Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Central Planning or a Co-operative Commonweal?


Central Planning is a Marx-exist and Capitalist concept: both very #woke

Co-operative Planning is Member Co-operator-led: in conformity with the ICA Statement (a copy of which is at the present-day Co-operative Capitalist 'Movement-not' is not in compliance with this decentralised model.

In a useful Nineteenth-century book (that can now be word-searched as Google book), there is no mention of centralised planning in the Chapter on 'The State':

'The Co-operative Commonwealth: An Exposition of Modern Socialism'

Book by Laurence Gronlund


A second useful resource is the following excellent paper, from which I've extracted the following sections:

    'Economic planning could be done as it was done in the past, not by governments but by free associations of people, come together to meet their needs.'

    'Production for use entered the U. S. political scene once. The muckraking journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair made it the centerpiece of his 1934 End Poverty In California gubernatorial campaign. In the middle of the Great Depression, his plan was to put idled factories together with unemployed workers and farmers finding it difficult to find buyers for their crops in a statewide production for use network tied together by its own medium of exchange. Receipts given to farmers for their produce, or tool makers for their time on the factory line, would be exchangeable at any store or factory in the system. The proposal got around the prohibition against states issuing their own currency by not being universally exchangeable- "for all debts, public and private". Even though a Sinclair administration would accept them in payment of taxes, it was not currency because it wasn’t a medium of exchange outside the network.18 We will never know if Sinclair’s E.P.I.C. plan would have worked. The powers that be were terrified of Sinclair’s campaign and mounted the first ever coordinated, dark money, misinformation through the mass media, campaign against him. Abandoned by FDR and the national Democratic Party, whose candidate he was, Sinclair was defeated.19

I hope, therefore, that everyone here supports the replacement of Marxism and Capitalism by Co-operative Socialism.

If not, I, even, alone will do so:

In and for His Holy Name.

For happiness through equality,

Vbw, 2&4 all, in All,


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