Monday, October 11, 2021

The Peoples' Peaceful Rebellion

 The Peoples' Peaceful Rebellion

No! to Their Neo-Capitalist New World Order!

No! to The Old World Order!


The rape, sexual abuse, sacrifice and organ harvesting of babies and children was endemic,

Where the forced medical assault on babies, children and adults, including Genital Mutilation of babies, the forced feminisation of boys was rife,

Where "Unemployment was A Price Worth Paying"

Where money stress, debt, worry and domestic arguments and abuse were endemic,

Where divorce, disharmony among parents was encouraged, resulting in single-parenting of babies, infants, children, teenagers and young adults, all to their detriment

Where paid-work was, when permitted, was drudgery, danger, worry, boredom, and despair,

And where 'care' of the elderly, frail, injured, ill and discarded to homelessness was an opportunity for profit, capitalism and accumulation,

Where trashing the planet was fatuously described as 'Wealth Creation' and 'Jobs Creation'

Where God's Creation, the Commonweal, and Community-owned and Paid-for assets were stolen, sold and Profit-ised ('Privatised', 'Pirate-ised') to the Capitalist, Oligarchs Parasites,

Including Our Socialist NHS, Our Schools, Colleges, Universities, Adult, Continuing and Re-create-ional Education was replaced by Compliance-demanded, Hierarchical Training,

To the Coarsening and Corruption of all Human Relationships: Personal, Familial, Social and Community, Inter-generational, Inter-national and Global,

Where decadence, dissolution, despair, loneliness resulted in rape, pornograhy-as-endemic, drunkeness, drug-dealing,

And Covid-19.

Yes! to Our Democratic and Co-operative Socialist, global caring Commonweal!

For, and of, Peace, Order and The Common Good!


Fear of hunger, homelessness, boredom, assault, rape, sacrifice, loneliness, sexual-exploitation, rejection and Enforced Celibacy disappear,

Where human needs are provided to all, without application, charity or compulsory assessment on a Co-operative Socialist basis: Community provided, Free-at-the-point of use!

Anyone for that?

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