Saturday, October 2, 2021

Solidarity as the Basis of a Healthy Society

I consider that solidarity the basis of a sociable, healthy society.

And of sociable, healthy families and individuals.

Perhaps it's worthwhile pointing out that in, I think, 'The Spirit Level' book, that my friends Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point to an observation of Alexis de Toqueville that, in Eighteenth Century America, there was unity of intention (solidarity) due to equality of experience (economic condition).

This, then, is the basis on which the plan for Co-operative Socialism is built: that none should have too much and none should have too little.

Hence the income aspects:

A Living Income for Everyone as a base,

A maximised 'Community-provided, Free-at-the-point-of-use' Solidarity Economy ie Socialist Economy, and,

A Paid Work Income Cap: all three Socially-determined.

Of course, the equity (fairness) aspect is covered by abolishing all three forms of unearnt incomes (four if we abolish 'perks' as well), namely the abolition of Rent, Interest and Profits.

I hope that all lovers of, and promoters of, The Freedom to Contribute and to Thrive, will see the sense in this.

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