Sunday, May 31, 2020

Killing kids

Today, 1st June in the UK, is, as I understand it, a Bank Holiday.

In theory, or, rather, by Diktat, the Havarta Agreement Nazi/Zionist UK Government is putting all of our Worked- and Lower Middle-Class children in harm's way, by forcing them back into school.


Where are their mothers, aunts and grandmothers?

The Private and Public Schools are to remain, as I understand it, closed as the Web of Deceit weaves its noose tigher on our Worked Class families, weakened already by forty-one years, since 1979, of Conservative Capitalist Austerity and Profitisation ('Privatisation'/Piratisation).

Our children, grandchikdren, nieces and nephews are being used, by the usurers, as guinea pigs to the Eugenisists' toxins of a 'deadly' virus;  backed-up by the shadow of the covertly, now-installed 5G monitoring network, and, immune-system-weakened, by ten or more weeks of imposed 'self'-isolation/enforced solitary-confinement.

Presumably the Nazi/Zionist eugensists in both Conservative and New Labour Parties believe their own conspiracy: or why else would they have closed down our Parliament after only (for men) a Century of the full franchise . . .

And, for women, not even a full Century of full-franchise democracy . . .

Although given the capture of Our True Labour Party by Zionists such as Sibohan McDonagh, Stella Creasy and Margaret Hodge, womens' democracy is a fiction rather than reality.

So, tomorrow at the School Gates, as our children and grandchildren are locked-in, from lock-down, against the depredations of paedophiles (or are they?) behind Prison Fences, as experimental vectors for the toxins described, family fear will be hightened . . .

'Will our kids bring home, asympomatically, the deadly virus?'

'Is the Singlet Oxygen toxicity of the Microwave-generated 5G threat going to make them even more ill?'

While their Class Oppression age-cohort 'equals' in the 'élite' prep-schools (including the prep 'Universities' of Oxford and Cambridge) remain, as I understand it, closed until 2021 to 'protect' the 'élite' Dons.

But, more importantly, to protect the 'élite' gene-pool of the 'élite' Aryan/Norman-Empire/Zionist/Nazi, child-bearing age, Public School Boys and Girls?

Rhetorical overkill?

Or not.

Come on you Zionist/Nazi/Eugenisist trolls.

Come on you mothers, aunts and grandmothers.

Which side are you on?

For all,

The best,

In and for peace,

Through true socialism,

True Democratic and Co-operative Socialism,

Quaker Grandad John.

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