Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Work Matters, Part 1

I care about:

Bin Workers
Gravediggers, Crematorium staffs, Funeral workers, generally, including Gardeners
Sewage, Sanitation and Clean Water workers
Shop workers
Hospital workers
Ambulance workers
Farm workers
Food shop workers
Food production workers
Restaurant workers
Pub workers
Railway workers
Road repair workers
Bus and bus repair and maintenance workers
Dock and Port workers
Fishery and Forest workers
Posties and all delivery workers
Warehouse workers
Factory workers
Building workers
Repair and Maintenance workers
Chimney sweep workers
All cleaning workers
Disposal and recycling workers
Fire and Rescue Workers
Educational workers
Laboratory workers
Art workers
Poet workers
Solidarity workers
Sex workers
God's workers
And the hardest worked workers of all:
Unemployed workers

Indeed all of the 88%

In other words, those of us who do, or are forced to do the 'd' jobs: the dirty, dangerous, debilitating, despicable, dispiriting, downright degrading jobs.

Now, as to the 10% of workers that form Capitalism's Praetorian Guard (those with, often, jobs beginning with the letter 'P' such as Police and Prison Workers, Popes and Their Pimps, Priests, Prelates, Pedagogues, Publicists, Professional 'Career' Politicians, 'Professionals', Professors of Capitalism, Satanism and Child Rape and other Abuses, Not Prostitutes, of course, Pimps, Predators and Procurers, and so on)?

At present they are taking 'The King's Shilling/The Twenty Pieces of Silver:

From the 2% (or, more accurately, from the Tax that they 'collect'/extort from us, the 88%:


Since the 2% are in the business of Using, Getting and Accumulating Money.


Not giving it away.)

At the permission of the the 2% - The Thieves and Usurers - who extort Rent, Interest and Profits from us, the 88%, as their Unearnt Income: resulting from their Theft and Usury of The Land, The Law and The Knowledge That God Knew Before The Theft.

Time, then for #truesocialism

And hence the living, loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.

For implementation.

By Tuesday!

John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, West Sussex, Wednesday 17th February 2021.

Thanks be to God.

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