Co-operative Socialism and Work: The Nuts and Bolts.
So, The Living, Loving Plan for Co-operative Socialism envisages that all work is, properly, a Contribution to The Common Good.
Not, as at present, a Contribution to Selfishness.
According, that plan envisages that the maximised diversity of Workplaces be operating according to The Co-operative Values and Principles, as periodically-updated, democratically, via The Statement on The Co-operative Identity by the International Co-operative Alliance (The ICA).
(Incidentally, The ICA is the Organisation that Globalised Capitalism Zionism Satanism etc is actively corrupting. The individuals who have been doing that corruption know that I know who they are: their next move is to take out all the Socialist Values and Principles from The ICA Statement On The Co-operative Identity: a copy of which is in the papers' section at Finding That Statement on the heavily-corrupted ICA website is hard work: as expected from that invidious corruption.)
So, back to the nature of all workplaces in a true Co-operative Socialist Commonwealth:
There are four types of workplace: Two Types that require financial support from The Community (as long, that is, that Society sees the need to use money: a truly Socialist World had no need of that unhelpful Human Imposition).
In a Co-operative Socialist Commonwealth, I term those such workplaces 'The Solidarity Economy' (L''Economié Solidairé to borrow the Quebecois term).
In that Solidarity Economy, the two sorts of workplaces will be Monopoly Solidarity Co-operatives, organised as 'Community Co-operatives' where a diversity of provision makes no sense and Worker Co-operatives where a diversity of provision provides the better option.
(Incidentally, for those of us who find working, directly, with others distasteful, unhelpful or down-right, at present, hateful, remember that everyone will, as long as money is still being used, be in receipt of a guaranteed, not-means-tested, 'Living Income For Everyone': a LIFE For All, so they will be able to make their Contribution, according to their own lights, to The Common Good.)
Now, the other two types of workplaces will be, again, appropriate Co-operatives; together forming L''Economié Social: The Co-operative Social Economy.
(Note the necessary-at-present extra addition of the Co-operative word in the term 'The Co-operative Social Economy': those Quislings for Capitalism have been both conflating the Social and Solidarity Economie*s* into A (!) - singular! - Social and Solidarity Economy which they position in the margins of, and dependent upon, but contributing to (!), The Continuation if The Capitalists' Imposition and Exploitation. Grrr!)
So, again there will be Monopoly-Sector Social Economy Co-operatives operating as Community Co-operatives (not Consumer Co-operatives) and a Diversity-of-Provision Co-operative Social Economy; which, as in The Solidarity Economy, will form a market-place of Worker Co-operatives.
Now, the distinction between this Co-operative Social Economy and the Solidarity Economy us that, while all the Solidarity Co-operatives will need financial support from the Community (via The Common Purse), the Social Economy Co-operatives will be generating 'Financial Surpluses' by virtue of their market operations and price-charging.
(Under Capitalism's Iron Heel if Oppression and Exploitation, such Financial Surpluses are called 'Profits', which along with the other Illegal Exactions of Rent and Interest are distributed to Capitalist 'Shareholders' - Thieves - as Dividends. In a true Co-operative Commonwealth, operating as a Co-operative Commonweal, such distributions will disappear: The Common Purse being used, instead, to provide Working Capital to Co-operatives and Living Incomes to Everyone: LIFE For All.)
If all this sounds like a pipe-dream, the dreamers could, if they wish do Computer Modelling, using, say, Steve Keen's program.
Or better, they could share this article.
Which I hope everyone that has got this far will choose to do.
Very best wishes to all,
John Courtneidge
Littlehampton, Monday morning, 1st March 2021
The world needs a new, nonviolent, non-trashing, economic and social system: wholosophy is a term I use (web-search for more). Here's a Blog that suggests what that Better New World could look like - a co-operative, fair-world, not-hierarchical possibility - based on an ethic and practice of peace, nonviolence minimized harm and maximized well-being. And by Tuesday! For more - please ask for a Reader - from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Co-operative Socialism and Work: The Nuts and Bolts.
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