A on Climate Change (ie Weather) reading Piers Corbyn.
BThe Conspiracy is to convince us that there is no Conspiracy (Cons-piracy): see Gary Allen, Robin Ramsey etc
C 'The Environment' was dreamed up in about 1977 when I was Head of Chemistry at Eltham Green School, just prior to me starting and the completing my PhD, as a Mechanistic Physical Organic Chemist, at UCL. I can take any-one to the exact spot on the top floor at Eltham Green where I first heard this term, 'The Environment.'
D 'The Environment' was, in my considered view, invented by The Conspirators (probably the Jesuits on behalf of The Thirteen Roman Families: see Dr John Coleman's book, 'Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300') in order to divert young, passionate people from becoming #truesocialists.
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