Friday, August 25, 2023

A Call To All Christians

 From John Courtneidge

Discussion Proposal for a CCMJ Public Declaration: for debate on Monday 4th September 2023 at Victoria Station Wetherspoons 3-7pm.


From The Christian Council for Monetary Justice (CCMJ, founded in 1960).

CCMJ recognises that Capitalism - and Marxism - are inconsistent with both The Spirit of Christ and all the Teachings of Jesus: since they, both, rely on Theft (of God's Creation) and Usury (of People, Planet, our co-inhabitants and of God's Love and Wisdom: provided by Him, for all).


1) The Christian Council for Monetary Justice (CCMJ, therefore calls all Christians to repudiate Capitalism, Marxism and all other forms of Authoritarian, Hierarchical forms of Satanism. 

2) CCMJ, also invites all Christians and Christian organisations, Churches, Religious Societies, etc, to promote an examination of the plan and democratic process called Co-operative Socialism (ie, #truesocialism) as already adopted by Labour Action for Peace, Occupy London, Bromley Peace Council, Bromley Trade Union Pensioners' Action Association and the Bromley Co-operative Party Branch.

3) With a view to Democratic Parliamentary Implementation and Annual Celebration Review of this process and plan.

So that none shall have too little, and none shall have too much.

In, and for, His Holy Name.

Web references: (see the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism) (a work in progress)

Proposed: John Courtneidge 25 August 2023

Text to +44 07950996418


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Climate Change (aka Weather)

 A on Climate Change (ie Weather) reading Piers Corbyn.

BThe Conspiracy is to convince us that there is no Conspiracy (Cons-piracy): see Gary Allen, Robin Ramsey etc

C 'The Environment' was dreamed up in about 1977 when I was Head of Chemistry at Eltham Green School, just prior to me starting and the completing my PhD, as a Mechanistic Physical Organic Chemist, at UCL. I can take any-one to the exact spot on the top floor at Eltham Green where I first heard this term, 'The Environment.'

D 'The Environment' was, in my considered view, invented by The Conspirators (probably the Jesuits on behalf of The Thirteen Roman Families: see Dr John Coleman's book, 'Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300') in order to divert young, passionate people from becoming #truesocialists.


Friday, August 18, 2023

And now!

 Calling all Parliamentary Candidates who are Independent Democratic and Co-operative Socialists: 

 . . . . Networked: not Hierarchically-controlled. 

Not A New Party!

We will be launching this Grass-routes activity on the First Saturday in October: 

 . . . . when our Progressive Bromley Film Co-op will be publiclly-launch this opportunity. 

At our viewing of the 'Jeremy Corbyn Big Lie' film.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Central Planning or a Co-operative Commonweal?


Central Planning is a Marx-exist and Capitalist concept: both very #woke

Co-operative Planning is Member Co-operator-led: in conformity with the ICA Statement (a copy of which is at the present-day Co-operative Capitalist 'Movement-not' is not in compliance with this decentralised model.

In a useful Nineteenth-century book (that can now be word-searched as Google book), there is no mention of centralised planning in the Chapter on 'The State':

'The Co-operative Commonwealth: An Exposition of Modern Socialism'

Book by Laurence Gronlund


A second useful resource is the following excellent paper, from which I've extracted the following sections:

    'Economic planning could be done as it was done in the past, not by governments but by free associations of people, come together to meet their needs.'

    'Production for use entered the U. S. political scene once. The muckraking journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair made it the centerpiece of his 1934 End Poverty In California gubernatorial campaign. In the middle of the Great Depression, his plan was to put idled factories together with unemployed workers and farmers finding it difficult to find buyers for their crops in a statewide production for use network tied together by its own medium of exchange. Receipts given to farmers for their produce, or tool makers for their time on the factory line, would be exchangeable at any store or factory in the system. The proposal got around the prohibition against states issuing their own currency by not being universally exchangeable- "for all debts, public and private". Even though a Sinclair administration would accept them in payment of taxes, it was not currency because it wasn’t a medium of exchange outside the network.18 We will never know if Sinclair’s E.P.I.C. plan would have worked. The powers that be were terrified of Sinclair’s campaign and mounted the first ever coordinated, dark money, misinformation through the mass media, campaign against him. Abandoned by FDR and the national Democratic Party, whose candidate he was, Sinclair was defeated.19

I hope, therefore, that everyone here supports the replacement of Marxism and Capitalism by Co-operative Socialism.

If not, I, even, alone will do so:

In and for His Holy Name.

For happiness through equality,

Vbw, 2&4 all, in All,


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Some Questions Considered

The following are responses to some questions posed:

Dear Rodney,

Thank-you for your questions. I offer comments at the pointers ^j below.

Before I do so, the point is that the plan for Co-operative Socialism abolishes or reverses all aspects of Capitalism, such that, eventually the use of money (and thus its creation) will fade away into history: as unecessary in a world operating upon values of love, care and voluntary co-operation.


1. (Because you say it is nonsense to have debt or interest) you are presumably proposing debt-free issuance i.e.'printed money' jissued without repayment.

^j yes: how can The Commnity owe The Community debts or deplete itself by paying itself interest?

Yes, Community-created money: just as ina LETS scheme, but as, as it were, a Nation-wide LETS Scheme.

But the questions still remain and you (who are fully aware of the relevance of the questions) should answer them.

  • To whom is the debt-free money issued?
  • Why?
  • And (roughly) in what amounts?
j^ Sufficient Sterling presently exists and, since 'The Annual Increase in The Money Supply' occurs in order to pay the interest on the Already-existing Money Supply, little or no additional money will be needed.
Remember that the plan abolishes interest: either in money creation or use: ie Usury is Abolished.
Why? Because Co-operative Care is the motor of a Co-operative Socialism: with Co-operative-production (ie Social Production) to that end.
As to income amounts, the Money Income per person is, it is proposed be a Living Income fir Everyone as a guaranteed, not mean/s-tested Welfare 'Benefit', U/BI-for Social Control etc, along with Paid-work income for those that wish additional payment for work: up to a paid-work Maximum. The process part of the plan envisages that both £-amounts of the LIFE and the Paid-work Income be Socially-determined thought the two Houses of Parliament.

Debt-free issuance (e.g. for a basic income for everybody) is not related in any way to the actual production of wealth and so would create a massive hyper-inflation (e.g., 'banana republics' or Weimar). The prospect terrifies people.

And, don't forget, the World Economic Forum says that the vast majority of people will soon be without work. The WEF -- cunning blighters -- solves the problem by proposing a tiny basic income (from taxation) and, of course, at the same time, a reduction in the number of the 'useless people' (that is the description used by the WEF) probably to around 7% of the present population total.

j^ yes the WEF has tried to co-opt our plan (and I can explain how they, most likely did so) and, because it is a Satanic Organisation, it has the population elimination target that you describe: Covid was just its limbering-up exercise.

In practice, large-scale debt-free issuance is not only highly infationary but also increases capital concentration in the hands of the rich -- see the history of most South American countries which have wide rich-poor division and high inflation.

j^ Only if the rest of Capitalism is left in place: crucially the Theft-Greed-Accumulation-Usury mechanism (which Eisenhauer termed 'The Military-Industrial Complex').

2. You also appear to say there will be interest-free (repayable) money for co-operatives. Is that right?

j^ Since all workplaces will be appropriate Co-operatives and all need, until the use of money withers away, yes: all workplaces with need Working Capital, Interest-free to avoid, ultimately, soil-fertility-depletion. Solidarity Economy Co-operatives of both types (Community Co-operatives in the Monopoly Sector of the economy and Worker Co-operatives in the Diversity-of-Provision Sector of the economy) will not have the income to repay its Working Capital income, while the two types of Co-operatives in the Co-operative Social Economy (Monopoly as Community Co-operatives and Worker Co-operatives in the Diversity of Provision, 'Market' Sector of the economy) will return their Financial Surpluses into 'The Common Purse' for subsequent distribution and use.

3. I am very interested in your view of the Mondragon region in Spain and its co-operatives. They have expanded; give ownership to ordinary people and have low chief executive/worker salary ratios (which you, commendably, have always identified as a key issue,)

They are ideal for interest-free money because the overall effect would be to spread ownership to ordinary people.. Anything wrong with that

j^ the Mondragon experiment is worth discussing. As they say, apparently, 'They build the road as they go along.'

As do we. In a Socially-, Personally-, Family, Ecologically-Beneficial Co-operative Way.

This is why CCMJ should, benefically and, thus, In Christ, adopt and promote the plan and process for Co-operative Socialism to implementation and annual review.

I so move.


Ps knowing about Upton Sinclair and EPIC is also worth knowing about. I can offer the YouTube video link.