to our oppressors!

Not woe because I hate of envy them.

No, I an a Christian, Quaker and Rational Idealist, a recogniser that The Creator, God, is present everywhere in The Creation: suffering as we suffer, joyful when are over-joyed, starving when we are paid to little to live prispering, decent, productive, contributing-as-best-we-can lives.

Woe, because *the evidence is* that income inequality - and, worse, income inequity as regards paid work and unearnt income - is harmful, deeply harmful to us all.

See the evidence on that in 'The Spirit Level' book, its sequels, predecessors and web-sites such as

As you may know, by now a peaceful, ecologically-respectful and Creator-given solution is to hand: the living plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Which is the opportunity for you, your family and friends, neighbours and communities to implement, annually audit and celebrate and move on to better from.

Very best wishes,

John Courtneidge

In All, for all,

The best!

By Tuesday!


The Cash in Your Pocket. Or not.

The cash in your pocket.

Or not.

It looks as though I didn't finish this up:

The careful observer will have noted that I've been very slow in offering the fifth and final part on the five mechanisms* that capitalism uses to immiserate all of us (the Capitalists and their Praetorian Guard included) and to turn the planet into a toilet.

I had hoped to type a preliminary piece in drudgery**, but the misery and drudgery associated with this 'pandemic' has got in the way.


* The five TRIP-Up mechanisms (Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Unequal-pay for work).

**As pictured, for example.

So: Unequal-pay-for-work arises, it seems, from the Theft of Position.

Back in Tudor England, low-income aristocrats would 'petition' Kings and Queens for preferement: to be granted Pensions to be allowed Monopolies over, say, Customs Duties, etc.

The granting of these Pensions always came with a kick-back to the King or Queen, of course, so the Petitioner, as one of the King or Queen's Praetorian Guard would have to squeeze us, the 88% for cash.

By taxing us.

Of course, the King's and Queens were, themselves, being squeezed for cash. Not only by the expenses of Monarchy (Swans for dinner, Wars against the French, Pardons from The Pope, etc) but, also, by the Usurers.

Now, at one time I believed that Feudalism was different from Capitalism.

I imagined that, in Feudal Times, the Then-Mafia (The Kings and Queens) used land as a means of getting more land (land means hay and oats, hay and oats means more war horses and Knights, etc).

But, now, I'm coming to the view that all that was secondary: that Feudalism was the servant of Capitalism.

In other words, those Mafia 'bosses', The Kings and Queens of Europe were the servants of Usury.

This is a thesis and one that I hope others will rebut, develop or confirm.

Thus, to take 1066 as a case in point.

It would seem that William of Normandy brought his Rouen Bankers with him.

Those Rouen Bankers seem to have been, prominently Jews (yes, not all Jews are Bankers and not all Bankers are Jews: no captious whingeing, please).

And, to my surprise, William's successful army didn't go straight on to lay siege to London (after suppressing Kent, in order, presumably to secure Dover?), but, rather, tracked clockwise around London a proto-M25, to Berkhamstead in Hertfordshire, from where he sent emissaries to negotiate with, perhaps?, the Bankers in The City of London.

Now, why?

It would seem that a cash economy - Capitalism (which is best defined at Theft + Usury) was, even then, the essence of the European Economy.

It would seem (and oh! for some good historians writing on this) that that essence was, very largely a slave trade: from northern Europe to the Islamic World, where the Ruling Mafiosi in Islam, paid Gold for Slaves: including Eunuchs to guard their Harems.

Such Slaves were purchased, in part, using Silver Pennies and, thus these two money flows, Silver and Gold, needed to be maintained, monitored and managed. And, for us, now, researched and understood.

As an adjunct, after some lobbying at his father's death-bed, William's youngest son, name now forgotten by me, was given, not England or Normandy, which had already been grabbed/allocated/bequeathed to his oldest two sons, but, rather seven thousand Pounds-worth of silver.

Which he, prudently, demanded, before his father passed on.

Now, even today, that seven thousand Pounds-worth of silver would be described as wodge!

And then . . .!

So, that's why there's no cash in your pocket, or do little.

Indeed, what appears to be so is fraudulent, devalued, devious, harmful rubbish:

A). You pay Rent, Interest and Profits to the 2%: the Uber Thieves, the Capitalist families

B). You *have* to pay Taxes, to Their Praetorian Guard, the 10% who have higher-than-average, higher-than-fair, higher-than-just or -justifiable incomes for doing work that often, oddly, start with the letter P: Prison Guards, the Police, Politicians, professions, generally, Professors, Popes, Prelates, Priests, Pimps generally, Publicists, all Parasites, etc.

C). While you, the 88% do the d-jobs: the dirty, dangerous, disagreeable, dispiriting, drudgery, deemed beneath the dignity of our highers and betters, the sin-mongers, they.

So you, the 88% get paid in debt-created, Fractional Reserve generated, Interest-bearing,
Non-reality electronic 'money', but not enough to live on (due to the Parasites' Rent, Interest, Profit, Tax, Rob-steal-murder actions.

And, even, the cash that you might get is no longer silver, gold or, even copper: those coins are now electroplated steel.

Get a magnet, try it.


So, more TRIP-Up!

No more RIP-OFF!

No more Theft + Usury!

Ie, no more Capitalism.

True Socialism, True Democratic and True Co-operative Socialism instead!

By Tuesday!

Ie before Tuesday!

The best, for all,

For The Common Good,




Rain in Littlehampton today. Good for the Allotments.

Day five hundred and sixty-four thousand, nine-hundred and thirty-four, or thereabouts if the lockdown, lockout, shut-out, shut-down , shunned as though infectious. For me.

This brainbashing assault, for me started on 21st October 1994, or thereabouts.

And it was voluntary.

I could have stayed in Canada.

I might have, after a contact extension that was offered, been given a full-time, permanent position with the Canadian Research Council in Canada, with all the catastrophic developments that ensued, but, rather, I chose, at the age of forty-three, to come back to an unemployed existence in England, to be closer to my estranged wife, to be closer to our kids and to become Prime Minister of the UK.

The latter is clearly a work in progress.

It had never occurred to me that I would be unemployed for long: something will turn up for me.

It didn't.

From then that six-hundred and whatever thousand years of being rejected as unsuited and unsuitable to be 'in community' has been my lot.

In truth, I had odds and ends of paid work, appropriate to a worked-class man, in a factory, in shops, trying to sell newspapers by phone, part-time in offices and, even, thanks-be one winter, being paid CDN$400 per time to write the five monthly magazine articles that, now, constitute the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism (available as a PDF, for individual and/or group study work, in the papers' section at

But, in the end, the unemployment did for my second marriage: even my new sisters- and brother-in-laws excluded me from their homes.

Apparently because, 'I wasn't trying hard enough to find a job.'

They and their children, eventually, could, so why not me.

Well, I had a PhD.

And, likely, a secret services' file for being a socialist.

Who knows?

So here I am again, lonely, bereft and with no intimate beloved. And me, with all the love *I have to give*.

And all the intimate love I *need* to share.

Ah well.

It's stopped raining now.

And that's the ray of sunshine.

Perhaps our Allotment taters *will* start to grow: all my fault, the rain, 'cos I went up to our Allotment yesterday, as posted to water the new fruit bushes and trees: all doing well!

And, had it not been raining, I would have gone up again, to scythe down the excellent winter green manure plants, as a first crop prior to putting in frost-intolersnt veg (beans etc).

Of course, I had been wondering how I could get the bean poles into the bone-dry no-dig soil.

Had been . . .

Best and love to you all!

And to all, in All, for all,


Thursday, April 16, 2020

The next sequence has been planned.

Hence the ousting of Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell.

It is remarkable, not?, that a perceived anti-Corbyn candidate was elected by 56% of The Labour Party membership, when only three years' ago, Jeremy was re-elected Leader with an increased vote.

One might say that the sequence described below, with Elaine's helpful additional was applied (not 'applied' but 'was applied').


Depress, Divide, Rule, Rob, and, now, through 'voluntary' resignations, Elaine's Silent Genocide.

Watch out for the frighteners being put on anyone that even mentions the leaked, unredacted, internal Labour Party report on factionalism and the *deliberate* work to ensure Labour Party defeats at the 2017 and 2019 General Elections by an internal faction of Labour Party 'employees' infiltrated as Trojan Horses by the NWO/Zionist darkness.


Peter Mandleson Geoffrey Robinson Mortgage

Ps Mortgage = The Grip of Death = Capitalism = Theft + Murder.

And does anyone doubt the cause of the attempted murder of Jesus.

Who was recovering in Jerusalem two millennia ago.

And of JFK, Robert Kennedy, Steve Biko, MLK, etc, etc nameless pacifists, democratic and Co-operative Socialists throughout the ages.

If people don't act now, individually, then socially, then collectively, our children, grandchildren, nephews, neices, elders, aunts, uncles, neighbours and, then, us, with be part of the *Silent* Genocide referred to above.

Its next move will be to impose 'Vaccinated-and-Compliant' Mobility-permitted, Chipped ID cards.

And, then Chipped RFID inserts.

