Sunday, March 14, 2021

Clapham Common

 Clapham Common.

It's where I was born: in the Womens' Hospital, there.

The meta, of course, is that violence and relationship insecurity increase as income inequality increase: see 'The Spirit Level' book for the evidence on that.

The puzzle, then, is why do the #wokes steadfastly ignore our plan for peace-through-equality?

Namely our living, loving plan for Co-operative Socialism #truesocialism

It is because the #fakeleft and the #hobbyprotestors have cold-shouldered our plan - and will not even *mention* it - that tragedies such as this occur.

Yes, time will show that the class aspect of this particular murder has catapulted it into public conciousness.

And the schism that it has caused among Capitalism's Praetorian Guard, the 10%, is the, likely, 'game'-changer that the Nazi element within Capitalism's Praetorian Guard feared.

And which the 2%, the Capitalists, are entirely indifferent towards: 'Collateral Damage'.

Their response has been articulated 'as a joke' by Green Party 'Baroness' Jenny Jones in The House of Lords, when she called for a 6pm curfew on all men.

And by Nazi New Labour II, Police-fan and Mayor, Sadiq Khan, who should be de-elected at the May 2021 London Mayoral Election, whose Mask Virtue Signalling will gain no votes.

As I say, the solution, the plan for true Co-operative Socialism, is to hand.

Will it be heard?


I doubt it.


John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Mothering Sunday, 14th March 2021

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