It's noteworthy that, before this Shit Show, 'Social Credit' referred to the followers of Major CH Douglas. Even to the extent that, in 'Texas in The North', Alberta, Canada, had a SocRed government led by 'Bible Bill' Aberhardt.
Their platform was, and is, based on Douglas' 'A + B' Theorem.
After some digging, it seems that the SocReds (who are also active in New Zealand and were/are right Royal Pain here in the UK: to the Political 'Right' of even the Thatcherite Tories) is that Rent and Interest are Evil but that Profits and Salries/Perks/Unequal Pay for work are pure Christianity (which they are not).
A typical SocRed-er would be typified as a dogmatic, evangelical ex-RAF supporter of Ian Smith's UDI Rhodesia.
Their particular bête noir is, with every justification, Fractional Reserve Banking, whereby 'The Banks' create (and control) the money supply as interst-bearing debt.
And, hence the 'Positive Money' crowd.
They hate the fact that 'The Banksters' create their stock-in-trade, interest-bearing 'loans'/debt out of nothing whereas they, the 'honest entrepreneur/business-men' have to go cap-in-hand to The Wholesalers in order to get 'Credit' for their stocks-in-trade.
Usually/often by pledging their family homes as collateral (which, periodically, The Banksters sieze as 'Credit becomes short') hence the 'Bank Victims' cries for 'justice'.
The Social Crediters in the UK have deep connections into, and on behalf of, they think, 'The Establishment'.
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