Sunday, May 31, 2020

Killing kids

Today, 1st June in the UK, is, as I understand it, a Bank Holiday.

In theory, or, rather, by Diktat, the Havarta Agreement Nazi/Zionist UK Government is putting all of our Worked- and Lower Middle-Class children in harm's way, by forcing them back into school.


Where are their mothers, aunts and grandmothers?

The Private and Public Schools are to remain, as I understand it, closed as the Web of Deceit weaves its noose tigher on our Worked Class families, weakened already by forty-one years, since 1979, of Conservative Capitalist Austerity and Profitisation ('Privatisation'/Piratisation).

Our children, grandchikdren, nieces and nephews are being used, by the usurers, as guinea pigs to the Eugenisists' toxins of a 'deadly' virus;  backed-up by the shadow of the covertly, now-installed 5G monitoring network, and, immune-system-weakened, by ten or more weeks of imposed 'self'-isolation/enforced solitary-confinement.

Presumably the Nazi/Zionist eugensists in both Conservative and New Labour Parties believe their own conspiracy: or why else would they have closed down our Parliament after only (for men) a Century of the full franchise . . .

And, for women, not even a full Century of full-franchise democracy . . .

Although given the capture of Our True Labour Party by Zionists such as Sibohan McDonagh, Stella Creasy and Margaret Hodge, womens' democracy is a fiction rather than reality.

So, tomorrow at the School Gates, as our children and grandchildren are locked-in, from lock-down, against the depredations of paedophiles (or are they?) behind Prison Fences, as experimental vectors for the toxins described, family fear will be hightened . . .

'Will our kids bring home, asympomatically, the deadly virus?'

'Is the Singlet Oxygen toxicity of the Microwave-generated 5G threat going to make them even more ill?'

While their Class Oppression age-cohort 'equals' in the 'élite' prep-schools (including the prep 'Universities' of Oxford and Cambridge) remain, as I understand it, closed until 2021 to 'protect' the 'élite' Dons.

But, more importantly, to protect the 'élite' gene-pool of the 'élite' Aryan/Norman-Empire/Zionist/Nazi, child-bearing age, Public School Boys and Girls?

Rhetorical overkill?

Or not.

Come on you Zionist/Nazi/Eugenisist trolls.

Come on you mothers, aunts and grandmothers.

Which side are you on?

For all,

The best,

In and for peace,

Through true socialism,

True Democratic and Co-operative Socialism,

Quaker Grandad John.

Then and Now

Then and now.

The trajectory of the Margaret Thatcher-led Conservative, neoliberal capitalist UK Government of 1979 onwards was to reverse time.

To take us, force us, back to Victorian Values: unemployment, insecurity, poverty, illness, destitution, early death.

This was achieved. Largely without demur.

Without saying so, the Johnson-led (perhaps) UK Government of present days has forced us back to before the 'English Civil War' (strictly, 'An Englich Civil War') of the 1650's.

Boris Johnson, as King Charles The First has abolished all 'freedoms' (permissions) of association.

We may neither meet in 'Conventicles' for political purposes, including Conventicles for Religious Purposes.

The Freedom of Association for Religious Worship, 'won' then, has been abolished.

Quaker Meetings for Worship, by Zoom, or Church on The Screen (long a medium for Conservative, Capitalist, 'Christian' Zionists in the US) don't cut it. They are bowing the knee to Mammon, no more, no less.

Now, in between those two Centuries, the European Immigrant population in, what is now, The United States of America, started a series of Wars of Independence from the, apparent, oppression of Taxation Without Representation. Only to replace one form of Slavery, The Colonial and Slave-owning form of Capitalism, with the Wage Slavery of Materialism, Manipulation and Financialisation of Contemporarary Capitalism.

Now, in the US, a New War of Independence, ostensibly, is being fought.

It will deepen the Nazi US State, nothing more.


And the 'Unless' depends on whether the UK Populations, now divided and ruked as Devolved Capitalist Parliaments, will allow their children to be used, in adavance of the children of the Capitalists and their 'Senior' Praetorian Guard families, to test the theory that children and their families can survive 'Social' Mixing.

My Marxist friends would call this 'The Class War'; though so many of them are Fake Communists, with children (not!)  in the still-closed Private and Public Schools, the fake Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, apparently, included (their 'Research' Laboratories included also,
I wonder).

When my fellow Quakers decide to voluntarily open our Meeting Houses to Meetings for Worship, and await, in Worship, the arrival of Oliver Cromwell's Police to eject us into the street (as happened at the Horselydown Meeting House in Southwark, beyond the City Walls, the tide may, perhaps turn.

Usury in England had been legalised, for the first time,  a hundred years' before, by the Eighth King called Henry, to the resultant tensions that resulted in that 'English Civil War' of the 1650s.

One of Cromwell's other acts was to allow Jewish families to live openly in England after the expulsion of three hundred years' before, for reasons that I don't know.

Where, then is The Board of Jewish Rabbinical Deputies, demanding freedom of Worship, also?

Oh yes, Boris Alexander de Pfeffile and Kier Starmer/Blair/Mandleson's financial puppet masters.

Ah, I get it.

The Star Chamber next . . . Enforced Vaccinations, 5G surveillance, 'voluntary'euthenasia.

Or not?

Monday, May 25, 2020

True Socialism

True Socialism.

Is a peaceful replacement for capitalism.

Thus: No Rent, No Interest, No Profits to Shareholders as Dividends.

As a result, Work as Contribution: Consensual and Co-operative, Not Coerced and Compulsory.

Workplaces as Appropriate Co-operatives, even where people work independently, co-operatively, For The Common Good.

Incomes a mix of Community-Provided, Free-at-the-point-of-use, a Community-provided, guaranteed, Living Income for Everyone, at a socially-determined level and Paid Work income up to a maximum, socially-determined level for those that wish a Paid-work income in addition.

A global, Co-operative, Not-for-profit Fair Trade network, with Grants-not-loans as needed.

Co-operative Careship of economic resources, rather than Ownership and Exploitation: a global Co-operative Commonweal, composed of local and National Co-operative Commonwealths.

For The Global and local, sustainable and peaceful, Common Good!

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Next Phase

It Is Time to Start Planning for the next Phase.

The next Phase of this Counter-democracy Revolution is to take down all Social Media interactions.

Indeed, the signal that this is already underway is the number of us who are being targetted by anonymous supporters of Capitalism/Zionism/Fascism/Nazism/Apartheit.

As a result we need to think about how to respond when the lock-down increases through the increase of fear, and the resultant imposition of a Police State and Martial Law.

Thus I offer two possibilities:

A) Start to organise locally. Gather names, addresses, mobile numbers, perhaps emails.

B) Plan an event that can respect the 'Anti-social Distancing' imposition. The regularly timed NHS clapping has worked. Hence the push-back.

C) Demand that your Churches lead by pressing for, or even self-organising out-door, vocal and silent Worship events.

D) Art is the key: Propositional, Ridiculing, which-ever.

E) Samisdat: many of us have home-based printers.

F) There must be history on this and far more clever, creative ways than I've sketched here.

G) Remember that individual action is far weaker, and more easily squashed, than collective action. But, that, collective action is always co-opted. Be fleet of foot, dismantle structures regularly, be patient, impatient and, in a measured, energy-conserving way, be persistent.

H) Rember the objective and embed it in action: to create a non-hierarchical, sustainable society of contribution based on true Co-operative Values, Principles, Outcomes and Celebration.

I) This will be a long haul. The first step is to neutralise the terrorisation by the Police Force. How, I've no idea. The aim is for the supporters of Capitalism/Zionism/Fascism/Nazism/Apartheit to respond by replacing the Police with The Army on the Streets.

To which we will be goaded by Agents Provocateurs into attacking with violence, so that supporters of Capitalism/Zionism/Fascism/Nazism/Apartheit will have won.

The Churches must respond.

We will know them by their actions.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Despair

I despair that our work for twenty-six years has had no popular impact.

The epidemiology (see 'The Spirit Level' book, and a host of sequels, and the website confirm, unambiguously, that mortality and morbidity - death and illness - are increased by the stress caused by economic inequality, specifically income inequality.

People in more equal societies are healthier, live longer, more fulfilled lives, are more peaceful, more ecologically resposnsible, and are more happy.

People living in more unequal societies, be they Countries or States within Countries, are less healthy, die younger, etc.

In short: stress weakens auto-immune systems in people, and in societies and ecosystems.

The solution, therefore, is to create more or greater income-equal societies, Nationally and Globally.

That's what the living plan for democratic and Co-operative Socialism is all about.

Sadly, hardly anyone is listening.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Solution Not Problem

The problem that we have is that the problem has caused a problem.

And then the problem is deemed to be the solution, which is a problem.

Because the problem is not a solution: it is a problem.

So the solution is to find a solution to fix the problem.

Hence the solution:

   True,  Democratic and  Co-operative Socialism as the solution to the politics, economics (not) and ethos of selfishness (capitalism).

The problem is not solved by social distancing (isolation of the self).

But rather by social attraction for The Common Good:

     - Community provision, Free-at-the-point of use.

Thus, the solution is:

     -  Rent-, Interest- and Profits-to-shareholders- Free economics,

      - All workplaces, therefore, as appropriate Co-operatives, all contributing to The Common Good,

      - Community-provided, Free-at-the-point-of-use provision of as many human needs as possible, facilitated by a not-for-profit, interest-free money, banking and finance system,

      - Retaining money, only in the short-term as a mechanism for discetionary purchases, through the provision of 'Social pocket money', ie a guaranteed Living Income for Everyone, with paid-work income, if wished, up to a socially-determined maximum, as a top-over,

      - A National Co-operative Commonwealth of Co-operative Careship rather than Own-ership, all contributing *to*, not parasitic *upon*, a Global Co-operative Commonweal.

By Tuesday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Corona Virus questions 12 May 2020

This is a new blogpost from the Science Museum in London

The three queztions that I still cannot answer are:

1)  Has this virus been isolated? It ssems to go by various names, why, what are they? If it mutates, is it changing into something that has a new name? Has each different type/mutation been isolated? Does each mutation have a different name? If the virus mutates in one place, say in one person, does it automatically change/mutate in every other place/person at the dame time? Does the original mutation survive alongside the nrw mutation or does it disappear?

2) So, is a test to show the presence of, say, initial Mutation A of any use to *reliably* detect any new Mutants, Mutant B, C etc? And, anyway, how specific, and how reliable are those tests?

3) To what extent is the only strategy being offered, isolation, in more, or in less strict ways worsening the death rate, and suffering rate? We know, from the pre-existing epidemiological evidence that greater levels of stress, caused by greater levels of economic distress, specifically, greater levels of income inrquality, lead to greater levels of mortality and morbidity (ie premature death and elevated distress and illness, respectively).

So, are the elevated death rates in, say the UK and US, two of the most income-unequal Countries, scarecely societies, in the world, in this period, due to the *added stress* of enforced anti-social isolation than before?

4) Finally, the only alternative explanation for the, apparently, elevated levels of death during this period is placed at the installation and use of a new microwave technology called 5G. The map of introduction and use of this new technology must be well documented, as will be the map of deaths over this period. Is there any correlation between these two sets of data? And, if yes, which set of questions follow?

The Science Museum blog doesn't seem to be open to posting these questions.

And, even if it was, would any of them be heard above the political battle that is being fought.

Ah well,

John Courtneidge (Dr), PhD UCL Chemistry 1978-1981, Post-doc, briefly at Imperial College, longer at UCL, 1981-1986. Research Chemistry Participant and co-research leader employed by the Malaysian and, then, Canadian Governments, 1988-1994 (including, by intation, at the recommendation of an anonymous fellow Chemist, as a peer-reviewer of researcher-submitted manuscripts submitted for publication in Primary Journals of The Royal Society of Chemistry). All of which ended, then, when funding for fundamental Physical Organic Chemistry research was ended, world-wide.

Usury and The Virus

"Let's go and see our friend, he's feeling down."

"We can't . . ."

"Oh, I get it:

Divide, Depress, Rule, Rob."

"Yes, and kill: it's a genocide.

Capitalism is a genocide.

Not a racial genocide, but a Class Genocide."

"But they need us, the essential workers, to do the d-jobs that they won't do: the dirty, dangerous, dispiriting, degrading, down-right drudgery."

"Yes, but they can breed drone eunuchs to do that."


"Yes, that's what the north European slave trade was all about, the Vikings, Jewish Bankers in Rouen, etc."

"No, it won"t happen!"

"And, you say 'Jewish Bankers in Rouen': that's Anti-Semitic!"

"It's historically factual."

"And the Bankers in the Jewish Communities are Anti-Semitic."

"How can that be? Surely self-hating Jews is not possible?"

"Well, first of all, being a Usurer, in other words a for-profit Banker, is a guaranteed route to becoming hated. And people's first instinct is to see all of the people in the Jewish Community as benefitting from the practice of Usury.

Especially, since The Bible has the Deuteronomic Double Standard: that Jews people are *forbidden* to practice Usury (Ie charging interest of any amount, not the corrupted definition of 'Excessive Interest') to the rest of their Jewish Community, but they *are* allowed to practice Usury towards all other Communities.

One rule for Us, one rule for Them.

That's why, in my experience, popular Anti-Semitism develops: people don't like being used for the profits of others.

They hate Landlords, they hate Usurers, they hate Bosses-for-Profit: they hate Capitalists, the 2%, generally.

And they hate the Capitalists' Praetorian Guard: the 10% who are allowed by the Capitalists to tax them (us, the 88%, The Worked Class), in order to finance the guaranteed, higher-than-average, higher-than-fair, paid-work incomes and retirement 'Pension', incomes: 'Reward for Service', more like.

It's that TRIP-Up thing: inequality created by Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits and Unequal-pay-for-work.

And we all know that inequality makes everyone sick: *everyone".

As in 'The Spirit Level' book and at .

And, because *some Jews* are Usurers, *all Jews*, in popular culture, get painted with the same brush.

And, of course, people know that, if Usury 'against one's brother' is wrong, then Usury against one's neighbours can't be right.

That's why Usury creates Anti-Semitism.

And the present Virus panic."

"So the prevalence of Usury against other Populations engenders Anti-Semitism."


To say nothing of the hatred of Jewish Bankers of Rouen, and other North Sea and Baltic ports, from the victim Communities, in financing slavery from northern Europe to the Islamic Caliphates. Memories have histories.

And present-day consequences."

"Such as Israel?"


"Oh, OK."

"Hold on . . . "

". . . You haven't told me about the relationship between Usury/Capitalism/Israel/Zionism and this virus thing."

"Another day."

"OK, thanks."

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fake Socialism

Fake capitalism = 'Oh! How generous I am/we are!'

Fake socialism = 'I/we tell you what to do, when to do it, how often to do it.'
Nothing about, 'Why to do it.'

True Socialism

True Socialism = 'What can I give?'

True Capitalism = ' What can I/we get? And, how much? And, how quickly?'

I Will Remember

Capitalism will use anyone's blood for its own survival.

To say nothing of tomorrow's VE Day diversion.

All wars are instigated for profit.

We, the Worked Class, the 88%, are murdered (culled) for profit.

The 2% take the profits, then collect interest on the 'War Debts' while, all the time collecting Rents, every day, every minute, every second.

And less.

While the 2%'s Praetorian Guard are allowed to Tax us, in 'peace'-time as well as in war-time.

All the time.

To fund their higher-than-fair incomes, pensions and perks.

So, whose murder will you be remembering?

And whose, ongoing, victory.


Victor Adolphous John Courtneidge.

My dad.

Murdered at the age of fifty-seven.

By capitalism.

It, then, becomes personal.

Ps, he and my uncle, I'm fairly sure, were at Cable Street.

Will that be likewise remembered?

Hope so!

What It's All About

My anti-Zionist Jewish friends, rightly in my view, regard Physical-space Zionism as the heresy.

Not the other way around.

As to what this is really all about: follow the money.

Physical-space Zionism was, and is, a capitalist enterprise.

For just one example, Google the five word list:

Peter Mandelson Geoffrey Robinson Mortgage

And see who the authors of the first hit, a Guardian article are.

Finally: Capitalism/Physical-space Zionism/The Israeli State will, upon examination, be inextricably enmeshed with the funding of war and the consequential State War Debts (ie interest-bearing 'National Debts').

The two named individuals in the Balfour Declaration were both Physical-space Zionists.

One may have been an Observant Jew, the other might not have been, but that is of no matter: both were supporters and 'beneficiaries' of capitalism: Balfour and Rothschild.

Always: follow the money!

Btw, I am one if the twenty-five expelled for Our Labour Party on 11th February 2020: with no hearing, no appeal and no right of reapplication until 2025.

Not because of the alleged anti-semitic nature of the Facebook posts that my *anonymous* accuser/s offered as their 'evidence'.

But because I am a democratic and co-operative socialist.

Of fifty-six years' standing and work.

Oh, and I'm a Quaker and Christian, so that sealed it!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Incomes in a world of true, living, democratic and Co-operative Socialism

Incomes in a world of true, living, democratic and Co-operative Socialism

The income part of the plan for true, living Co-operative Socialism includes the following:

A) a guaranteed, community-provided, not-mean-tested 'Living Income for Everybody': a LIFE for all,

B) then, for those who do paid work, paid-work income up to a maximum level that will be determined, annually, by:

C) a repopulated Second Chamber (populated on a randomly-selected, one-place per Parliamentary Constituency, serving for three years, retiring by thirds) that will, annually, make a recommendation to the First, elected-as-now, Chamber as to i) the £/$/€/¥/₩/etc amount of the Living Income payment and ii) the paid-work maximum, all remembering that,

D) an increasing number of human needs will be community-provided, free-at-the-point-of-use, so that, eventually, money and its equivalents will disappear from use.

Now, finally, as to who gets the paid-work income and how much, the evidence is that, when a guaranteed-income scheme operates, people contribute more in paid work than before (see Evelyn Forget's emerging analysis of the 1960's MINCOM experiment in Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada). More-over, it will be the members of workplaces (all of which will be appropriate co-operatives) who determine how the paid-work income is distributed, up to that socially-determined paid-work maximum: not some external agency.

I hope that helps!

Very best wishes,
