An open letter to The City of London, the People of London and my fellow co-operators, comrades, friends and the wider world.
Easter 2020
At the encouragement of my friend, Tony Gosling and other friends who have encouraged me to write this: in honour of many friends, not leazt our belovec Ed Finn.
So, finally, we come to the fifth of the five mechamisms that capitalism uses to trash the planet and immiserate all of us: the capitalists and their Praetorian Guard, also, despite their beliefs, otherwise.
I speak, therefore of the 'Up' part of the five-machanism TRIP-Up aide-mêmoire: Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Up: Unequal Pay for work.
Now, the three 'Unearnt Incomes', o Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholdsrs, flow from naked, unashamed Theft of the God-given Economic Resources necessary for human life, the Theft of The Land, of The Law and the Theft of Knowledge, Data, Wisdom, Understaning generally.
But what is stolen to provide Unequal Pay for work?
Upon reflection, what seems to be stolen is 'Position'.
The uber-Thieves, the 2% of the population who steal, remorselessly, Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholders are the worlds uber-parasites, poor they, the Capitalist families.
They do no work to get trese three 'Unearnt Incomes', which accumulate through the Thievery of past generations of Theives.
Rather, they allow about 10% of families to 'protect' themselves and, they foolishly believe, their families, by setting up, in the old Roman Empire way, a 'Praetorian Guard'.
To pay that Guard, they do not shell out any of their accumulating Thievery, of Rent, Interest and Prifits-to-shareholders: their business is not giving money away.
Rather, capitalism is the process - the grand Thievery, the Grand Larceny - of using money to get and accumulate more money.
And, thus, they imagine, poor fools they, of power . . . and security . . .
Just as the early fools, the Feudal Lords, Emperors, Kings, Queens and Other Mafia Rulers, used land, to accumulate, they thought, more land, via horses, oats and grass, lancers and fighters, generally.
Poor fools they.
So, nowadays, the 2% allow the 10% to tax us to provide the greater-than-average, Unequal Pay for Work, and Pay as Pensions, Perks and other Thievery, to oppress us, the Worked Class, the 88%.
Interestingly, those Praetorian Guard positions have job names that start with the letter P.
Not, probably so-designed, but, again helpful to remember.
Whike we, the despised 88%, do the d-jobs.
Thus: Police, Professors, Publicists, Poiticians (now, most), Poppes, Publicans, Prelates, Pimps of all sorts, the list goes on: all the jobs that are paid, over the odds, to use the three Power Mechanisms (of Bullying, Bribery and Brain-bashing: Condign Power, Compensatory Power and Conditioned Power, respectively: The Gun, The Carrot and Your, or rather, Their Telly, respectively), to immiserate us, the 88% on behalf them, the 2%, to the shame and misery of us all, the 100%.
So, our despised d-jobs, the dirty, degrading, dis-spiriting, dangerous jobs of daily dirt, danger and drugery are our, less-than-decently-paid lot.
Woe to our oppressors!
Not woe because I hate of envy them.
No, I an a Christian, Quaker and Rational Idealist, a recogniser that The Creator, God, is present everywhere in The Creation: suffering as we suffer, joyful when are over-joyed, starving when we are paid to little to live prispering, decent, productive, contributing-as-best-we-can lives.
Woe, because *the evidence is* that income inequality - and, worse, income inequity as regards paid work and unearnt income - is harmful, deeply harmful to us all.
See the evidence on that in 'The Spirit Level' book, its sequels, predecessors and web-sites such as
As you may know, by now a peaceful, ecologically-respectful and Creator-given solution is to hand: the living plan for Co-operative Socialism.
Which is the opportunity for you, your family and friends, neighbours and communities to implement, annually audit and celebrate and move on to better from.
Very best wishes,
John Courtneidge
In All, for all,
The best!
By Tuesday!
Easter 2020
At the encouragement of my friend, Tony Gosling and other friends who have encouraged me to write this: in honour of many friends, not leazt our belovec Ed Finn.
So, finally, we come to the fifth of the five mechamisms that capitalism uses to trash the planet and immiserate all of us: the capitalists and their Praetorian Guard, also, despite their beliefs, otherwise.
I speak, therefore of the 'Up' part of the five-machanism TRIP-Up aide-mêmoire: Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Up: Unequal Pay for work.
Now, the three 'Unearnt Incomes', o Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholdsrs, flow from naked, unashamed Theft of the God-given Economic Resources necessary for human life, the Theft of The Land, of The Law and the Theft of Knowledge, Data, Wisdom, Understaning generally.
But what is stolen to provide Unequal Pay for work?
Upon reflection, what seems to be stolen is 'Position'.
The uber-Thieves, the 2% of the population who steal, remorselessly, Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholders are the worlds uber-parasites, poor they, the Capitalist families.
They do no work to get trese three 'Unearnt Incomes', which accumulate through the Thievery of past generations of Theives.
Rather, they allow about 10% of families to 'protect' themselves and, they foolishly believe, their families, by setting up, in the old Roman Empire way, a 'Praetorian Guard'.
To pay that Guard, they do not shell out any of their accumulating Thievery, of Rent, Interest and Prifits-to-shareholders: their business is not giving money away.
Rather, capitalism is the process - the grand Thievery, the Grand Larceny - of using money to get and accumulate more money.
And, thus, they imagine, poor fools they, of power . . . and security . . .
Just as the early fools, the Feudal Lords, Emperors, Kings, Queens and Other Mafia Rulers, used land, to accumulate, they thought, more land, via horses, oats and grass, lancers and fighters, generally.
Poor fools they.
So, nowadays, the 2% allow the 10% to tax us to provide the greater-than-average, Unequal Pay for Work, and Pay as Pensions, Perks and other Thievery, to oppress us, the Worked Class, the 88%.
Interestingly, those Praetorian Guard positions have job names that start with the letter P.
Not, probably so-designed, but, again helpful to remember.
Whike we, the despised 88%, do the d-jobs.
Thus: Police, Professors, Publicists, Poiticians (now, most), Poppes, Publicans, Prelates, Pimps of all sorts, the list goes on: all the jobs that are paid, over the odds, to use the three Power Mechanisms (of Bullying, Bribery and Brain-bashing: Condign Power, Compensatory Power and Conditioned Power, respectively: The Gun, The Carrot and Your, or rather, Their Telly, respectively), to immiserate us, the 88% on behalf them, the 2%, to the shame and misery of us all, the 100%.
So, our despised d-jobs, the dirty, degrading, dis-spiriting, dangerous jobs of daily dirt, danger and drugery are our, less-than-decently-paid lot.
Woe to our oppressors!
Not woe because I hate of envy them.
No, I an a Christian, Quaker and Rational Idealist, a recogniser that The Creator, God, is present everywhere in The Creation: suffering as we suffer, joyful when are over-joyed, starving when we are paid to little to live prispering, decent, productive, contributing-as-best-we-can lives.
Woe, because *the evidence is* that income inequality - and, worse, income inequity as regards paid work and unearnt income - is harmful, deeply harmful to us all.
See the evidence on that in 'The Spirit Level' book, its sequels, predecessors and web-sites such as
As you may know, by now a peaceful, ecologically-respectful and Creator-given solution is to hand: the living plan for Co-operative Socialism.
Which is the opportunity for you, your family and friends, neighbours and communities to implement, annually audit and celebrate and move on to better from.
Very best wishes,
John Courtneidge
In All, for all,
The best!
By Tuesday!
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