Monday, May 4, 2020

Incomes in a world of true, living, democratic and Co-operative Socialism

Incomes in a world of true, living, democratic and Co-operative Socialism

The income part of the plan for true, living Co-operative Socialism includes the following:

A) a guaranteed, community-provided, not-mean-tested 'Living Income for Everybody': a LIFE for all,

B) then, for those who do paid work, paid-work income up to a maximum level that will be determined, annually, by:

C) a repopulated Second Chamber (populated on a randomly-selected, one-place per Parliamentary Constituency, serving for three years, retiring by thirds) that will, annually, make a recommendation to the First, elected-as-now, Chamber as to i) the £/$/€/¥/₩/etc amount of the Living Income payment and ii) the paid-work maximum, all remembering that,

D) an increasing number of human needs will be community-provided, free-at-the-point-of-use, so that, eventually, money and its equivalents will disappear from use.

Now, finally, as to who gets the paid-work income and how much, the evidence is that, when a guaranteed-income scheme operates, people contribute more in paid work than before (see Evelyn Forget's emerging analysis of the 1960's MINCOM experiment in Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada). More-over, it will be the members of workplaces (all of which will be appropriate co-operatives) who determine how the paid-work income is distributed, up to that socially-determined paid-work maximum: not some external agency.

I hope that helps!

Very best wishes,


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