Hence the ousting of Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell.
It is remarkable, not?, that a perceived anti-Corbyn candidate was elected by 56% of The Labour Party membership, when only three years' ago, Jeremy was re-elected Leader with an increased vote.
One might say that the sequence described below, with Elaine's helpful additional was applied (not 'applied' but 'was applied').
Depress, Divide, Rule, Rob, and, now, through 'voluntary' resignations, Elaine's Silent Genocide.
Watch out for the frighteners being put on anyone that even mentions the leaked, unredacted, internal Labour Party report on factionalism and the *deliberate* work to ensure Labour Party defeats at the 2017 and 2019 General Elections by an internal faction of Labour Party 'employees' infiltrated as Trojan Horses by the NWO/Zionist darkness.
Peter Mandleson Geoffrey Robinson Mortgage
Ps Mortgage = The Grip of Death = Capitalism = Theft + Murder.
And does anyone doubt the cause of the attempted murder of Jesus.
Who was recovering in Jerusalem two millennia ago.
And of JFK, Robert Kennedy, Steve Biko, MLK, etc, etc nameless pacifists, democratic and Co-operative Socialists throughout the ages.
If people don't act now, individually, then socially, then collectively, our children, grandchildren, nephews, neices, elders, aunts, uncles, neighbours and, then, us, with be part of the *Silent* Genocide referred to above.
Its next move will be to impose 'Vaccinated-and-Compliant' Mobility-permitted, Chipped ID cards.
And, then Chipped RFID inserts.
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