Monday, March 29, 2021

Neither Capitalism or As-experienced Marxism

 Our friend, Mark Eyre noted that both Capitalism and Soviet Communism fail due to increasing inequality.

I offered:


My criticism of capitalism is mechanistic, not based on a vilification of individuals, families or groups.

As you say, as-experienced Marxism, like Capitalism, has an inbuilt mechanism that *increases* power inequality. In the former it is State Power, in the latter, usury.

Thus, the plan for Co-operative Socialism is designed to continuously return societies that adopt it to socially-determined levels of income-equality and power-equality.

Of course, all of those in such societies need to be aware of this *necessary* control mechanism.

Hence, accordingly, the need for *Annual* Co-operative Audits in order to review (and celebrate!) successes.

And to prioritise deficiencies accordingly identified, for action in subsequent years.

Ordinately, *individuals* need to prioritise care rather than accumulation.

Just as is happening now.

So, I'm not so much hopeful.

But, rather, optimistic.

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