Co-operative socialism and land issues co-operative socialism abolishes the ownership of economic resources and replaces our relationship as humans with economic resources including land air sea electromagnetic radiation frequencies, etc, etc. with agreements for Co-operative care ship
these agreements are designed to ensure that remediation of land is carried out on a co-op basis. It's one step on from the idea of a fully repairing lease in such place.
The lessee's agree to hand back the resource in As good Estate as they went into the lease.
in an agreement with the community for Co-operative careship of land the idea is that the people who agree to care for that land resource decide and agree to improve the land and at the end of there? Use for the common. Good of that land resource the land is in better shape fertility. Etc than when they went into the agreement for Co-operative care ship.
For those of us. Who approached these matters in a religious or spiritual sense?
We are talking about pan n theism. not pantheism which is the idea that everything is God but rather that God is present within everything.
if we take control of an Economic Resource and use it for our own purposes or that of our family or particular group even if it is a co-operative. then selection implies
removal from attachment as part of the whole.
in co-operative care ship the idea is that the co-operators and it could be a single cooperator decide to adopt and implement the plan for Co-operative socialism including the Co-operative values and principles from the international co-operative Alliance as their principles and values by which they will care for the resource.
this applies as much to physical land the air the seas and Waterways electromagnetic radiation and also to what I might call frozen land. In other words buildings tools equipment anything where land based resources have had value added to them in order to help human beings live full healthy and happy lives. Which leads us to the question of wealth creation and also workplace organisation that's the next topic.
workplace issues in co-operative socialism
in capitalism work is simply a demand upon the lives of people to provide for the capitalist maximum return in the shortest possible time.
this creates immense inequality which means that everyone the manager's the capitalists the workers unemployed the retired children infants babies teenagers students everyone suffers
So in co-operative socialism every workplace is reassigned to a cooperative structure one of four possibilities in the social economy. Wear a market using money still exists for as long as money is used by people. The two co-operative workplace forms are either monopolies. Which are organised as community cooperatives? And market based social economy Enterprises which are organised as individual worker cooperatives.
the common Bond to all of this are the Co-operative values and principles that are contained in the Statement on the Co-operative identity from the international co-operative Alliance which co-operators worldwide refresh every 30 or so years as they are doing at the present time.
co-operative socialism and income issues
at present within capitalism most people be 88% received their incomes in the form of payment for work. Or benefits social assistance from the community.
the latter includes pensioners Who very often have a community or state provided pension along with a workplace pension? The income of which is due to the work of the current employees along with rent interest and profits which are included in the pension pot from Investments so-called bye. the trustees for the pension
in co-operative socialism people's incomes
are dramatically reduced because the majority of their needs are met on a socialist basis community provided and free at the point of use so for example. At present public libraries are community provided and therefore are free at the point of use. at least win the local authorities which fund their public libraries are fully committed to a life Learning Community
since rent interest and profits along with taxation of income and taxation of purchases are abolished in the plan for Co-operative socialism. People's need for money is dramatically reduced.
The spirit level book tells us that a much reduced income distribution is good for everyone in a society. People live longer healthier and happier lives their families drive their communities are welcoming and happy when the income distribution within them is dramatically reduced. Accordingly the plan for Co-operative socialism ensures that no one has too much and no one has to little.
The basis for income for everyone is a guaranteed liveable income for everyone a life. Such that the community decides through a reformed second chamber nationally the House of Lords what money level of guaranteed living income is sensible for people to live a decent life. Some people will decide that that's all the income that they need they could therefore be full-time carers in homes carers in the community students retired people enjoying a well-earned rest and so on.
Some people will decide that they need to be paid and in addition to receiving their living income or they might even decide to not take their living income from the community but simply decide to have a paintwork income.
There needs therefore to be a social determination of what that maximum paperwork income is to be either as a multiplier of the level of the Living income for everyone. or as I
money denominated maximum
either way the second chamber a reformed House of Lords reformed on a random ocracy basis will annually decide a recommendation as to the money level of the Living income for everyone and that maximum working come and make an annual recommendation to the sovereign House the House of Commons both of which will be organised on a one member per parliamentary constituency in the House of Commons case and elected.
In the second house a reformed House of Lords a person chosen by lot to effectively operate a people's jury in the second house and retiring after a third three-year course.
it may be the case that Society decides that an all out and all in second chamber pop kitchen is a good idea or Retiring by 1/3 experience will tell us which is the better way.
Finally since the majority of human needs and to an extent human once are provided free at the point of use by the community on a genuinely co-operative socialist basis in the end money and its equivalence will simply disappear. Society will decide that we are ready to live in a state of love and friendship and not use money as a present as a whip on people's back and some form of analysis as to whose contribution is which in that better state. We will even be closer to the King of Heaven the Jesus speaks of
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