Monday, March 29, 2021

Neither Capitalism or As-experienced Marxism

 Our friend, Mark Eyre noted that both Capitalism and Soviet Communism fail due to increasing inequality.

I offered:


My criticism of capitalism is mechanistic, not based on a vilification of individuals, families or groups.

As you say, as-experienced Marxism, like Capitalism, has an inbuilt mechanism that *increases* power inequality. In the former it is State Power, in the latter, usury.

Thus, the plan for Co-operative Socialism is designed to continuously return societies that adopt it to socially-determined levels of income-equality and power-equality.

Of course, all of those in such societies need to be aware of this *necessary* control mechanism.

Hence, accordingly, the need for *Annual* Co-operative Audits in order to review (and celebrate!) successes.

And to prioritise deficiencies accordingly identified, for action in subsequent years.

Ordinately, *individuals* need to prioritise care rather than accumulation.

Just as is happening now.

So, I'm not so much hopeful.

But, rather, optimistic.

Sunday, March 28, 2021


 Our friend Lucy Bee asks about taxation.

In respect of the plan for Co-operative Socialism, I offered:

Lucy Bee the plan for Co-operative Socialism abolishes all personal taxation (Income Tax, VAT,  User fees, etc) as unnecessary.

The recirculation flow (while money and its equivalents are still in use) will be of 'Financial Surpluses' from those Co-operatives that form the Social Economy back to 'The Common Purse'.

And thence by circulation back to the Community (as a Co-operative Commonwealth) for use to create a Co-operative Commonweal (by, for example, funding the Co-operative Solidarity activities, the Living Income for Everyone, and making grants, not loans, to overseas' Co-operative Commonwealths.

All in order to create a global Co-operative Commonweal as not a World Government, but a network of global ecological, social, family and individual patterns of Co-operative Careship: a sustainable Co-operative Commonweal.

Thank-you for asking!

Very best wishes,

John ๐Ÿ˜Š

Friday, March 26, 2021

A Co-operative Socialist call to Parliamentary action

 A Co-operative Socialist call to Parliamentary action

I was notified, in February 2019, that according to an anonymous complainant to The Labour Party, that certain of my Facebook posts were considered to be antisemitic, etc.

I was offered a hearing, where only one 'silent friend' was to be allowed to be present apart from my self; confident of my innocence, being a Quaker, and long-time Labour activist and supporter for fifty-eight years, I accepted.

The Labour Party shilly-shallied and, at its September 2019 Conference, changed the rules, such that Hearings and Appeals are no longer allowed.

Accordinly, a year on, on 10th February 2020, I was summarily expelled: along with two dozen others (none named, or known to me), by letter, in a little-reported injustice (only one report was made, in 'The Jewish Chronical', the next day, and cited by 'The Huffington Post', shortly there-after).

No Hearing or Appeal or Application for Restored Membership within Seven Years was to be permitted. And the latter 'Only in Exceptional Circumstances'.

Shortly thereafter, I made a Statutorily-permitted 'Subject Access Request', by Recorded Delivery.

Despite the Statutory requirement for reply in the, specified, short period and with another reminder letter, also by Recorded Delivery, that Statutorily-required Subject Access performance has still not been complied with.

Accordingly, I am still in the dark as to the records that The Labour Party in its various Sections hold on me (briefly, I was a Labour Ward Organiser and Town Councillor in Hertford, 1995-99; Chair of Hertford and Stortford CLP and Vice-Chair of the Hertfordshire County Labour Party, thereafter until 2004; Labour Party Parliamentary Candidate for the Bromley and Chislehurst Parliamentary Constituency in 2015 and pushed aside for both the 2017 and 2019 General Elections in that, my 'home' Constituency by devious actions by Labour Party officers: despite, in 2015, moving Labour back into second place and, therefore denying UKIP that position in one of its target seats).

Then this expulsion, by what I see, now, as the 'Weaponisation of Expulsion Without Hearing or Appeal'.

It is this latter weaponisation that marks the end of The Labour Party.

Accordingly, any effort to promote a democratic socialist response to, either, Capitalism or Zionism, will be made the subject of immediate expulsion.

And will, thus, fail.

As a result, The Labour Party will be, by that process, be continuously a supporter Party of Capitalism: with a Primary Focus of supporting all actions that bring about the continuation of a foreign power, The Zionist State of Israel.

I, thus, consider that our way forward, as Democratic and Co-operative Socialists, is clear: the local, unfederated, identitification and support, by local 'Guilds of Co-operators', of Parliamentary Candidates who will call for an immediate Parliamentary Debate on the implementation of the 'Plan for Co-operative Socialism' (as already adopted by Labour Action For Peace, by Occupy London, by Bromley Co-operative Party, by Bromley Peace Council and by the Bromley Trade Union Pensioners' Action Association).

With, once elected, such group of independent MPs sitting as a 'Parliamentary Co-operative Socialist Party Group'.

For the avoidance of co-option, I do not recommend the formation of a federated, etc, such Party in the Country, though, likely, *informal* contacts will, most likely, devolop.

(It will be a sign of co-option should such informal contacts of, and for Solidarity, be proposed to be concretised into formal stuctures: Capitalism and Zionism will aim to do this.)

Thus, from these ashes will #truesocialism emerge.

For #TheCommonGood.

John Courtneidge (Dr), Formerly LP A777179

2 Furzedown


West Sussex

BN17 5NJ

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Future of Education and, thus, of Humanity and This Planet

 The present state of the University's Colleges and Schools is a symptom of the way in which fascism and particularly Nazism has now taken over in the UK.

If I may introduce this through a series of anecdotes from my own life. In 1969. I was blessed to go to the University of Bristol. To study chemistry

Thirty years beforehand my dad had at Saint Agnes Primary School in Woolworths. Passed a scholarship exam and gained a place at Westminster school from where he would have gone to University. However, at that time his parents probably quite rightly said that he should go to a trade school rather than go to Westminster School.

It's a grieving harm to me that that decision probably cost him his life. 40 years 50 years later in 1978 at the age of 57 when I was just about to start my PhD at University College, London. Prior to that. I had been a school teacher in southeast London and North West Kent initially as the chemistry teacher at charterhouse secondary modern school for boys finally as head of chemistry at a co-educational. Comprehensive Elton green In South East London

I left that teaching career partly because I could see that the economy even then a year before the election of Margaret Thatcher's conservative government in 1979 was in serious trouble. This was reinforced by An approach by one of my sixth form students. His dad was a postman. He asked me if he thought it would be sensible for him to go to university. I asked him what he proposed to study. He said Aeronautical Engineering. I said well, why are you asking when certainly your eye level possibilities are good enough to go to university. He said that he had been offered a job by a local engineering firm Mullins, which is now closed which made machinery for making cigarettes. I said to him that if he went to University, he should not think that when he came out they would be a job waiting for him. Remember, this is a year before the Thatcher LED Onslaught upon our economy in the United Kingdom. I also said that if he didn't go to university then he would regret it for the whole of his life. I went off to University College London. He I think went off to University.

Incidentally my very first teaching job at charterhouse secretary modern school for boys. Was to teach chemistry a level two two boys who had successfully got themselves through an O-level pass. Two Start to study a levels that at the school.

When I left that school, they were just about to go off to University Willie and cam both I think went off to study chemistry. Of course, I have lost touch with all of these my previous students and I hope that they are lives thrive. Of course at the moment. In this Nazi conservative State called the United Kingdom. The chances of anyone thriving is to all intents and purposes Neil.

This government has created a catastrophe of worse than biblical proportions.

It was led into this catastrophe. By the imposition of SATs and of the national curriculum in schools by the demolition of

State funding for universities The abolition effectively of adult education

And the Prophet ization of the entire economy This has meant that what were universities are now mono diversities. In other words. They are simply capitalist organizations, which rely upon funding from Industrial in other words capitalist organizations firms.

To fund their research

In addition when I went to Bristol in 1979 1969

My education was part paid for by a student grant. My dad like his parents worked in the print and so my parents were required to pay part of my maintenance costs at Bristol.

But doubtless was the reason why his parents who both worked in the print. I advised him to go to bolt Court trade school just off Fleet Street and then into the print he worked at the financial times in the production side as a Process engraver So what's all this got to do with the state of the mon over settees the colleges and the schools in the UK and in particular our labor campaign for free speech. The simple answer is that fascism Nazism destroys all freedoms. To associate To communicate To protest and propose And in the University Academy this Nazism

Abolishes all-academic rights, too. Freedom of inquiry freedom of publication freedom of speech as to the results found and the freedom to dissent from the popular view, which as we know throughout history has been

Evolved through descent based upon evidence

In the case of my own area of Academic love and inquiry One example of this is the overturning of the theory of phlogiston. Which Theory suggested that when a fuel was burnt. I material called phlogiston. Was released into the atmosphere. The work of Joseph Priestley

Love YCA and others Showed that indeed in combustion as in respiration a material was Combined within the fuel itself from the atmosphere in other words 180 degrees opposite to the phlogiston idea that something was released. That's Change in our understanding led to our modern world through the works of Lavoisier Dolson the 19th century chemists and so on.

It's 20th century equivalent was the area of inquiry called physical organic chemistry.

The foremost proponents of physical organic chemistry were at University College, London. Led by Christopher ingold whose book mechanism in organic chemistry is the basis for the modern world.

Accordingly my PhD means that in as it were. Genetic terms I am the grandson of Christopher ingold. His immediate PhD students included all in Davis with whom I worked until funding for physical organic chemistry came to an end in the 1980s. And I did my PhD with John Bloodworth who himself had done his Ph.D with Alwyn dobis.

Worldwide Government funding for physical organic chemistry Which is the enquiry into the way the entire universe works including the way in which human beings work? Including the way in which wealth is created pollution is created and wealth is distributed was finally brought to an end in the mid-1990s. That meant that I and my fiscal organic chemistry colleagues.

Were unemployed in my case for 22 years.

However The basis of my University education both undergraduate and then post graduate and postdoctoral and then as a temporary lecture at your UCL.

I meant that I was given the joy of developing my sense of analysis critical thinking writing and commentary.

All of those are now dead in the water.

The educational system because it denies freedom of enquiry freedom of publication freedom of teaching freedom of speaking freedom to dissent. Is now not within the academy. The mon over cities have become simply ways in which debt is loaded upon the younger generation. I find it astonishing that they can cope with this burden a burden which is simply produced by the operation of the fractional Reserve banking system within capitalism. And a mechanism by which the entire population of the worked class, not the working class.

Is emitter ated? That immiseration Of course includes every other individual they they the capitalist families themselves or their praetorian guard. In other words the two percent the 10% and us the 88 percent the solution to all of this of course is our plan for Cooperative socialism. Because that plan freeze every individual. To determine their contribution to the common good.

It provides a living income for everyone. So that a true College can be formed not as a catalyst institution, but as self-funded or rather Community funded. Students and teachers

This possibility is undoubtedly the correct solution. I say that because over 25 years. We have tried to engage even what I call the fake left and the hobby protesters in examining this proposal. They will not. Very few Of those in positions of power within the so-called left will even remotely examine this plan for Cooperative socialism. And yet when it is examined it is found even in computer simulations to be the answer

Our labor campaign for free speech Invites all academic individuals being they from the teaching side of the academy professors lecturers readers and so on and students along with their parents families and communities which ultimately are those that bear the burden of the interest-based. Fascism called capitalism To examine this particular proposal for True socialism using the plan for Cooperative socialism. I invite all comments and contributions not in money terms. I I'm entirely self funded at the most modest level. But rather contributions as to how we can achieve this peaceful transition from the barbarity called capitalism into a peaceful world of true Cooperative socialism. Thank you.

The Significance of 19th March 2020

 For those who are not awake to the significance of the 19th March 2020.

Significant as, at least the Legalisation of Usury, and thus of Capitalism, by Henry VIII's 1545 Act 'In Restraint of Usury' and the apocalyptic catastrophe about fifteen thousand years' ago when the global Holocaust called Settled Agriculture, and, thus the Barbarity of Global Theft in the guise of 'Settled Agriculture.

For, on 23rd March 2020, the UK Conservative Capitalist Zionist Satanic Eugenicists' Conspiracy's Nazi Party declared War.

On its own population.

On that Evil Day, the said Nazis waved through their own assault, and victory, in terms of the Corona Virus Act.

*In flagrant, calculated* defiance of *its own announcement* through its own website, that illness, then termed Covid-19, now termed Cov-Sars-2 was being *downgraded* from the 'Highly Infectious' status given to Ebola and other threats.

Because Covid-19 was discovered to be *nowhere near as deadly*, in terms of its mortality threat, than had been suggested by the lunatic 'Professor' Neal Ferguson at That Institution in South Kensington, which we Alumni of University College London speak, with justified disparagement.

That victory, of a Nazi Government, in plain sight, if its Country's population is ongoing.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Our friend Stacey Bluer notes

Our friend Stacey Bluer notes that domestic violence occurs also in 'wealthy' households.

I offered:

Stacey Bluer very many thanks, and again apologies for missing your earlier Comment.

Yes, you are absolutely correct, the data on illness - including all forms of violence - is shown by the evidence in 'The Spirit Level' book to be *a gradient* not a step function.

Thus, although the burden of illness - including domestic violence and rape and murder - bears most heavily upon the lowest-income people, families, groups and communities, income inequality increase, *across all income groups*, the experience of violence, and all forms of illness.

The comment that I heard that is pertinent, is that a pregnant woman in the US, would be better assured against the risk of neonatal mortality by having her delivery in Cuba (where income inequality is less than in the US), than having her confinement anywhere in the US.

I am no fan of Class-based assertions or analysis since they always use step functions ('The Working Class are . . .' etc)  as equally are all #fakepolitics assertions, such as 'All Men Are . . .'.

Or, 'All Jews are . . .' or 'All Muslims are . . .', etc.

My preference is for an evidence-based, needs-based politics.

Hence our Living, Loving Plan for Co-operative Socialism: #truesocialism

I hope that this helps.

Very best wishes,

John Courtneidge ๐Ÿ˜Š

The Guardian murdered Sarah Everard

 'The Guardian of Capitalism and Zionism' reveals its Racist, Generist, Nazi agenda.

 Once again!

 ---------- -----------

 Using this article:

About the boys: Tim Winton on how toxic masculinity is shackling men to misogyny

The article starts with:

   'I don’t have any grand theory about masculinity. But I know a bit about boys. Partly because I’m at the beach and in the water a lot.'

So, 'The Guardian of National Socialism' resorts to the genderist virws of an idiot.

Rather than basing its commentary on evidence.

The evidence (see 'The Spirit Level' book) is that violence is contextually produced: increasing income inequality produces increased levels of violence.

The boys-are bad, girls-are-good Capitalist/Nazi agenda got underway when I was a Comprehensive, Co-educational School in the mid 70's.

Then, it was called 'Positive Discrimination'.

Ie Discrimination.

Against boys.

The solution, income- and economic-equality is already to hand.

It is called the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

If the #fakeleft #hobbyprotesters and #wokeists had had the compasdion to debate the plan for #truesocialism, which is what the plan for Co-operative Socialism produces once implemented, then Sarah Everard would be alive.

She is not.

'The Guardian of Misanthropy' is to blame: its readers likeswise.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Clapham Common

 Clapham Common.

It's where I was born: in the Womens' Hospital, there.

The meta, of course, is that violence and relationship insecurity increase as income inequality increase: see 'The Spirit Level' book for the evidence on that.

The puzzle, then, is why do the #wokes steadfastly ignore our plan for peace-through-equality?

Namely our living, loving plan for Co-operative Socialism #truesocialism

It is because the #fakeleft and the #hobbyprotestors have cold-shouldered our plan - and will not even *mention* it - that tragedies such as this occur.

Yes, time will show that the class aspect of this particular murder has catapulted it into public conciousness.

And the schism that it has caused among Capitalism's Praetorian Guard, the 10%, is the, likely, 'game'-changer that the Nazi element within Capitalism's Praetorian Guard feared.

And which the 2%, the Capitalists, are entirely indifferent towards: 'Collateral Damage'.

Their response has been articulated 'as a joke' by Green Party 'Baroness' Jenny Jones in The House of Lords, when she called for a 6pm curfew on all men.

And by Nazi New Labour II, Police-fan and Mayor, Sadiq Khan, who should be de-elected at the May 2021 London Mayoral Election, whose Mask Virtue Signalling will gain no votes.

As I say, the solution, the plan for true Co-operative Socialism, is to hand.

Will it be heard?


I doubt it.


John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Mothering Sunday, 14th March 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Let's go shopping!

 Let's go shopping:

Our friend, Geoff Horan asks whether I own shares in Wautrise.

I offered:

Thanks: Waitrose, technically, has no owners, even though it's own shop-front at Rustington, yesterday, told us that it is 'owned by all its staff' (I don't think that it used the word 'workers' or even its internal word 'Partners'.

As such, it is something along the lines of a Workers' Co-operative but is rather far from being such.

I shop there, along with Morrison's (and the Co-op when I could: the nearest Co-ops to Littlehampton are a considerable drive away) because it sticks various things that I can't get elsewhere.

If you go in with, both, a list and an iron will, you can come out with the list fulfilled and without a shock at the till.

Yesterday, being a Pension day, I went in with both, but succumbed to buying meat items. Which blew my iron will to bits!

Of course, that's because my Pensioner income is too small: the result of my economic-/income-class and twenty-two years' unemployment. (During which time I had bits and pieces of hand-to-mouth incomes but never a Living Income, let alone that such should include 'building' a Pension Stash.

Of course, our plan for a living, loving plan for Co-operative Socialism provides, first if all, a Living Income for Everyone (a guaranteed, decent LIFE for all), but, also decent, moral workplaces: each operating as an appropriate Co-operative.

Bluntly, my income is such that I don't know whether I will be able to eat at all soon. Economising into penury won't suffice.

Though my Faith in The Lord is so strong that I know that I will.

As will everyone else.

Finally, we have to recognise that Capitalism and the consequential Zionism, Satanism, Child Abduction, Euthanasia, Compulsory Medication, etc have *an absolute hex* on change for the better.

To cite just one relevant example: The National Pensioners' Convention, the NPC, won't even include the words 'Co-operative Socialism' in its Executive Committee minutes.

Let alone actually let its own membership know of its existence and plan.

Ditto the entire Labour and Co-operative 'Movements' and Parties.

Nor their 'Leftist' papers, ragazines, tin-pot organisations and 'Societies'.

Hence my designation of them as the #fakeleft and as them being in the hands of the (well funded by the Capitalists!) #hobbyprotestors

John Courtneidge Littlehampton Saturday  13th March 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021

Capitalism and Climate Change

 Our friend John Osman asked a short time ago whether I thought that Global Warming, aka Climate Change, was caused by Zionism.

The answer is no: nor do I think that it is caused by Capitalism.

Even though both Capitalism and its attack dog, Zionism, make its effects so much more intolerable.

One way of considering a proposition that X is True is to invert it and examine it's opposite: that X is not true.

In this case, the anecdolal, empirical observations that I, as a Canadian, have are that it is is the case that, for Canada and the high Arctic, Climate Change is real: Arctic Ice is now, at best seasonal.

While my experience in Ottawa had been that in the 1990's The Canal was so regularly frozen that skating on it was a regular 'Winterlude' pleasure.

Now, 'Watetlude' had taken its place.

(I hope that someone will find a time series for Ottawa for each day in, say, February, over a long period.)

But, as I say, these are anecdotal, empirical observations.

As to measuring the *net* effect, globally, that's  something for others to wrangle over.

And in that regard, I encourage readers to review Alternative Voices such as Denis Rancourt (externalised Professor at Ottawa U) and much-vilified Piers Corbyn: the most brave man on the planet.

Do, as I said above, one thought approach is to invert the proposed assertion.

Another way is to tip it on its side and then examine the proposal as a spectrum of 'Perhaps Yes, Perhaps No'.

This question as to whether Climate Change had been caused by Capitalism (Ie by recent human activity) is, implicitly, claimed by 'Environmental Activists': the most recent of which is XR.

Now, aways back, when I was a teaching chemist (then as Head of Chemistry at Eltham Green School, a two-thousand plus pupil genuinely Co-ed (mixed gender) genuinely all-ability Comprehensive in South-East London: a marvellous experience!), I recall *exactly* where I heard the word 'Environment': on the top floor, outside two of our Chemistry teaching labs, late in the afternoon, perhaps in September 1977.

Why, at that time, I don't know.

But it was consistent with the evolution of chemical understanding (Under-Standing!): which was the investigation and appreciation of the, comparatively 'weak' chemical forces (chemical bonds) *between* molecules, as the source of subtlety to the stronger forces (bonds) *within* molecules.

As a case in point; the beautiful hydrogen bonds in ice.

On the Rideau Canal in Ottawa, for example.

(As an aside, one of my moments of honour and a Research Chemist, was for one of the Participants at a cross-border Canadian-US Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry to say, after my lecture contribution, "This us great: exactly the sort of thing we want to hear about." That lecture was on my/our studies of the rรดle of the even-weaker force directing chemical change, entropy, in determining the speeds of ultra-fast free radical reactions in liquid solutions.)

So, is Climate Change wholy, largely, partly, a little, not-at-all due to human activity is to Capitalism?

First of all human activity *must*, by virtue of its activity alone change the rest of The Planet (and indeed, The Universe). This is, as best we know it *absolutely mandated* by the Laws of Chemistry, including the Laws of Thermodynamics: the Second, Entropy, Law itself.

Moreover, if we move away from Atmospheric Chemistry to Terrestrial (Ie Land-based) Chemistry and Aquatic (and in a particular example, Marine Chemistry), the *wicked*  influence of Capitalism on 'The Environment' is clear: I cite, respectively, The Tar Sands Abomination in Canada and the M40 Cutting and adjacent mega-Quarry at Chinor in England and examples of Terrestrial Holocausts and the floating islands of plastic waste and of turtles trapped in discarded fishing nets and the near mass extinction of whales 'harvested' for margarine as examples of Marine Holocausts.

Now, back to what my friend Piers Corbyn calls the CO2 'Hockey Stick' diagram.

Whatever maybe the exactitude of the measurements of historical CO2 Levels might be, Climatic variations have been much more subtle than the smooth 'Hockey Stick' diagram.

Just to cite one example: I *love* Gay-Lussac's Law on the ratios of reaction volumes for cases where gases react when mixed.

Accordingly, I have just bought three discarded volumes of chemistry texts (which I'll photograph and share) including s biography of Gay-Lussac.

Therein, I learn that Gay-Lussac's first winter in Paris was so severe that many Parisians left the city for the Countryside.

Where, presumably, they burnt wood to keep warm, clean and well-fed.

Now, burning that short-lived fossil fuel, wood, will have added two things to the atmosphere: CO2 and H2O.

And it's the variation in the later that, in my view as a Chemist (and Denis Rancourt's as a Physicist) that absorbs infra-red radiation (far more than the other waste product, CO2).

But, of course, targeting CO2 has allowed the Eugenicists to proceed with their agenda.

Upon which, more, next.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Zionism and Homelessness

 Our friend, John Osman, asks about the link between Homelessness and Zionism.

I offered:

Thanks, John for asking.

Capitalism creates homelessness.

Zionism is a Capitalist Project which is used as the second or third line if defence to protect Capitalism (the first two being anti-Semitism and the claim that 'The Holocaust' was designed to kill all Jews, uniquely.

More-over, in an aggressive sense, as a complementary tactic to the defensive sense to protect Capitalism, Zionism is used as the attack force to attempt to co-opt 'the opposition': which turns out to be the #fakeleft and #hobbyprotestors anyway.

Flakes that they are: but flakes that control the overwhelming majority of the resources, human, financial, propaganda and positional, such that an honest debate is reduced to mud-slinging and name-calling, as so often see here.

The problem, however, is this:

Observationally, it is clear that the existential fear among the Zionists in Palestine is so great that their Theft of Palestine can only be sustained by massive subventions from  their Zionist supporters outwith Palestine.

When that financial lifeline disappears, the wholesale Anhialation of *all* of the Zionist Jews in Palestine will be accompanied by a torrent, likely of Holocaust proportions against Jewish people world-wide.

It is my One-State, secular Co-operative Socialist proposal for Palestine that is the only way that is on the table to avoid this.

All proposals, such as those from The City of London, via Davos, to continue the hegemony of Capitalism will fail (since all Empires fail).

But, until then (the replacement of Capitalism by #truesocialism - not Marxism! - by implementing the living, loving plan for Co-operative Socialism), homeless in the UK, and elsewhere, will continue.

To the #trueleft 's shame.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Co-opt This, You Parasites!

 If you look at the geography of any Port, certainly those that have grown organically, the pattern is the same.

(I don't have a book about this and will be happy to have this analysis improved.)

So, beside the wharf, there will be warehouses where in ship's loaded are initially stored.

Behind these are further warehouses where provisions for the ships' subsequent journeys are collected prior to enshipment. Usually, it is here that pubs and their associated trades can be found.

Behind that is a market area where the arriving goods are sold: Cheapside in The City of London is still a retailing area.

Finally, rather hidden from view are the money buildings (banks, insurance Companies and the Political institutions that 'maintain' order in all this, with their Libraries, Police Stations and Courts) are found.

Typically, ship repair yards and Prisons are on the opposite side of the river, if the port is, like the City if London on a tidal river, or, as in the cases of, say, Montreal, Toronto and elsewhere, some way away from the centre of the port.

Now, why am I pecking this out?

Firstly, because patterns of human activity evolve in recognisable patterns: a trivial observation.

Secondly, because to all appearances, a Port is viewed at the water's edge, gradually backwards and, then to the zone of avarice: the markets in sex and things.

But the real action is going on behind all that: in the money buildings: which the Capitalist Conspirators now call 'Financial Services' and the Scriveners and Professional, 'Career' Politicians and Place-men call 'Legal Services'.

Nowadays, such Parasites operate in plain view.

They, even, feign to publish books like 'The Great Reset' and 'Stakeholder Capitalism' in attempts to give the appearance of operating 'For The Common Good'.

But just consider the fatuous nonsense if the term that they will co-opt, once this short essay is published:

   'Capitalism For The Common Good.'

Ha! And this:


As an example of the Parasites already twisting on the gibbet, this: